COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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I wouldnt like to have to choose between my children aged 31,30,20 and 18 or my parents/parents in law 87, 81, 80. I love them all. But I know my parents/in laws would sacrifice themselves a thousand times over for their grandchildren.
Absolutely! As, no doubt, would your children do for theirs if that horrible choice ever arose.
I'm not saying some lives are more precious/worthy than others I'm just saying that once you know your race has been run you are more than happy to see your younger loved ones flourish and survive.

My lad is a greenkeeper so hoping they aren’t shut too long.
GM scoreboard:

Manchester 372 - down from 400. Lowest high number in GM for a week, Total cases 20, 784. Weekly 2904. Pop score up 67 to enter 3700 club at 3759. Weekly Pop up to 526.

Oldham 278 - up to new high here and beating Wigan. Total cases 9950 (will top the 10K tomorrow). Weekly 1850. Pop score up 117 - most in day I think anywhere, certainly in GM - to the highest number in GM in the 4100 club at 4196. Only Knowsley at 4238 and Blackburn at 4434 in the UK has a worse number. But Knowsley's numbers have fallen fast and a long way under tier 3 so Oldham will overtake it tomorrow and then only have Blackburn worse in the UK . Weekly Pop up to 780 and must be challenging Blackburn for UKs worst numbers today.

Wigan 252 - down 100 from 352 to lowest here in two weeks. Total cases 11166. Weekly 2372. Pop score up 76 - lowest rise here in ages - to 3397. Weekly Pop - hefty drop to 721.

Salford 232 - down from 260. Total cases 9103. Weekly 1819. Pop score up 90 to enter the 3500 club at 3517. Weekly Pop up into the 700s for first time at 703.

Bolton 214 - down from 252. Total cases 10698. Weekly 1753. Pop score up 76 to enter 3700 club at 3720. Weekly Pop up to 609.

Stockport 201 - up from 196 but stabilising around the 200 mark as four of the last 6 days have been 202, 202, 196, 201. Total cases 7444. Weekly 1489 - rising from amongst the best toward the worst. Enough to up the Pop score by 69 into the 2500 club at 2537. Half way through the 2000's in one week. After 10 days to go from 1500 to 2000 and 12 days to go from 1000 to 1500 and just under three months to go from 500 to 1000. And the rest of the entire pandemic since February to get to 500. Good illustration of how fast and far GM has accelerated since August. Weekly Pop 508. Entered the 500 at risk group after just two weeks ago being the lowest in GM at under 300. Clearly the problem borough currently but does not at present seem to be getting worse in numbers though those numbers are above par. Which is good/bad news. This is the closest it has been to Wigan in many weeks in daily numbers.

Rochdale 189 - down from 206. Been on a steady downward track in past week. Total cases 8574. Weekly 1500. Pop score up 85 to enter 3800 club at 3855. Weekly Pop up to 674.

Tameside 173 - down from 198. Total cases 7327. Weekly 1318. Pop score up 78 to enter the 3200 club at 3235. Weekly Pop up to 582.

Bury 167 - down from 178. Total cases 6671. Weekly 1201. Pop score up 88 to 3493. Weekly Pop up to 629.

Trafford 127 - down from 160 to its lowest score in a week. Easily the consistent best performer in GM these days and Andy Burnham should be trying to find out how and why so as to see if it can be replicated elsewhere. Total cases 6412. Weekly 1025 - miles in front as lowest weekly total in GM. Pop score up 54 - by some distance lowest in GM again. But enters the 2700 club at 2702. Though now only 165 behind Stockport for best overall in GM which at 250 + behind a week ago looked an impossible goal. Now could happen. Weekly Pop 432. Far ahead of the rest and in the past week as some have risen dramatically (Oldham and Stockport by the most - both 136 for Oldham ad 132 for Stockport - Trafford has risen by 1 from 431 to 432. Only borough in zero danger of being on the Gov red watch list in the near future.
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FFS Oldham, not seen too many dickheads about recently, wonder where the infections are coming from.
Well, my support bubble of 3 in the same house (I live on my own) all tested positive this week yet I tested negative (despite being there last weekend). None of them (one in their 40s, one in their 60s and one in their 70s) really have a clue where it came from.
It's the perfect storm for most green keepers. They'd probably like to shut their course every November.
Hopefully it's not severely impacted his place financially and his position is safe.

He worked through the last lockdown as needed to keep the course in good shape and it’s get rid of leaves season now so they are still busy. Fingers crossed he will be ok. It’s a course in a fairly wealthy area so financially I think they are ok. Hope so anyway!
I do that these days and see my Gran!! It's odd when you are the same age as they once were and can remember what they look like lol.
On a more Covid note and in reference to what another poster said re deaths; if my Gran was asked which life was more worth saving, hers (and she was 88 when she passed) or someone much younger, she would have said the younger person. Every time.
I was dancing and disovered i do not look sexy like i did in my twenties !

Cant do anymore serious covid talk today
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@Healdplace, please correct me if you think im wrong, but having looked at todays total uk figures, it does seem that cases are levelling off? they have seemed to average between 21,000 and 23,000 cases the past 12 days? Do you concur??
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