COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Not supporting breaking the rules as I would never do it. But here are the facts.

Poynton is in Cheshire East - which I post data on every night here for Andyhinch.

It has very similar numbers to Stockport. Indeed they had identical Pop Scores yesterday I think.

Today Stockport DID have fewer cases - 44 to 66.

In fact Stockport had lower numbers than Cheshire East all week.

But when you take population into account they went up by almost exactly the same Pop Score of between 15 and 16.
ITV news just now claims the mass testing in Liverpool is why they are in tier 2 and Manchester is not.

Thankfully they had a scientist on telling them what the data actually says.

I cannot see any real grounds to think the mass testing made any difference at all to Liverpool which was alreay falling when it started and many other places who did not have tat testing have been fallinf in the same way since.

The commo denominator is the lockdown that saw everyone in England in the same tier. THAT drove the numbers down not a few tests that are of less than certain provenance.
Disagree. It is estimated that 50% of asymptomatic carriers in Liverpool were detected.
It was in one of Dr John's catch up videos over the last two weeks. It needs to be rolled out across the country quickly.
Not supporting breaking the rules as I would never do it. But here are the facts.

Poynton is in Cheshire East - which I post data on every night here for Andyhinch.

It has very similar numbers to Stockport. Indeed they had identical Pop Scores yesterday I think.

Today Stockport DID have fewer cases - 44 to 66.

In fact Stockport had lower numbers than Cheshire East all week.

But when you take population into account they went up by almost exactly the same Pop Svore of between 15 and 16.

Exactly. If people paid any attention to these stats and risk assessed what they do based on them, rather than blindly follow the pathetic government advice we might be nearer to it being over.
I’ve stick to the rules throughout and am doing the same now. The pop score where I line should be tier 2 according to what is set in other areas, what’s the problem. If it was down to you and those like you we would all be sat in our houses moaning at anyone daring to go outside.
Spin it however you like, but you are not sticking to the rules.

You might not like or agree with them, but you know you are not.
To be fair, if he's in a tier 3 area with a lower number per 100,000 of cases, than the tier 2 area he visits (and there are plenty currently in that situation), he's more likely to take the damn thing back in to tier 3, than take it out of tier 3.

This tier thing is a bit of nonsense especially when it's only reviewed fortnightly, why not weekly ?

As @Healdplace posted earlier it's still rising in some areas of London and some boroughs are far higher than those in Manchester, which is a complete nonsense really.
Those are the rules and based on more than cases, dont excuse the its only flu crowd
What do you want me to do, stand up whilst eating my starter, tap my glass and make an announcement?
At the very least I would expect from anyone thinking of doing what you want would be to ask the proprietors would it be OK for you to visit.

I know you wont because he will correctly tell you do fuck off. So you will go anyway and say nowt I suspect
After working in the shop today, can't help but feel christmas is going to be a fucking disaster. Full to the brim of students stocking up for big christmas parties this weekend before going home to their families for christmas. Can't see that going well at all
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