COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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We are totally fucked with knobheads like this around...
BBC News - Bristol illegal rave attended by 700 people

I like a rave as much as the next man, but haven't been to any this year as I think it's incredibly lame given the current climate and the fact this just makes things worse. The organisers want belting around the head.
Because we can all spread it ,the more the cases are the more will die and suffer life changing damage it is not all about individuals

We have to slow the spread to get through the winter , there is literally no other way to keep the nhs going

As an ex nurse i want the nhs to keep going and i dont want anyone to get it and long covid , that is affecting all age groups and even if you had mild symptoms

There is no easy answer, every which way is shite

Look at it this way , we have about five more months to get through till it easiest off and we have a vaccine or two and better treatments , a year in total of being inconvienced by a deadly virus spread all around the world, did you expect it would be over by now ? We have to make the best of a bad job and behave sensibly and protect each other ,sadly humans are set to be selfish

Look at your busnesses, can you diversify , claim every financial help going, do what you can

I am still on the side of the economy will recover, it always does

Life is not supposed to be easy or fair, you just have to ride it out

Fair play for your outlook and it is commendable, but you can't expect everyone to feel the same way as you. I also think you are being perhaps overly optimistic about a vaccine. But, and I might get flamed for this but hey. Not everyone is in a situation where they can or want to ride it out.

I know people whose businesses have gone under, and the longer we have lockdowns the worse that will be across the board. I know people who are struggling mentally and mental health sometimes gets dismissed on here but it is important. My parents both had covid, they were really ill but they beat it, because they are healthy and eat well, exercise and thankfully no existing conditions.They are old, and don't want to be told they can't do things at their age, and I don't blame them! Currently where I live like most places we are advised to work at home, the line of work I am in has a dispensation for people in the office, so I have started going back in to work. Is that selfish? Maybe, do I feel mentally a whole lot better for going to work, 100%.

The economy won't recover as such, it will just change. Big corps will get stronger, and your sole trader will die. I think on the scale of things governments aren't really bothered about that. This is a mess, and I don't have the answers and find the rhetoric from the government all over the place. I am for isolation, for vulnerable people yes. If covid was a disease that made your face fall off if you came into contact with it then hell yeah we should all isolate, but there has to be a better way of dealing with a virus that won't affect the vast majority of people. It's not going anywhere, and is a part of life now. On my first point, credit for your outlook and positivity, but don't expect everyone to feel the same way.
If Biden gets in, they will more than likely be much better at being able to get it under control. He will at least attempt to work with the states and governers. At this point, it's clear Trump could not give a shit.
Possibly. But when could that be? From what I understand, there's a transition period and it usually takes until January for the presidency to really begin.
We are totally fucked with knobheads like this around...
BBC News - Bristol illegal rave attended by 700 people
Get the riot squad and police horses in and batton charge the lot of them. i really couldnt care what they do as long as they stop these selfish actions occuring.
So why would you be so insistent that a virus that does nothing to the majority of people be allowed ruin ruin some many people life’s. I get you got it bad, and hope you recover but for the vast majority of the population they won’t get it as bad.

All a lockdown does is pause the spread - it won’t stop it, nothing will. The economy cannot carry on like this.

I’ve personally been lucky that my job is (touch wood) still needed. But I have seen far more people suffering through the damage to the economy than I have from getting this virus. Life is short and we cannot spend it existing by running away from something that only efforts a small amount of the population. Life should be enjoyable- being told to say in a box isn’t enjoyable.
I suspect gasping for air on a ventalator isn't a barrel of laughs. Given the choice, which would you prefer?
Fair play for your outlook and it is commendable, but you can't expect everyone to feel the same way as you. I also think you are being perhaps overly optimistic about a vaccine. But, and I might get flamed for this but hey. Not everyone is in a situation where they can or want to ride it out.

I know people whose businesses have gone under, and the longer we have lockdowns the worse that will be across the board. I know people who are struggling mentally and mental health sometimes gets dismissed on here but it is important. My parents both had covid, they were really ill but they beat it, because they are healthy and eat well, exercise and thankfully no existing conditions.They are old, and don't want to be told they can't do things at their age, and I don't blame them! Currently where I live like most places we are advised to work at home, the line of work I am in has a dispensation for people in the office, so I have started going back in to work. Is that selfish? Maybe, do I feel mentally a whole lot better for going to work, 100%.

The economy won't recover as such, it will just change. Big corps will get stronger, and your sole trader will die. I think on the scale of things governments aren't really bothered about that. This is a mess, and I don't have the answers and find the rhetoric from the government all over the place. I am for isolation, for vulnerable people yes. If covid was a disease that made your face fall off if you came into contact with it then hell yeah we should all isolate, but there has to be a better way of dealing with a virus that won't affect the vast majority of people. It's not going anywhere, and is a part of life now. On my first point, credit for your outlook and positivity, but don't expect everyone to feel the same way.
Oh yeah, i dont expect people to agree with me ,, my mental health is on the edge when i had control of it before so i get it
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