COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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i just don't agree with it,i know it is difficult to make these decisions,there are many things to consider,if they introduce any measures today it would take days/weeks/never to take full effect,stop people going to matches,large groups of people travelling when they dont have to,that would negate a large risk factor TODAY

And that's an opinion based on your decades of epidemiological research obviously.
The NHS cannot cope and wouldn’t have done for the last few decades to be frank and therefore we need to go down this route.

I genuinely think the likes of China will have several spikes again, they cannot keep people locked up forever and we do not have a vaccine as it stands.
One of my points is that this route may hasten the NHS strain — it could increase peak amplitude of the case/time curve, not reduce it. In fact, the WHO and CDC appear to think it will increase it.

It’s a gamble that could go very well or very poorly; it’s not a ‘sure’ strategy.
Exactly what I mean. The UK government is predicting that if we lockdown too early then people would begin to ignore the quarantine after a period time and then it’d be ineffective at the time that it’s needed most.

That’s why they’re waiting.
That’s a huge cop-out from them though. What they have basically announced to the public is that they don’t trust us to follow instructions. They have revealed that they don’t feel they are capable of mobilising us, of inspiring us to work together, of convincing us of the need to cooperate. They are saying that they are not good enough to do that. That is not the action of a strong leadership team. How can they expect people to follow them when they say such a thing? We’ll get bored? It’s an awful thing to use as your sole reason for doing next to nothing. It’s waving a white flag. They say we’re a country that’s faced bigger challenges before and come through it, then in the same breath don’t trust us to come through it in the most optimal way.
Out of interest, I keep seeing people talk about how people should self-isolate for a week/fortnight if they get sick, but then what? Do you just wander back into society if you start to feel better after a week or if are sick in that period are you supposed to stay locked away? These time frames seem pretty arbitrary, surely it should be linked to how long after you start feeling better?
Really impressed by how much your government seems to trust all its citizens to follow their advice and act for the collective interest. Here we have to make it law and actually close things, otherwise people simply ignore it.
They clearly think very highly of you, knowing how to act responsibly and judging your own infectiousness.
Rep of Ireland closed all its schools this afternoon....just attended meeting at my closure yet but strong feeling it will happen soon and school staff are preparing for it by organising how to get work to kids at home and also mark/assess it all online...etc

Same for us. Urgent email sent this afternoon cancelling all after school meetings and directed to plan upload enough work to last til Easter.
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