COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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So 69 UK hospital deaths today (weekend data caveat).

Last week was 35.

All settings then became 65.

Week before the hospital deaths were 28.
Who has he "literally killed"?
He is doing mass rallies to his base who he tells not to wear masks or be afraid of it , one of his prominent black supporters died recent!y after being at one his rallies , he has been doing this for months , he packs them in with zero social distancing , when they were in lockdown he told his base to break it and demonstrate in democrate areas , he will have killed plenty overthe last few months
He is doing mass rallies to his base who he tells not to wear masks or be afraid of it , one of his prominent black supporters died recent!y after being at one his rallies , he has been doing this for months , he packs them in with zero social distancing , when they were in lockdown he told his base to break it and demonstrate in democrate areas , he will have killed plenty overthe last few months
Ok, thanks for that, I hadnt a clue about this. Thank you for taking the time
Don't believe the intention is to vaccinate everyone the extremely low risk groups (under 45's ish) with no issues will be left
Not the case , the plan is to vaccinate enough for herd immunity at the very least , everyone that will accept it will have it , cant have have any age groups still catching and spreading it , i should have put late summer before everyone can get access to one here and that is an estimate , imo
UK cases without England today are 2278. Though Scotland could be anything up to 1000 down on real number. So who knows.

Last week the three nation total was 2489. Week before it was 1652. So you would probably expect about 800-900 or so for Scotland in real terms given the general trend of increase which has been slowing at least and not doubling or rising even 50% week to week.

Yesterday it rose from 2538 to 2872 - modest increase. So about 500 atop the reported number today would match that trend. Do we know if these numbers were impactedyesterday as 1167 was the lowest for a few days.But not by a lor so not thought odd.

These things go up and down so that is little more than a guesstimate.
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We have been reasured we will get the oxford vaccine here first at least , i think people are underestimating just how long it is going to take to get the whole population vaccinated , it is easy to learn how to give it but the logistics of a mass roll out are very difficult

Well, it's not supposed to be quick. Rushing it through and then risking it on the people we've been trying hardest to protect in the winter is hardly encouraging.
My wife who's seen her parents 3 times since March (one was at a funeral) is starting to feel the effects of this lockdown. I've been quite resillient and accepted two holidays cancelled were a small sacrifice for our health. I have a sole parent that's part of bubble too so that helps. Christmas might be the overwhelming point for many this Christmas. I really do feel for those that have been seperated for a long time now.

Looking past Christmas what do you need from 2021 to give you hope/lift your spirits?

To see family?
To have a holiday?
To go to the footy?
To sit in a pub with mates?
To get rid of a mask?
To see no deaths for a month?
To see jobs return?
Family first and foremost. I have a 16 month old granddaughter who doesn’t know who I am.
Football second. Didn’t realise how much I would miss it.
A holiday would be nice after 3 cancelled this year.
Hopefully no deaths for a month would enable the above.
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