COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Out of interest, I keep seeing people talk about how people should self-isolate for a week/fortnight if they get sick, but then what? Do you just wander back into society if you start to feel better after a week or if are sick in that period are you supposed to stay locked away? These time frames seem pretty arbitrary, surely it should be linked to how long after you start feeling better?

You self isolate when you get symptoms.

The evidence so far suggests that you are at your most contagious to other people as you get the cough and fever - the early symptoms.

By the tone you have battled through it and isolated for a week your chance of infecting others is very small.
I bet i have spent more time working for a big pharma company and had to read digest and be able hold my own with senior medics on 100's of trial data for new not generic drugs than you

I'm sure you have, and if it were my opinion you were dismissing that'd be impressive and definitive even, but it's not.

The opinions you are writing off as clueless are of people much more qualified than you who have studied this for decades.
When the rise in cases hits a specific point the lead scientist said.
Don't you think a rise in cases is more likely to happen later or with a lower spike if people are limited in their contacts?
And is likely to happen earlier if people are not controlled and allowed to go around and touch each other freely?
That’s a huge cop-out from them though. What they have basically announced to the public is that they don’t trust us to follow instructions. They have revealed that they don’t feel they are capable of mobilising us, of inspiring us to work together, of convincing us of the need to cooperate. They are saying that they are not good enough to do that. That is not the action of a strong leadership team. How can they expect people to follow them when they say such a thing? We’ll get bored? It’s an awful thing to use as your sole reason for doing next to nothing. It’s waving a white flag.

Look around mate.

Countries are enforcing laws against certain aspects of life, countries are making it illegal to leave your house, countries have military police on the streets.

No one trusts their population.

It’s not a cop out, it’s sensible.

China are welding tower block doors shut ffs.

People won’t stay in lock down for 3 months, no matter how inspiring your words are.

Churchill couldn’t make 70+million people do that for several months.

This isn’t even taking into account us bankrupting the country before it’s reached a certain level and impacting that for longer.

This really is a case of us potentially going to early, at the wrong time.
I'm sure you have, and if it were my opinion you were dismissing that'd be impressive and definitive even, but it's not.

The opinions you are writing off as clueless are of people much more qualified than you who have studied this for decades.
Not this virus they haven't
Yeah, you don’t know Dom well do you. If you’ve been to Tenerife he’s been to elevenerife.

I know very little about epidemiology.

But I know the people that the Bluemoon government conspiracy theorists are dismissing are much more qualified and knowledgeable than myself and them.
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