COVID Data Thread



2082 - Up from 1751 - 1374 - 1281 in previous day. V 1098 last Tuesday.

Doubled in a week and first over 2000 since last winter.

LONDON 456 - new high - V 307 last Tuesday

YORKSHIRE 384 (up 140 on Monday - biggest rise anywhere) V 114 last Tuesday

MIDLANDS 367 - new high - V 172 last Tuesday


NORTH WEST 305 (first in the 300s) - up from 260 - V 186 last Tuesday.


TOTAL 11,452 - UP 990 from 10,462 yesterday - up almost 4000 in past 4 days.

Was 7114 last Thursday.

A weekly rise of 4338 - over 60% weekly increase.

Previous week to week rise was just 709. Week before that 275.

BY REGIONS: Up on day V last week

EAST Up 105 to 1030 V 659

LONDON Up 167 to 3477 V 2097

MIDLANDS Up 179 to 1866 V 1246

NE & YORKSHIRE Up 234 to 1460 V 814 -

SOUTH EAST Up 62 to 1238 V 822

SOUTH WEST Up 65 to 673 V 484 - Smallest riser




TOTAL 782 - UP 11 from 771 yesterday

Was 747 last Thursday.

A weekly rise of 24.

Previous week to week was a FALL of 36. Week before a FALL of 10

BY REGIONS: Up on day V last week

EAST Up 3 to 95 V 92

LONDON Up 3 to 232 V 196

MIDLANDS Flat at 126 V 127

NE & YORKSHIRE Up 8 to 81 V 88

SOUTH EAST DOWN 9 to 95 V 99

SOUTH WEST Flat at 66 V 51


NORTH WEST Up 6 to 97 V Second biggest increase below London

TOTAL 189,213 - new record. ENGLAND Only 146,604 - also new record. But up less than was.

LONDON 24,328 - (UP from 22.727) - highest in 6 days V 26,307 last week and JUST crept back over North West today

NORTH WEST 23,952 (up from 23,842) V 14,759 last week.

SOUTH EAST 21,058 - still rising - (up from 19,849) V 16m,618 alst week

EAST 16,792 - (just DOWN from 16,995) V 13,091 last week

WEST MIDLANDS 15,967 -(Up from 12,927) V 9921 last week

YORKSHIRE 12,553 - (DOWN from 13,345) V 5947 last week

EAST MIDLANDS 12,411 - (highest ever up from 11,721( V 7944 last week

Again the combined Midlands region of East & West which the NHS uses but GOV UK splits is actually now higher than both London and the North West.

SOUTH WEST 10,570 - (up from 10,227) V 8058 last week

NORTH EAST 6250 - (up from 5247) V 2795 last week

As for Greater Manchester

9593 cases in GM - new record but only up by 18. NW rise was 110.

GM was 6233 last week. UP 3360. NW weekly rise was 9193


However, a record FOUR of the ten GM boroughs topped 1000 cases today.

GM 40.1% of the North West total of 23,842 today - same split as yesterday and about right on par.

9593 - a new record for Greater Manchester - but UP by just 18 on yesterday.

The numbers were more evenly spread today but FOUR were in 4 figures for the first time ever. Yet nobody above 400 Pop Score points today.

MANCHESTER 1754 - Down 329 on day & up 503 on week - Pop Score 316 (POP 22,937) 23K club tomorrow.

WIGAN 1274 - Up 39 on day & 459 on week - Pop Score 386* Joint highest Pop Score today (POP 22,430)

STOCKPORT 1090 - Down 97 on day & Up 506 on week - Pop Score 371 (POP 21,921) Bolton gained another 106 today to have a huge lead now of 850 - though in these days I would hesitate to call that unassailable as I did with Stockprt's 500 lead before Omicron that then vanished in a flash!

SALFORD 1012 - UP 69 on day & UP 344 on week - Pop Score 386* Joint highest Pop Score with Wigan. And highest pop score in GM acrss the pandemic - leading Manchester by 670. Rattled through the 23K club and tomorrow could even be into the 24K one after just a couple of days! (POP 23,607)

TAMESIDE 834 - Up 64 on day & 258 on week. Pop Score 367 to enter the 22K club (POP 22,413)

ROCHDALE 791 - Up 122 on day & 369 on week. Pop Score 353 (POP 22,627)

BOLTON 764 - Up 190 on day & UP 153 on week - Pop Score 265* to enter the 21K club (POP 21,071) * Lowest Pop Score today AND lowest in GM across the pandemic.

