COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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This is worth reading till the end, i cant remember who was asking me if you recovered could you then slip into long covid and one guy who did is talking here

It is time people realised you can get !ong covid even if youhad no symptoms of covid right through to icu treatments ,long term damage should be pushed , especially at the young , we are still understanding covid let alone long covid , protect yourself and each other

Not so i am afraid , the only people you should !isten to is this guy from the wellcome trust and those running the trials , data is nov/ dec and first quarter for a vaccine for vulnefable and front line workers , be summer before everyone gets it , he also said on sky earlier that some wont respond to the vaccine or wont have it and so get sick so it is not the e d of the virus but one tool a!ong with nhs and various treatments

Stop googling it , you are getting info from sources who are guessing

Also says winter will be really tough and dec 25th is as good as cancelled
In think the Pzfizer vaccine will be the first to be made available, after US Thanksgiving, and the AstraZeneca vaccine will be made available in late January. However, I very much doubt that everyone in the UK will get it or even be able to get others by next summer. Just because the U.K. has ordered X number of vaccines or has access to X number does not mean they are all destined for use within the U.K. or on its people.
Dont know about you lot, but i'm still following the rules from the first lockdown.
Work from home if you can.
Essential travel only
No mixing with other people unless essential.
Wash hands. Sanitise.
I wore a mask from day 1 while shopping.
I'm not claiming to be an expert here, but its not rocket science is it?
Ffs and if I hear one more moron going on about mental health, and moaning that the gym isnt open I swear to god they'll get it. There was no fucking gyms 30 years ago you twat.
Work was all the fitness you needed. You're sat behind a desk all day eating greggs, that isnt work. Get a grip.
The virus spreads from people to people, stay away from people. People are fucking idiots
Yeah those selfish morons suffering with their mental health. How dare they.
In think the Pzfizer vaccine will be the first to be made available, after US Thanksgiving, and the AstraZeneca vaccine will be made available in late January. However, I very much doubt that everyone in the UK will get it or even be able to get others by next summer. Just because the U.K. has ordered X number of vaccines or has access to X number does not mean they are all destined for use within the U.K. or on its people.
Don't believe the intention is to vaccinate everyone the extremely low risk groups (under 45's ish) with no issues will be left
As I said earlier something was up in Scotland hence the long delay in publishing to double check why it was so low.

Cases not low in N Ireland or Waes so clearly local if it is the reason for the totals.

But the site makes clear these numbers are wrong for Scotland and will be made up in coming days.
Anyhow Scotland data we presumably can trust today

0 deaths (v 0 lst wk v 0 wk before)

703 in hospital (up 28 in day) v 449 lst wk and 210 wk before

62 on ventilators (same as yesterday) v 35 lst wk v 22 wk before
In think the Pzfizer vaccine will be the first to be made available, after US Thanksgiving, and the AstraZeneca vaccine will be made available in late January. However, I very much doubt that everyone in the UK will get it or even be able to get others by next summer. Just because the U.K. has ordered X number of vaccines or has access to X number does not mean they are all destined for use within the U.K. or on its people.
We have been reasured we will get the oxford vaccine here first at least , i think people are underestimating just how long it is going to take to get the whole population vaccinated , it is easy to learn how to give it but the logistics of a mass roll out are very difficult
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