COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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If it’s 70% more transmissible and was noted around mid November, how soon would that be showing up in deaths if it was more deadly?
I dont know, but look at Germanys death rates which are soaring, the country in Europe that has dealt with the virus better than any other is now recording in excess of 800 deaths a day and growing. Scary stuff.
SE here, definitely caught something about a week ago. Didn't know what it was, odd little symptoms. Saw two neighbours had ordered tests, so increasingly concerned it was COVID. But the symptoms keep changing, so I kept brushing it off.

Then today came back from my walk, had a glass of water, and yup, had a horrible itchy cough.

Later, in the shower I realised I had bruising around an injury from earlier in the year. And I'd had a totally unexplained bruise on the back of my hand come up before my eyes last week.

That's... not very comforting.

Please be very careful out there!
It was stupid to promise something in nov when the scientist were all telling him the winter would be bad, hell even i knew that
Clearly this new variant is the differentiating factor, and the fact they are worried enough to shutdown the capital and cancel the biggest retail period of the year suggests the data coming out of Porton Down is very nasty indeed.
Clearly this new variant is the differentiating factor, and the fact they are worried enough to shutdown the capital and cancel the biggest retail period of the year suggests the data coming out of Porton Down is very nasty indeed.
Yes, this is a very worrying turn of events, i am not leaving my house again
If the new strain is 70% more infective than tge old one that's an averahe R0 of 5 27 as opposed to 3.1.
That also means herd immunity is about 81%
(1-(1/5 27))*100.
It also means the Oxford vaccine doesn't give herd immunity protection for those who haven't had it. 81% > 72.1% (efficacy) though it will dramatically reduce the infection multiplier within an existing infected population (Rx)

Don't think that's right chief

None of the vaccines have been proven to stop transmission as yet

The efficacy is it stops xx% of people getting any symptoms

Oxford's % is still up in the air but it stops serious illness or death in 100% of cases in the trials

nothing to worry about with the vaccine at the moment
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