COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Im not saying it isn't but having members of the public determining their own interpretation and going against them is surely not the best idea in the world currently
It's an up to date list (1st Dec), and as an example of how ridiculous it is, High Peak 273rd, and Derbyshire Dales 292nd, out of 315 authorities are tier 3, and Cornwall and Isles of Silly 193rd are tier 1, it's little wonder this country has handled the whole thing so badly.
The tiers probably sound wonderful to a statistician designing them on paper.

But if you forget the human dimension you will miss why they do not work.

They are inherently unfair trapping good towns either by saying they must pay for the higher places around them or by letting them off and driving their numbers up because everyone goes there.

You cannot win and if your plan makes people think it is a deliberate way to reward Liverpool or London and punish Manchester it does not matter if that is totally misguided and the plan is good sense it will not work because the perceived unfairness will stop high levels of compliance.

We could probably lock the nation down for a month and because of the perceived fairness and lack of opportunity to bend the rules that would be more successful than three months of these tiers. Thus helping the economy not hurting it in the end.

On paper they probably look like a genius strategy. If you forget that they are dependent on the public doing what is asked and they will not unless they think everybody else is doing their bit too.
Juvenile response
its just sound advice my parents are in their 70s in oldham have told them to stay in and wait the vaccine. They ignore me but it’s good advice.

but a bloke wanting to take his wife and daughter down the road for a meal is a super spreader when cases in Stockport are low.

primark in Manchester is open 24 hours go and have a look at what is going on there and see how these sensible rules are.
you have demonstrated how concerned you are about covid many times on the thread so stay in would be my advice.
I'm not excusing anyone, the current system is a complete nonsense, and I've explained why. Cases are important, and that's why each health authority has a pop score, and you can see the trend daily and weekly in the stats of cases.

Check out this graphic, and it shows what a nonsense the tier system is (red bars are tier 3, yellow tier 2, and blue tier 1. Stockport is 73rd (3), Cheshire East (2) is 48th in the list, where is the sense in that ?
I am no fan of tiers , let me make that clear , i wanted the lockdown sage asked for in sept , fiddling is not the answer , BUT we have rules to stick to so let us not break them for the sake of a meal. Are there no resturants in tier three ? Or is he scared of catching something ..
The tiers probably sound wonderful to a statistician designing them on paper.

But if you forget the human dimension you will miss why they do not work.

They are inherently unfair trapping good towns either by saying they must pay for the higher places around them or by letting them off and driving their numbers up because everyone goes there.

You cannot win and if your plan makes people think it is a deliberate way to reward Liverpool or London and punish Manchester it does not matter if that is totally misguided and the plan is good sense it will not work because the perceived unfairness will stop high levels of compliance.

We could probably lock the nation down for a month and because of the perceived fairness and lack of opportunity to bend the rules that would be more successful than three months of these tiers. Thus helping the economy not hurting it in the end.

On paper they probably look like a genius strategy. If you forget that they are dependent on the public doing what is asked and they will not unless they think everybody else is doing their bit too.
We've known from the start with the examples of Cummings and Ferguson that the ones devising the rules are amongst the first to ignore them.
its just sound advice my parents are in their 70s in oldham have told them to stay in and wait the vaccine. They ignore me but it’s good advice.

but a bloke wanting to take his wife and daughter down the road for a meal is a super spreader when cases in Stockport are low.

primark in Manchester is open 24 hours go and have a look at what is going on there and see how these sensible rules are.
you have demonstrated how concerned you are about covid many times on the thread so stay in would be my advice.
If the rules had been followed by all, we wouldn't have to stay in.

Its an unnecessary risk and if thousands decided they knew better and decided to nip down the road to a pub in a lower area, are you saying there would be no risk?
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