COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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We won’t know that for quite a bit of time. Flu kills a lot of elderly but with a flu jab it protects a lot of people at the moment coronavirus is ten times more contagious with no vaccine.

Seems once the elderly get to now we know enough to treat it with the right medication also seem they try to keep them of ventilators for as long as possible that helps or maybe the coronavirus is not as strong as before?!

One thing though we still need to learn a lot more about this virus.
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Does anyone know how this can be happening? I thought care homes were almost impregnable now?
Only 2 ways in for the virus, residents returning from hospital and staff. Given a lot of the staff are likely to be in the high transmission age group there will always be outbreaks until 5 min tests are available and used at the start of each shift.
The media reporting that the UK government plan to target lock down shielding via letters from GPs to 4.5 million vulnerable people with individual risk assessments based on age, sex. weight and underlying conditions.

Sounds good in theory but have they told the GPs?
Didn't you say you were going on a short break this week, i have heard you say you still go out to restaurants, you were filming around a table with other football guys for 888 not too long ago. You have your channel sponsors, patreons don't you? what's so hard for you personally compared to the vulnerable? oh and here's a alternative for you, the 1st vaccines will hopefully be ready in next month to 3 months, why not have some stricter lockdown measures without going full lockdown until the new year? if that doesn't come to pass then revise again. It will save some of the lives you think we should just accept and maybe then you can go out to more restaurants and have more short breaks. I hate that i am arguing with you and realise it might be my depression and constant worry about the situation that may make me harsh but ffs mate people are dying and people are moaning about get back to normal.

You're making this about me mate. This really isn't about me, and I'm not moaning at all. Far from it. I've accepted my personal situation is fine and a lot better than most. If you reread my posts today, I've not said its hard for me at all during any of these posts have I? I can see why you're interpreting my posts that way as I do admit I've had a good moan about this taking its toll on my mentally in previous months (though I think we're all entitled to miss family). Either way, I promise you, this really isn't about me in this instance. I genuinely do feel for others and I am scared of the ensuing mass redundancies that are incoming and I think the government is making an absolute hash of it and the local lockdowns are only make things worse.

It's honestly as simple as that from my perspective. It's about others. I promise you. I can totally get where you're coming from btw, and I can't stress enough how much I feel for you. I can't begin to imagine how tiring it has been, so I'm sorry. Sincerely. I guess my view is a more cynical one based on the idea that I sadly don't actually think the vaccines will be ready in three months either, and even if they are the uptake will be so minuscule initially that it'll barely make a dent in it all. Worth nothing that of course I hope they will be. Think we've got mid next year at best for something viable. I don't think locking down for over a year and a half is viable without a societal break down of sorts.

Also, just to clarify, I think we should just carry on as we are. Still rules in place, still social distancing etc. I think the changing of the rules right now is unnecessary, as are most of the local lockdowns as I don't think they achieve anything at all in terms of spread. Those who are ignoring them in the first place are gonna ignore them anyway, and all it'll do is just ruin businesses.
You're making this about me mate. This really isn't about me, and I'm not moaning at all. Far from it. I've accepted my personal situation is fine and a lot better than most. If you reread my posts today, I've not said its hard for me at all during any of these posts have I? I can see why you're interpreting my posts that way as I do admit I've had a good moan about this taking its toll on my mentally in previous months (though I think we're all entitled to miss family). Either way, I promise you, this really isn't about me in this instance. I genuinely do feel for others and I am scared of the ensuing mass redundancies that are incoming and I think the government is making an absolute hash of it and the local lockdowns are only make things worse.

It's honestly as simple as that from my perspective. It's about others. I promise you. I can totally get where you're coming from btw, and I can't stress enough how much I feel for you. I can't begin to imagine how tiring it has been, so I'm sorry. Sincerely. I guess my view is a more cynical one based on the idea that I sadly don't actually think the vaccines will be ready in three months either, and even if they are the uptake will be so minuscule initially that it'll barely make a dent in it all. Worth nothing that of course I hope they will be. Think we've got mid next year at best for something viable. I don't think locking down for over a year and a half is viable without a societal break down of sorts.

Also, just to clarify, I think we should just carry on as we are. Still rules in place, still social distancing etc. I think the changing of the rules right now is unnecessary, as are most of the local lockdowns as I don't think they achieve anything at all in terms of spread. Those who are ignoring them in the first place are gonna ignore them anyway, and all it'll do is just ruin businesses.
I am talking about your opinion so of course it's about you. I thank you for your concerns and i know you genuinely feel them but you say that locking down for 18mths is not viable but that is exactly what the vulnerable will have to do so in essence what you are saying is that it is not viable for the non vulnerable, who can already go pubs, restaurants, etc. People seem more worried for those less affected than they are for those who are more affected. Times we live in.
Anyone understand the science in this paper enough to comment.

Someone says it infers that Covid will become endemic as in effect just a version of a cold and not much more dangerous.

Looks improbable but not impossible.

I know the T cell discussion suggests there is a path toward relative immunity here but basically Covid becomes a bad cold?

Do they have any real evidence here?

It is research that has written up by many different sources,promising I would say
The media reporting that the UK government plan to target lock down shielding via letters from GPs to 4.5 million vulnerable people with individual risk assessments based on age, sex. weight and underlying conditions.

Sounds good in theory but have they told the GPs?
Easy for most,it is key words in and up you pop
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