COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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UK death stats (non Covid).
19 people will have died from suicide today.
450 will have died from cancer
6 will have been killed on the road
2 murdered
I propose therefore that we:
Ban the sale of each and every single object that could feasibly be used to end one's life
Ban the sale of each and every carcinogenic product
Close all the roads
Sorry, can't think how we'll prevent murder.
UK death stats (non Covid).
19 people will have died from suicide today.
450 will have died from cancer
6 will have been killed on the road
2 murdered
I propose therefore that we:
Ban the sale of each and every single object that could feasibly be used to end one's life
Ban the sale of each and every carcinogenic product
Close all the roads
Sorry, can't think how we'll prevent murder.

Ok boomer
UK death stats (non Covid).
19 people will have died from suicide today.
450 will have died from cancer
6 will have been killed on the road
2 murdered
I propose therefore that we:
Ban the sale of each and every single object that could feasibly be used to end one's life
Ban the sale of each and every carcinogenic product
Close all the roads
Sorry, can't think how we'll prevent murder.

Is it weakening or getting to a stage we can treat it so much better? Could be really decisive this next month if cases stay or rise and deaths stay stable? I am getting more hopeful. The vaccine will hopefully be here pre Xmas and with all due respect 10 people a day dieing of it does not justify the mental anguish it is causing to so many. I think things will be a lot clearer by the end of the year as to where this is heading. Been an absolutely wank year.
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Any deaths from telegraphing lockdown is and always has been on boris or cummings ,the tills might be full but that is not worth a life

Police have shut down a series of illegal parties overnight as people enjoyed a final weekend of revelry before tougher coronavirus restrictions come into force

The only people to blame for the subsequent deaths, are the gormless twats attending these parties. We're a nation of idiots.
UK death stats (non Covid).
19 people will have died from suicide today.
450 will have died from cancer
6 will have been killed on the road
2 murdered
I propose therefore that we:
Ban the sale of each and every single object that could feasibly be used to end one's life
Ban the sale of each and every carcinogenic product
Close all the roads
Sorry, can't think how we'll prevent murder.

None of those are contagious and can extrapolate exponentially in numbers.
UK death stats (non Covid).
19 people will have died from suicide today.
450 will have died from cancer
6 will have been killed on the road
2 murdered
I propose therefore that we:
Ban the sale of each and every single object that could feasibly be used to end one's life
Ban the sale of each and every carcinogenic product
Close all the roads
Sorry, can't think how we'll prevent murder.

what a silly post.

You can't catch suicide from someone else. You don't get cancer from somebody else's breath. Road deaths are accidents not disease led. Murder isn't contracted by the deceased from someone else.

Mental health services ( albeit stretched financially ) - hospitals and cancer research combat cancer - various road safety strategies and improvements in road safety combat road death and we have the Police to try and keep people from being murdered.

We therefore do what we can to lessen the impact from Covid 19 - in all cases its how you adapt to live with a threat and tackle it to reduce the threat as much as you can - doing nothing on Covid prevention would be stupid in the extreme.
Is it weakening or getting to a stage we can treat it so much better? Could be really decisive this next month if cases stay or rise and deaths stay stable? I am getting more hopeful. The vaccine will hopefully be here pre Xmas and with all due respect 10 people a day during or it does not justify the mental anguish it is causing to so many. I think things will be a lot clearer by the end of the year as to where this is heading. Been an absolutely wank year.
The high school, which my own school feeds into, called us on Friday. They had sent 12 classes home. That's nearly 300 kids. So hundreds of parents now off work for 14 days. The kids could return in a fortnight, get another case and the same classes go home. And so it continues. We had 3 staff off by day 2 because their own children had been sent home. Said it earlier in this thread, a huge decision is imminent because education and the economy cannot operate under current restrictions. We either have the restrictions and accept the education of the children will be hammered and that people will be toing and froing from work / isolation (and all the inherent cost - financial and human) or we accept an element of risk and reduce the restrictions. We can't have both.
Is it weakening or getting to a stage we can treat it so much better? Could be really decisive this next month if cases stay or rise and deaths stay stable? I am getting more hopeful. The vaccine will hopefully be here pre Xmas and with all due respect 10 people a day during or it does not justify the mental anguish it is causing to so many. I think things will be a lot clearer by the end of the year as to where this is heading. Been an absolutely wank year.

I think the lower death rate is due to fewer numbers of infections which means hospitals have more time and more staff to devote to the treatment of each patient. Better understanding of the virus which has helped improve treatments and the fact that - until the last couple of weeks - it wasn't running through care homes infecting the most weak, aged and vulnerable. I think the fear is a massive increase in infections could mean ICU and hospital staff being spread more thinly across each infected patient and the news that it is increasing rapidly in care homes is worrying.

What I do find interesting is whilst we know the traditionally vulnerable - elderly, underlying health issues, BAME patients - the fact is deaths are not limited to those groups and even youngsters have died. Yet on the other hand there are plenty of cases of middle aged people, some with underlying conditions etc who test positive for antibodies and say they never, ever had any symptoms at all. There must surely be a genetic element to things too.
what a silly post.

You can't catch suicide from someone else. You don't get cancer from somebody else's breath. Road deaths are accidents not disease led. Murder isn't contracted by the deceased from someone else.

Mental health services ( albeit stretched financially ) - hospitals and cancer research combat cancer - various road safety strategies and improvements in road safety combat road death and we have the Police to try and keep people from being murdered.

We therefore do what we can to lessen the impact from Covid 19 - in all cases its how you adapt to live with a threat and tackle it to reduce the threat as much as you can - doing nothing on Covid prevention would be stupid in the extreme.
It was facile post, but deliberately so. There were fewer than 20 deaths from Covid today in the UK, but that gets lost amidst the journalistic hysteria. Doing nothing on Covid would indeed be stupid in the extreme, but we have to have a semblance of risk / threat - otherwise we'd all be living in concrete clad nuclear-style bunkers, not venturing further than our own doorstep.
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