COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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If the rules had been followed by all, we wouldn't have to stay in.

Its an unnecessary risk and if thousands decided they knew better and decided to nip down the road to a pub in a lower area, are you saying there would be no risk?

What rubbish, if the 'rules' had been no one leave their house for 3 weeks over April time, ban on international travel and come out of a hard lockdown and be a self sufficient Island until the rest of the world had sorted it out for themselves I might agree. Also, this isn't going away for a long time, if vaccination is the key for us to be kindly given back our freedom that is going to take forever for these muppets in charge to sort that out. Let's not judge people on here who have had a shi55y year and want a bit of normality. We aren't all so involved in all this that we don't want a life away from covid.
As I alluded to earlier in this thread, we (my partner and our two kids) went for a meal in Poynton tonight for my daughter’s birthday. It’s a couple of miles from where we live, and the restaurant was largely empty. I don’t feel like we jeopardised anyone’s safety in doing so, and as far as I’m aware broke no laws. I was a bit apprehensive about doing so (hence my earlier post on here) but with hindsight am glad we did it, for my daughter.
More importantly did you all have a good time ? (I probably know the answer by the way.)
As I alluded to earlier in this thread, we (my partner and our two kids) went for a meal in Poynton tonight for my daughter’s birthday. It’s a couple of miles from where we live, and the restaurant was largely empty. I don’t feel like we jeopardised anyone’s safety in doing so, and as far as I’m aware broke no laws. I was a bit apprehensive about doing so (hence my earlier post on here) but with hindsight am glad we did it, for my daughter.

Good to hear. I remember you saying that you cancelled a trip away and that your daughter was struggling with the lockdown/pandemic. Doing something 'normal' can only help. Anyway, I hope things are improving for your little un. The end is in sight.
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