COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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What if I live with an older, vulnerable or pregnant person?
If you provide care to an elderly, vulnerable or pregnant person keep following this advice to the best of your ability.

However, we are aware that not all these measures will be possible.

In real terms we are not bothered about how many of them die, we wont be wasting resources on those people

Boris in his statement had to include the line some of your loved ones will die before their time.

He needs to be forced to show the numbers that their strategy will condemn to die versus other

available strategies. The numbers will be huge, however they know this country and others like

us need a meteorite strike or an acceptable eugenics policy to provide acceptable social care for an

ageing population. Hes been handed an acceptable eugenics policy on back of a cov virus strategy.
They’re going to do it when it happens. The government thinks we’ll get a specific amount of time to lock down and they want to wait until the cases massively jumps to try and keep the NHS buoyed until the summer.

It’s really not fucking ideal but I get it.
I’m not advocating a lock down but do you not think stopping none essential mass gatherings to minimise cross contamination would help slow the infection rate down ?
You said the govt don't trust us, if so why let us vote.

Trust isn’t attributable to one specific action.

They don’t trust us to defend our country by ourselves so they have the army.

They do trust us to put our bins out.

You’re equating two very different things.
Nothing to do with which colour the government is,others have tried to make it so,the WHO and countries who have had this or who are trying to stop it don't agree with them either,my hang up is not cancelling sports by saying it doesn't matter about 50,000 people x 20 in football stadiums every few days alone doesn't spread it and ignoring how people get there and back and their own advice of trying to stand a metre away from everyone!

Do you really think no one studying this thought about people using public transport to and from games before declaring that football wasnt a notable risk?
I’m not advocating a lock down but do you not think stopping none essential mass gatherings to minimise cross contamination would help slow the infection rate down ?

If you’re asking me if I want the PL cancelled to stop the dippers winning it then yes, I agree.
Surely strategy depends on the politics and infrastructure of each country?
A health strategy does often depend on politics, unfortunately. But *a* health strategy is different to an *optimal* health strategy, which usually works to reduce the impact of politics as much as possible, if not eliminate it entirely. Health Science doesn’t care about politics, it cares about best available data and best possible inferences from that data to create the best possible guidance at that time.

And an *optimal* strategy does of course factor in infrastructure, but many experts seemingly disagree that this approach optimises for our unique infrastructural situation (i.e. NHS, emergency health response mechanism, and health goods supply chains), as I and others have alluded to in previous posts.

My general point is that this strategy could very well worsen things for NHS earlier than would otherwise occur, which in turn worsens the overall outcome for everyone, not make things more manageable.

I suppose we’ll soon find out.
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