COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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I'd still take the NHS over a backward village in Europe, and I'm not a huge fan of the NHS. Mainly because they are completely underfunded and stretched to their limits, and that's without this current endemic.

Agreed, thats why in all honesty I dont see how you can entirely seperate politics in this discussion. Governments all over the world are going to be held to account for the way they deal with this, the preparations they made, and certainly the health systems at the forefront.

We have half the critical care beds that Italy does, this a country called out for being one of Europes least stable politically and economically where we in gold old Great Britain of course have had it drip fed that we are better than the rest.

Time will tell of course but it looks like we are going to be found out royally at the cost of thousands of lives. Now ask yourself this...who is responsible for this state of affairs?
Whilst there is some evidence of spreading through the air, that's in enclosed spaces like buses and planes with other infected people and we are talking about a few metres. Not standing in an open field and someone coughing half a mile away.

By FAR the biggest way to catch it is from droplets of mucus from people coughing and from touching surfaces that infected people with crap on their hands have recently touched, which you then get on your hands and then rub your nose or eyes etc.

If you have no-one infected in your home and you wash your hands as soon as you walk through the door, then you are not going to catch it whilst staying in.
Yep - ensure that your base is Covid free and act to keep it that way
What do you call em, let me know so I don't make the same mistake your lordship

well if i'm making sick allegations that officials in government are purposely killing the elderly, i would at least back it up with some form of proof and some names.
If you didn't talk such utter bollocks in the first place, it wouldn't have solicited the reply you got.

"this man made recession is boring the life out of me." FFS. Like the implication that we should all just carry on as normal. 500,000 people in the UK would probably die if we did that.

Some people just come out with nonsense to make themselves look good.
If the virus explodes in the UK the NHS is likely to be overwhelmed compared to healthcare services in a country that has a much lower rate of infection. Most European countries have good healthcare facilities.
Agree with that - the NHS is marvellous 'in the round' but likely to be swamped - and the risk of infection in the UK seems to be on track towards 'hard to avoid' once stepping outside your base of isolation
economies are going to the knees. The recession trigger. We have 80% less tourists in March over here.

Well mate if possible I am still hoping to be visiting in April/May if we are allowed out of here...and in to there. I actually think me and the other half will be safer out there than here at that time, and my two and a bit week tour may be stretched to June.
Agreed, thats why in all honesty I dont see how you can entirely seperate politics in this discussion. Governments all over the world are going to be held to account for the way they deal with this, the preparations they made, and certainly the health systems at the forefront.

We have half the critical care beds that Italy does, this a country called out for being one of Europes least stable politically and economically where we in gold old Great Britain of course have had it drip fed that we are better than the rest.

Time will tell of course but it looks like we are going to be found out royally at the cost of thousands of lives. Now ask yourself this...who is responsible for this state of affairs?

Continually let down by the Government year upon year, whichever way your bread is buttered politically, the general public have been let down over a series of decades.

I don't want to get involved in politics particularly, just wanted to give genuine advice to a poster still thinking of travelling overseas.
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