COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Perhaps because tpp many simply ignore social distancing. We have brought this on ourselves.
Ive got news for you, when the rules are not logical and dont follow the science and those that make the rules dont even follow them people are going to ignore them.

The whole thing is a shambles,
different parts of the country still with different rules, we must act now, then waiting 5 days lol. i didnt see sturgeon or the welsh fella do that?? Track and Trace is pointless and isnt working. The nhs app is rubbish at present, should be much better and compulsory. Why no mention of the nightingale hospitals in the graphs last night, yet they were banging on about them 5 or 6 months ago?? Weve got another 6 to 9 months of this at least then what? rinse repeat? no plan and no exit strategy. 4million unemployed and a whole generation of young people thrown on the scrap heap.
Well if you follow the science you should still be able to meet people outside as long as you are socially distanced. There is no scientific reason why you still cant do this as far as i can tell. I dont see why this has been stopped and yet I can sit on plane or train and be less than 2 m away from someone. I think I am better making my own judgments than listening to this lot. Ive avoided Indoor spaces and public transport. cancelled our holiday as we didn't want to sit on a crowded plane and yet im told i cant sit outside with friends. yet the science says its safe. They are just making it up as they go along.

It’s because they took so much shit from people who said it wasn’t fair to people without gardens, invoking the politics of envy.

We do have the staff as they will be mainly used as recovery units for main hospitals where the staff training requirements are not so critical
Not so sure about that, trust me, if they had staff readily available to staff these hospitals they would already have been deployed and utilised. There are many hospitals in Wales that have loads of beds unoccupied and unavailable because the ward is closed due to one or two patients having Covid. They are NOT closed because ALL the beds are occupied with Covid patients, as is being portrayed by the media.

If they could use the Nightingales as a kind of treatment and recovery facility to decant patients who have Covid, they would. They can't because they've spent a fortune building something they were never going to be able to use. This is yet another not thought through policy!
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