COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Because you are in an area designated higher risk than where you are visiting.
I'm not taking sides here, but the key word there is "designated".

As I pointed out earlier there is more risk of him taking it back there (from a waiter(ess) passing it on), than bringing it out and staying within his own "bubble".

This whole tier thing is a nonsense I'm afraid, and it should be being reviewed more often than fortnightly, because a tier 3 area might be moved to tier 2 next week, and cases there could be on the rise again by the time it takes effect (a week later).
The problem with tier 2 or tier 3 is not the boundaries but that creating boundaries by drawing lines on a map make the whole idea pointless. Because they create inherent unfairness and drive anger from those who suffer an accident of geography or political hubris or revenge. Does not matter why this happens. It stops them working because too many think they are nonsense.

The only things that have worked well in the past 9 months have been when the country has stuck together and all done the same thing, because nobody can then argue that it is being done for reasons aimed at one area or political party or whatever.

This is why national measures work the best and these tiers are a confusing hodge podge of lines drawn on the back of an envelope that simply lead to circumstances bound to let the virus bleed acoss the boundaries.

Remember Greater Manchester is not even a REAL county. It was a made up one created 46 years ago. Stockport WAS in Cheshire then. The River Mersey had been the natural boundary for centuries. Not created by someone with a pen and a map.

So the year the pandemic happens defines which tier it is in.

That is just one of many illustrations from all over the country why the tiers are a nonsense way of doing things.
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Have a look at hosp admissions, icu and deaths, test number are unreliable, i am not surprised at you, sadly

Well seen as though my hospital (3 miles from tier 2) services the same area, then I think I’m ok. Cheers for the tip though.
Dont be ridiculous, that is your stock arguement

its not an argument it’s just advice,

if you are scared stay in , weld your door up I don’t care.

he is going to the pub two miles away .

it’s not against the law to Travel between tiers, just to try and avoid it.
frankly given the bullshit numbers in London v Manchester it’s bollox, especially south Manchester.
I'm not taking sides here, but the key word there is "designated".

As I pointed out earlier there is more risk of him taking it back there (from a waiter(ess) passing it on), than bringing it out and staying within his own "bubble".

This whole tier thing is a nonsense I'm afraid, and it should be being reviewed more often than fortnightly, because a tier 3 area might be moved to tier 2 next week, and cases there could be on the rise again by the time it takes effect (a week later).

If it was reviewed today it would definitely be in tier 2. If it wasn’t for some other regions in GM having ridiculously high numbers Stockport would have always been in tier 2. I can walk to tier 2 in 30 minutes, weird how some think that it’s safer over that invisible boundary.
At the very least I would expect from anyone thinking of doing what you want would be to ask the proprietors would it be OK for you to visit.

I know you wont because he will correctly tell you do fuck off. So you will go anyway and say nowt I suspect

You know what, I will do that and see what they say.
Those are the rules and based on more than cases, dont excuse the its only flu crowd
I'm not excusing anyone, the current system is a complete nonsense, and I've explained why. Cases are important, and that's why each health authority has a pop score, and you can see the trend daily and weekly in the stats of cases.

Check out this graphic, and it shows what a nonsense the tier system is (red bars are tier 3, yellow tier 2, and blue tier 1. Stockport is 73rd (3), Cheshire East (2) is 48th in the list, where is the sense in that ?
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