COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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I'm no denier. However, I really can't deny that my view has started to shift recently as the deaths have plummeted. It's been really encouraging to see it going down. Cases are going up, yep, and there has been a slight uptick in hospitalisations, but it's still absolutely marginal from where we were months ago, and it's so low that if it arrived now we'd not even notice largely.
I have a realtive that works at a Tameside hospital, in the "first wave" they only had one ward for covid, they now have two, and both full apparently, and so might shortly need a third, I think this should be of great concern to those in Tameside, especially those who work in the hospital, because they are more vulnerable than those walking the streets.
It was facile post, but deliberately so. There were fewer than 20 deaths from Covid today in the UK, but that gets lost amidst the journalistic hysteria. Doing nothing on Covid would indeed be stupid in the extreme, but we have to have a semblance of risk / threat - otherwise we'd all be living in concrete clad nuclear-style bunkers, not venturing further than our own doorstep.

Deaths with covid, not from it. It could well be anyone caught up in a car accident who didn't even have symptoms.
The high school, which my own school feeds into, called us on Friday. They had sent 12 classes home. That's nearly 300 kids. So hundreds of parents now off work for 14 days. The kids could return in a fortnight, get another case and the same classes go home. And so it continues. We had 3 staff off by day 2 because their own children had been sent home. Said it earlier in this thread, a huge decision is imminent because education and the economy cannot operate under current restrictions. We either have the restrictions and accept the education of the children will be hammered and that people will be toing and froing from work / isolation (and all the inherent cost - financial and human) or we accept an element of risk and reduce the restrictions. We can't have both.
What you say is true - it's a straight choice between a dying economy or dying people, but political suicide for any govt to admit it. We actually risk getting both at present.
It was facile post, but deliberately so. There were fewer than 20 deaths from Covid today in the UK, but that gets lost amidst the journalistic hysteria. Doing nothing on Covid would indeed be stupid in the extreme, but we have to have a semblance of risk / threat - otherwise we'd all be living in concrete clad nuclear-style bunkers, not venturing further than our own doorstep.

Yeah but the story you tell about the high school sending kids home - the press had an hysterical reaction to getting kids back in school - when what you describe as happening now was suggested as the likely outcome the press responded with an attack on "militant" unions and lazy cunts who just want to stay at home ( although many were working at home ) - so you somehow get people back in offices if you bear in mind that school experience what do you think will be the outcome?

I was working in a 10 floor office block in Gateshead. Max 2 to a lift on return will take ages to get people to the right floor. They all share the same lift. One person tests positive. How many go home for 14 days? Them? Their office? Their floor including offices they don't work in but share lift and toilet facilities? Or all 10 floors on the same basis?
The media reporting that the UK government plan to target lock down shielding via letters from GPs to 4.5 million vulnerable people with individual risk assessments based on age, sex. weight and underlying conditions.

Sounds good in theory but have they told the GPs?
My GP wouldn't have a clue in my case (I'm 58), I've not visited for 5 years, and it was nigh on impossible to get an appointment in 2019.

Now they have virtual razor wire around the place, and it's nigh on impossible to even phone them, I logged on to their website 3 weeks ago to "join", and I'm still waiting for an email to allow me to ask a question of a nurse (minor non covid issue).
Yeah but the story you tell about the high school sending kids home - the press had an hysterical reaction to getting kids back in school - when what you describe as happening now was suggested as the likely outcome the press responded with an attack on "militant" unions and lazy cunts who just want to stay at home ( although many were working at home ) - so you somehow get people back in offices if you bear in mind that school experience what do you think will be the outcome?

I was working in a 10 floor office block in Gateshead. Max 2 to a lift on return will take ages to get people to the right floor. They all share the same lift. One person tests positive. How many go home for 14 days? Them? Their office? Their floor including offices they don't work in but share lift and toilet facilities? Or all 10 floors on the same basis?
I think it's the within 2m for 15 mins rule for who else has to isolate. I suppose the answer for your office block and many like it is for all but the disabled to use the stairs?
If you watch Dr John Campbell's video from today he talks about a German study which is showing that difference between case numbers and deaths is growing wider and that the death rates of the groups most at risk has fallen considerably over the past couple of months despite the increased number of cases. He believes this is good news, I suppose that we shall see if this study bears out over here in about three weeks.
If you watch Dr John Campbell's video from today he talks about a German study which is showing that difference between case numbers and deaths is growing wider and that the death rates of the groups most at risk has fallen considerably over the past couple of months despite the increased number of cases. He believes this is good news, I suppose that we shall see if this study bears out over here in about three weeks.

Have you got a link mate?
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