COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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I've seen plenty of dickheads about and I know a lot of them

8 bellends in the pub tonight sharing photos on social media. 8 individuals all from different households, pissed in the pub for about 5 or 6 hours, not a meal in sight, all sat together arms round each other

Hope everyone of the selfish ignorant fuckers catch it
I'm not surprised, as for pubs, not been out for months on a session. Last couple of times were Wembley & a quiet pub for the first day of Cheltenham. Apart from that over the summer took Mrs Moon in 4 beer gardens midweek while out of the area for a drive 1 pint each time & the same at golf about 4 times with the lads, oh and 1 inside at Morecambe.

Done wonders for my belly as again not eaten out & takeaways now maybe once a month at the most rather than once a week.

Supermarkets seem better for masks, that being said with my wife being on the vulnerable list I'm in them at the crack of sparrows and end up getting annoyed with the fucking ignorant parents driving kids to the school behind my house causing chaos on the surrounding streets.

Pm me the pub please so when all this shit is over I don't go in it.
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Looks like Dr Doom and Mr Gloom have been over egging the pudding somewhat.
Projected deaths with recent figures are 500 a day by the end if the month not 4000.

Am I surprised? No.
Still too high mind and the only way to bring the numbers down is to close high schools for a month.
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I've seen plenty of dickheads about and I know a lot of them

8 bellends in the pub tonight sharing photos on social media. 8 individuals all from different households, pissed in the pub for about 5 or 6 hours, not a meal in sight, all sat together arms round each other

Hope everyone of the selfish ignorant fuckers catch it
Hopefully the photo finds its way to the authorities.

Selfish,arrogant,cvnts like that are the problem,and are causing misery to millions,they need sorting.
Because we can all spread it ,the more the cases are the more will die and suffer life changing damage it is not all about individuals

We have to slow the spread to get through the winter , there is literally no other way to keep the nhs going

As an ex nurse i want the nhs to keep going and i dont want anyone to get it and long covid , that is affecting all age groups and even if you had mild symptoms

There is no easy answer, every which way is shite

Look at it this way , we have about five more months to get through till it easiest off and we have a vaccine or two and better treatments , a year in total of being inconvienced by a deadly virus spread all around the world, did you expect it would be over by now ? We have to make the best of a bad job and behave sensibly and protect each other ,sadly humans are set to be selfish

Look at your busnesses, can you diversify , claim every financial help going, do what you can

I am still on the side of the economy will recover, it always does

Life is not supposed to be easy or fair, you just have to ride it out
If we really wanted to save the NHS through the Winter, the places where spread and cases are highest would be closing, but they aren’t.
I've seen plenty of dickheads about and I know a lot of them

8 bellends in the pub tonight sharing photos on social media. 8 individuals all from different households, pissed in the pub for about 5 or 6 hours, not a meal in sight, all sat together arms round each other

Hope everyone of the selfish ignorant fuckers catch it
Don’t worry, there’ll be 40 lots of 30 children at 25,000 schools all mixing in classrooms for 25 hours a week with no masks from this morning again.

As bad as morons mixing like your example is, it’s nothing compared to schools.
Don’t worry, there’ll be 40 lots of 30 children at 25,000 schools all mixing in classrooms for 25 hours a week with no masks from this morning again.

As bad as morons mixing like your example is, it’s nothing compared to schools.
Whilst you may have a valid point re infections, there is a huge difference in the two examples, surely you see that
Irresponsible arseholes v children being educated, yes.

Closing businesses that are barely contributing to the spread of Covid that will have to lay off employees or even go out of business v Covid spread hotspots saying open, no.
It's a shit situation no doubt, but the local lockdowns were not working, so national lockdown was inevitable. We have to get a grip of this virus
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