COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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I believe we are going into lockdown not because of what is happening now (the infection has been slowed) but because they want to get the infectious base down significantly before mid December / January when the conditions for spread will be worse than they are now.

I think this epidemic's end is in sight but we have to get over the hill first. I thought a vaccine would be available by Christmas but it seems that the Americans are worried that if they approve the first vaccine that comes along they will find it very difficult to benchmark and compare the other vaccines because it will impair the progress of the vaccine trials. If we're very lucky, the first vaccine results from AZN, Pfizer, or Moderna will be so good that it will convince them to go straight away. Wishful thinking hasn't worked so far though.
ah thats my point, i dont ignore the rules infact our family have been going the extra mile, we were wearing masks in shops before it became compulsory. i could go on about the extra things we did and continue to do. now im being told that i cant sit outside with friends when its perfectly safe to do so if done correctly because others dont socially distance. Thats like banning all cars as some drivers speed. i cant take my dogs for a walk with two friends. its a joke, the rules are a joke.
Would be interested to know if supermarkets and shops in other countries don’t enforce the mask rule.
Anyone without a mask should simply be told to fuck off Or provide medical reasons
There’s a Coronavirus police launch thread, there’s a Tory thread and there’s a Johnson thread.
Keep your political wrangling to those threads please
Genuine question, Why do political posts get pulled but outright lies, mis information and science denying posts get a freebie? i would much rather hear a political post i don't agree with than some FLT driver or whatever tell me the overwhelming consensus of scientists and experts have got it wrong. I know which posts cause more harm during a pandemic.
I think what @Churchlawtonblue is trying to say is that there has been copious amounts of contradictory information coming out of number 10 no one really knows what to believe any more. On this front many people break the law due to ignorance and misunderstandings whilst others are so pissed off they choose to blatantly ignore the rules... and en mass.

Apologies CLB if I'm misrepresenting you views.
A large chunk of this country don’t vote, will never vote, don’t understand politics, never take any notice of politics, wouldn’t know the name of anyone outside “Boris thingymajig” and have no idea what Labour or Conservatives are about.

To many of these people, they don’t care or know what the govt say, don’t give a shit about authority, and think it’s cool to ignore and break rules. They’ll know about the rules because of social word-of-mouth, not because they’ve tuned in to the govt briefings or had a look on the, but will just ignore and break them anyway.

No matter who was in power, even if they were doing a great job, these people would still be breaking rules.
ah thats my point, i dont ignore the rules infact our family have been going the extra mile, we were wearing masks in shops before it became compulsory. i could go on about the extra things we did and continue to do. now im being told that i cant sit outside with friends when its perfectly safe to do so if done correctly because others dont socially distance. Thats like banning all cars as some drivers speed. i cant take my dogs for a walk with two friends. its a joke, the rules are a joke.
To many, I'm sure the rules appear to be a joke, but the reason this virus remains as virilant as it is, is because people are not adhering to the most simple of rules. There are obvious circumstances when failure to do so cannot be helped or avoided, but when you see crowds deliberately ignoring them, that is why we are still up shit crek without a paddle, not because the rules are forever ambiguous.
I think you're correct but there are reasons why people might choose to be ignorant one being the amount of contradictory information we're being fed. Also, you cannot assume everyone is as capable as you of processing this information in their own heads, plus not everyone is internet savvy.

The government needs to learn to communicate.
Government communications is a tricky one, especially in a situation like this where you are having to convey a single message with the same impact and weight across the whole of society.

I'm not saying it is insurmountable, but definitely not an easy task.
I believe we are going into lockdown not because of what is happening now (the infection has been slowed) but because they want to get the infectious base down significantly before mid December / January when the conditions for spread will be worse than they are now.

I think this epidemic's end is in sight but we have to get over the hill first. I thought a vaccine would be available by Christmas but it seems that the Americans are worried that if they approve the first vaccine that comes along they will find it very difficult to benchmark and compare the other vaccines because it will impair the progress of the vaccine trials. If we're very lucky, the first vaccine results from AZN, Pfizer, or Moderna will be so good that it will convince them to go straight away. Wishful thinking hasn't worked so far though.
It is only a thought that crossed my mind, not sure how likely , but could it be possible if a trial was ending the last week or so in October, news or results could be held back a few days until after the 3rd, for fear of it being politicised by Trump in the final days of the election campaign.
I agree the messages coming out of no10 could be less ambiguous, but you cannot say that about the social distancing rules which have always been clear and constant.

It's a poor show to try and blame the government for those deliberately ignoring this rule and ultimately spreading the virus far and wide.

Until we get full compliance with this or a proven vaccine, the pain we all face will continue.
Have to say that I feel there have been some anomalies in the message.
For example, in the middle of July you could have family round in the garden and keep social distance. We did this and none of them were allowed to go into the house apart from a visit to the downstairs loo.

Then our area was plunged into additional lock down measures even though our figures were extremely low. This meant I could no longer meet my children in our garden.
Yet I could get on a bus with them to go to the nearest town then go into a pub with them all for a couple of hours indoor drinking and eating.

Which was safer? Social distancing chat in the garden, each person with their own chair, table, glasses and drink with sole use of a toilet. Or sitting inside some dive that we don’t know how often, if ever, the tables have been cleaned being served drinks by people who may have the virus with glasses that others have used?
Would be interested to know if supermarkets and shops in other countries don’t enforce the mask rule.
Anyone without a mask should simply be told to fuck off Or provide medical reasons
I agree re the masks, but I have seen first hand, supermarket staff getting absolute grief from selfish wankers, one actually through a punch at a young lad and was arrested. It's not the stores remit imo to enforce it.
Government communications is a tricky one, especially in a situation like this where you are having to convey a single message with the same impact and weight across the whole of society.

I'm not saying it is insurmountable, but definitely not an easy task.
Can't argue with that but they seem to be getting it spectularly wrong on a very regular basis.
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