COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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We do have the staff as they will be mainly used as recovery units for main hospitals where the staff training requirements are not so critical

Just 1 in 6 ppl who died of CV19 in the first wave received ICU care - the rest were left to die at home, in care homes or on normal wards without the treatment they needed.

Nightingale London has just 54 patients. Did Nightingale Manchester have a single patient?!

If we have enough staff for these nightingale hospitals to be fully operational, pls explain why only 1 in 6 people received ICU care.
It’s because they took so much shit from people who said it wasn’t fair to people without gardens, invoking the politics of envy.

I can understand that, but outside doesnt have to mean private gardens. if the rules dont make sense people are just going to flout them. ive been happily sitting distanced in gardens with friends all year. sure its been cold at times and abit wet. but I am 100% sure its been alot safer than going in any supermarket or public transport. Guess what im going to carry on doing what i think is safe not what these clowns tell me they think is safe.
Ive got news for you, when the rules are not logical and dont follow the science and those that make the rules dont even follow them people are going to ignore them.

The whole thing is a shambles,
different parts of the country still with different rules, we must act now, then waiting 5 days lol. i didnt see sturgeon or the welsh fella do that?? Track and Trace is pointless and isnt working. The nhs app is rubbish at present, should be much better and compulsory. Why no mention of the nightingale hospitals in the graphs last night, yet they were banging on about them 5 or 6 months ago?? Weve got another 6 to 9 months of this at least then what? rinse repeat? no plan and no exit strategy. 4million unemployed and a whole generation of young people thrown on the scrap heap.
I agree the messages coming out of no10 could be less ambiguous, but you cannot say that about the social distancing rules which have always been clear and constant.

It's a poor show to try and blame the government for those deliberately ignoring this rule and ultimately spreading the virus far and wide.

Until we get full compliance with this or a proven vaccine, the pain we all face will continue.
I agree the messages coming out of no10 could be less ambiguous, but you cannot say that about the social distancing rules which have always been clear and constant.

It's a poor show to try and blame the government for those deliberately ignoring this rule and ultimately spreading the virus far and wide.

Until we get full compliance with this or a proven vaccine, the pain we all face will continue.
Too easy to blame government for everything.
Some of their response has been very poor but We all have a responsibility to act the right way and blaming the government won’t change anything or stop loved ones dying.
Well I am going to use November well. Loads of walks. Do half an hour a day in the garden clearing leaves etc. Sort my football programmes out. Watch films. Tutor one of the kids at night who is struggling with GCSE,s and continue with my weight loss. Quite determined to end November better than I feel now.
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