TRAFFORD 755 - DOWN 67 on day & UP 263 on week - Pop Score 318 (POP 22,780)

OLDHAM 731 - DOWN 33 on day & UP 429 on week - Pop Score 308 to enter the 22K club (POP 22,181)

BURY 588 - UP 60 on day & UP 106 on week. Pop Score 308 (POP 22,468)

Keep thinking this cannot get any worse. Then it does.

EVERY borough is way over its highest ever numbers. In fact double or treble its worst in most cases!

STOCKPORT 2227 - was 1076 last week & 396 last month The fastest climber again and now officially gone in 2 weeks from lowest Pop Score across the pandemic to losing that to Bolton and now highest weekly Pop Score ever seen in Greater Manchester. Though the local BBC just reported that Bury is struggling most and 'very high' on a Pop of around 1400. It WAS around Christmas Eve. But I think we have moved on a bit and 2227 counts as a lot higher and of todasy. No doubt Auntie will get round to telling us this news early in 2022. Which might be Bury's Pop by then!

SALFORD 2209 - was 1238 last week & 389 last month

TRAFFORD 2096 - was 1201 last week & 459 last month

MANCHESTER 2024 - was 1238 last week & 323 last month Now four boroughs over 2000

WIGAN 1938 - was 854 last week & 407 last month Next biggest riser to Stockport in past few days and may well be number 5 in the 2000s tomorrow.

TAMESIDE 1901 - was 1021 last week & 386 last month

OLDHAM 1745 - was 700 last week & 308 last month

BURY 1738 - was 1103 last week & 373 last month

ROCHDALE 1659 - was 827 last week & 377 last month

BOLTON 1441 - was 823 last week & 300 last month 'Best in GM by far and miles clear now as the lowest Pop Score across the pandemic too. Getting Delta early paid off it seems.
I have had enough of the posturing and bickering on the other thread and the clear hatred that some on there have for those posting numbers here - unless they are numbers they want to hear or can be reworked to look like they are. And even then you will probably be doing it wrong.

Not sure if I can be bothered carrying on at all as it was good to have days off over Christmas and I hate being caught up within the rampant toxicity that seems to have descended onto Blue Moon.

I will not post on the other thread again. That is for sure. As for here. See how I feel later. I know we are at a critical phase so I hate to stop when we might be approaching the end game.

But it is hard being told by know all blowhards I am doing this for glory (as if) and will be lost when this is over. As they could not be more wrong and I have told them so but, of course, they will never believe me as they KNOW they are right about everything.

On a football forum. Go figure.

I guess it is par for the course. But very draining to do hard yards and get abused for it. Getting too old for all that.
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Anyhow will keep going in here for now


11 deaths - was 10 last week

10,393 cases - was 6755 cases - single day record here

36% positivity - was 20% last week

454 patients - was 342 last week -- a third weekly rise here

32 ventilated - was 32 last week - but this also like elsewhere is NOT rising yet - good news but would lag patients a little though also possibly suggestive of the data saying Omicron reaches the lungs less than Delta did so we might expect more patiens NOT to go onto ventilators and the longer this continues the better

118 with 21 North West

Was 106 with 22 NW last week & 100 with 14 NW two weeks ago

Slow and steady rise but nothing drastic in the first day relatively free of over Christmas catch up.

By Region:

East 8, London 30, Midlands 17, NE & Yorkshire 19, North West 21, Soith East 10, South West 13

By age:

0-19 (1), 20 - 39 (4), 40 - 59 (13), 60 - 79 (46), 80 PLUS (54)

Most by trust:- 8 in Doncaster, 7 in King's London

NW trusts:

5 in Pennine Acute, 4 in St Helens, 2 each in Blackpool, Liverpool & Wirral AND 1 each in Bolton, Nth Lancashire, Mid Cheshire, Salford, Tameside & Warrington

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