COVID Data Thread

Wow big big numbers. :-(
I think we will top 200K before this is done. Maybe even 250K

More concerning is the hospital data.

Again up a lot.

Admissions last few days: (2 days old recall) 1246 - 1252 - 1020 - 1281 - 1374 - 1751

England patients: Up from 9546 to 10,462 - a rise of 916 after one of 1072 yesterday - so Up 2000 (25%) in 48 hours
I think we will top 200K before this is done. Maybe even 250K

More concerning is the hospital data.

Again up a lot.

Admissions last few days: (2 days old recall) 1246 - 1252 - 1020 - 1281 - 1374 - 1751

England patients: Up from 9546 to 10,462 - a rise of 916 after one of 1072 yesterday - so Up 2000 (20%) in 48 hours
Nervous times for the NHS, just got to hope that the vast majority admitted have mild symptoms.
London patients up the most as expected 2640 - 3024 - 3310 over those 48 hours - was 2036 last week - so a rise here over the long weekend of 65%.
North West in same period as above 1226 - 1392 - 1530 - was 983 last week A rise over the long weekend of a bit under 60% So similar to London.

But most areas are now escalating via Omicron hence the big patient rises over the past 48 hours

East up 809 - 925 - was 630 last wk - so up nearly 50%

Midlands up 1443 - 1687 - was 1256 - up 25%

NE & Yorkshire up 889 - 1226 - was 854 - up 45%

South East 926 - 1176 - was 830 - up 40%

South West 541 - 608 - was 491 So far the only region not showing a major uptick (though still up over 20%) AND notably was the last region to have a huge Delta outbreak before Omicron arrived,
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Last post until after the match.

This was the day that North West overtook London with the most cases.

23,842 (up from 20,183) V 10,960 last week.

London was as flat as it has been for a week now on 22,727 - down from 22,981 V 27,799 ;ast week.

South East is still rising though - up on 19,849 (its highest ever). East also highest ever on 16,995, Yorkshire highest ever on 13,345, West MIdlands highest ever on 12,927 and East Midlands highest ever on 11,721.

Indeed the combined Midlands region of those last 2 which the NHS uses but GOV UK splits in two is actually now higher than both London and the North West.

Soth West on 10,227 - first five figure total here and even North East more than doubled in the week to 5247

As for Greater Manchester - Wow! Though huge at 40.1% of the North West it is the lowest split in a week or more as Merseyside is now shooting up too.

9575 cases in GM - new record. It was 8662 yesterday & 4687 last week.

THREE boroughs top 1000 again.

Manchester over 2000 on 2083, Wigan a huge rise on 1235, its highest ever and Stockport on its highest ever 1187.

Moreover Stockport became the first GM borough (and as far as I know frst ever in the UK) to hve a Pop Score rise of OVER 400 in one day! Extraordinary,

Bolton and Bury had the two 'lowest' scores - 574 and 528 respectively.

And Salford's 943 took it up by 358 to become the first GM borough to enter the 23K club.

Bolton up by only 199 as you can see took over 200 points off Stockportin one day! To be the only one still in the 20K club - likely until tomorrow and now 744 in the lead over Stockport after being behind 10 days ago!
Greater Manchester had 40.1% of the North West total of 23,842 today - a lower split than yesterday but it has been higher still of late.

9575 - a new record for Greater Manchester - UP by 913 on yesterday.

Some really huge case numbers - THREE boroughs over 1000 cases on the same day again.

Multiple Pop Scores over 300. And Stockport with a GM record Pop Score and possibly a UK record one day Pop Score rise of over 400! Eight times what it was doing 2 or 3 weeks ago.

Another day like no other. Sadly.

MANCHESTER 2083 - Up 406 on day & 941 on week - Pop Score 374 (POP 22,621)

WIGAN 1235 - Up 372 on day & 842 on week - Pop Score 373 to enter the 22K club after just 4 days in the 21K club.(POP 22,044)

STOCKPORT 1187 - Up 145 on day & 700 on week - Pop Score 404* (POP 21,550) * HIghest Pop Score today and EVER in GM. Long gone leadership for near 2 years as best Pop in GM across the pandemic. Now miles behind Bolton in just a week of such huge numbers here.

SALFORD 943 - DOWN 89 on day & UP 314 on week - Pop Score 358 to become the first GM borough into the 23K club tomorrow (POP 23,221)

TRAFFORD 822 - DOWN 45 on day & UP 384 on week - Pop Score 346 (POP 22,462)

TAMESIDE 770 - Up 152 on day & 370 on week. Pop Score 339 to enter the 22K club (POP 22.046)

OLDHAM 764 - DOWN 26 on day & UP 535 on week - Pop Score 320 (POP 21,873)

ROCHDALE 669 - Up 81 on day & 371 on week. Pop Score 263 (POP 21,975)

BOLTON 574 - DOWN 79 on day & UP 227 on week - Pop Score 199* (POP 20,806) * Lowest Pop Score today. Only one left in 20K club for a couple of days at most anyhow. Gained a HUGE 205 on Stockport in one day to increase its lead as best in GM across the pandemic to 744 - a 1200 plus turnabout in just over a week. An event unimaginable without Omicron.

BURY 528 - DOWN 4 on day & UP 239 on week. Pop Score 277 to enter the 22K club (POP 22,160)
^ To be fair to Greater Manchester's figures, we do have around 40% of the North West’s population.

~7m NW population; ~2.8m GM population.

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