COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Just walked into the petrol station to pay out of the 10 customers only 50% had masks on. All the under 30's didnt. It was like walking into liverpool fc training ground !
I was in Sainsbury’s today and say 2 people who looked over 50 that weren’t either.
28, 507 cases - higher than hoped. With no Wales add ons.

From 364, 303 tests

7.8 % positive. Still very high.

England alone was 7,7% positive.
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Nice to see that Canada - who have ordered enough vaccines to cover their population 5 times - says it will make surplus available to others.

Hope we agree to do the same as protecting the third world who cannot afford to pay big money and will need help to administer is as important as saving ourselves.

Rich countries should be agreeing a joint strategy now to help vaccinate the world.

Either way we should be making this kind of pledge ourselves.

What exactly we're doing doesn't seem very clear yet.

Huge numbers down south. NW down and below West Midlands again - though all outside south down today.

The entire increase in England today from south of Birmingham basically
I was in Sainsbury’s today and say 2 people who looked over 50 that weren’t either.

I am finding harder and harder not to say anything. There cant be so many people who are excused from wearing them. Honestly from what I have seen it's getting on for 60% that dont wear them and there is talk of kent going to tier 4.
I am sick to the back teeth of so many people ignoring the guidelines whilst the infection rate is going through the roof.
I even do my weekly shop at 9pm on Mondays to avoid people.
Why are so many millions of people in this country so selfish, I can feel me going to have a real rant at someone soon. I am so fed up with it now.

Rant over ;)
Wife and son's results have come back positive today. We are devastated, going into Christmas week and all the teachers and classmates who also now have to isolate for the next ten days.

Myself and our little girl have tested negative, which seems weird, living all the same house and I've still been sleeping in same bed since awaiting tests results for us all.

I'm damned if I'm going to socially-distance from my wife and kids during self-isolation. Part of me wants to get it, just so I don't get it in a few weeks time and we all have to perform this dance again.

Fucking Sod's Law my teacher wife goes all year avoiding it and she gets a positive on the final day of term.

My son had no symptoms apart from fatigue and an hour of a high temp. The wife just thought she had a head cold.

Fuck off 2020, you've had your fun.
You look after everyone mate just keep safe distance from anyone outside 9f your bubble especially older vulnerable people

We have no clue how dad caught the virus he never went out of the house so it shows how easy it is transfered as easy as letters coming through your door, shopping can be another

More than likely school will be the culprit mate

Stick together & you will come out of it stronger
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