COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Cases 632 - down from 652. 46% of NW total. 3.9% of UK total cases and 4.7% of England total

Cases 3 wks v 2 wks v last wk v today: 2171 v 1316 v 819 v 632 today.

Cummulative daily Pop Scores (cases per 100,000 population) 3 wks v 2 wks v last wk v today.

4870 v 3926 v 2215 v 1624 today

Very clear sign of how in 3 weeks since decisions about the tiers were made the overall GM Pop Score which is a key part of deciding them has plumetted by two thirds.

Manchester 139 – down from 152. Total cases 31, 593. Weekly 970. Lowest in 3 months. Pop score up 26 to 5715. Weekly Pop up 1 to 176.

Wigan 106 – up from 67. Total cases 16, 871. Weekly 617. Pop score up 32 to 5133. Weekly Pop down 2 to 187.

Bolton 66 – down from 80. Total cases 15, 373. Weekly 500, Pop score up 23 to 5346. Weekly Pop down 15 to 174.

Bury 63 – up from 59. Total cases 9983. Weekly 412. Pop score up 33 – most in GM today - to 5227. Weekly Pop down 6 to 216. Bury still struggling to go below 200.

Salford 55 – up from 40. Total cases 13, 548. Weekly 349. Pop score up 21 to 5234. Weekly Pop down 3 to 135. Two straight weeks of sub 100 numbers for bad city turned good.

Rochdale 52 - down from 61. Total cases 12, 905. Weekly 483. Pop score up 23 to 5802. Weekly Pop down 11 to 217. GM may be entirely sub 200 weekly Pop scores by Monday if these numbers continue.

Oldham 47- down from 65. Total cases 15, 004. Weekly 405, 8 of last 9 sub 100 now. Pop score up 20 to 6328. Blackburn up 27 to 6582 so way ahead now as worst Pop in UK Weekly Pop down a big 23 to 171. It was 675 three weeks ago today! That is progress.

Stockport 44 – down from 58. Total cases 10, 716. Weekly 340. Pop score up 15 to 3652. Weekly Pop down 6 to 116. Closing in on going sub 100 but it will be harder to do when you get this low.

Tameside 40 – down from 42. Total cases 10, 595. Weekly 321. Pop score up 18 to 4678 Weekly Pop stays at 142.

Trafford 20 - down from 28. What can you say. Best in GM. The kind of numbers everyone was getting in the late Summer. Total cases 8810. Weekly 213. Clear leader here. Pop score up 9 to 3712. Lowest in GM as usual and cut the gap to Stockport by another 6 for overall Pop score. Now only 60 behind. Christmas number one I suspect. Weekly Pop down 7 to just 90. Hard to go much lower than 20 so numbers will stall from here. But anywhere under 100 should not be in tier 3 but for misfortune of geography.
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Not supporting breaking the rules as I would never do it. But here are the facts.

Poynton is in Cheshire East - which I post data on every night here for Andyhinch.

It has very similar numbers to Stockport. Indeed they had identical Pop Scores yesterday I think.

Today Stockport DID have fewer cases - 44 to 66.

In fact Stockport had lower numbers than Cheshire East all week.

But when you take population into account they went up by almost exactly the same Pop Score of between 15 and 16.
As I alluded to earlier in this thread, we (my partner and our two kids) went for a meal in Poynton tonight for my daughter’s birthday. It’s a couple of miles from where we live, and the restaurant was largely empty. I don’t feel like we jeopardised anyone’s safety in doing so, and as far as I’m aware broke no laws. I was a bit apprehensive about doing so (hence my earlier post on here) but with hindsight am glad we did it, for my daughter.
On Merseyside Liverpool up from 53 to 63 with Pop score rise lower than everryone but Trafford in GM.Knowsley 17 - up fron 14. Pop score rise lower than all but Trafford and Stockport. Wirral 22 down from 27. With a Pop Score rise of just 7 - less than anyone in GM.

Warrington up from 30 to 33 but that is low by their numbers of late too. Pop score rise of 16 - aboiut on a par with Stockport.

Wow! That was not planned at all Millwallaway!!! I post these numbers nightly and had not seen your post when I clicked send.
As I alluded to earlier in this thread, we (my partner and our two kids) went for a meal in Poynton tonight for my daughter’s birthday. It’s a couple of miles from where we live, and the restaurant was largely empty. I don’t feel like we jeopardised anyone’s safety in doing so, and as far as I’m aware broke no laws. I was a bit apprehensive about doing so (hence my earlier post on here) but with hindsight am glad we did it, for my daughter.
And were you asked any questions? Some were suggesting track and trace would sound some sort of alert when you scanned?
Top immunologist gives his opinion on the imminent vaccination program in US.

Whether you agree with it,or not.This is the opinion of a specialist. And i think it is right that i share it with other Blues.


More in depth interview with this top immunologist.

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