Craig Bellamy £10m

Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

Seemed to have a good game against the toon. great finish, linked with parker really well...wouldn't mind the sort of scum that scores goals to be honest...
Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

simon23 said:
i hope this scum bag never pulls on a city shirt.....he doesnt deserve the honour of doing it.

he is average at best and a complete and utter piece of s**t......he would be very very bad for dressing room moral...and there are plenty of people wanting rid of elano for that very same reason yet bellamyu isnt fit to lace elano's boots.

this would be a huge ste in the wrong direction signing this guy......i will never ever support him and i hope this slight injury to his hamstring either gets worse or at least puts us off buying him

yes he is better than vass (not particulary hard ) but there are plenty of others that are better than vass and and buying bellamy is scrapping the bottom of the barell.

Thanks god Hughes is manager and not you!
Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

Enty said:
simon23 said:
i hope this scum bag never pulls on a city shirt.....he doesnt deserve the honour of doing it.

he is average at best and a complete and utter piece of s**t......he would be very very bad for dressing room moral...and there are plenty of people wanting rid of elano for that very same reason yet bellamyu isnt fit to lace elano's boots.

this would be a huge ste in the wrong direction signing this guy......i will never ever support him and i hope this slight injury to his hamstring either gets worse or at least puts us off buying him

yes he is better than vass (not particulary hard ) but there are plenty of others that are better than vass and and buying bellamy is scrapping the bottom of the barell.

Thanks god Hughes is manager and not you!

so do you think bellamy is the right sort of charachter we want for the dressing room?

do you think he deserves the honour of wearing the city shirt

do you think he is a good enough forward to take us into the top 6 of the prem?

i think the answer is no to all of these

and are there better players out there than bellamy......HELL YES!!!!! rather be patient and sign someone for more money than pay money to get this stop gap player in.....who is average at best and just because he scored yesterday and a few in the last few games everyone now seems to think is a world beater
Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

Wow! This thread has eggs on everyone's face in here.

Bellamy has been a SUPERB buy by Hughes.
Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

Sublime timing to pull up this thread out of the coffers

Any Appologies to Mr Bellamy?
Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

Embarrassing in hindsight...

Sparky proves once again (like with Adebayor and De Jong) when he spunks the cash, it's with good reason.

Let's see if RSC also justifies a big transfer fee.
Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

Bellamy has been superb, shown what a great goal-scorer he is, what a good team player he is, and his experience and on-field leading from the front will be vital this season if we are to push top 4 and upwards!
Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

Embarrassing indeed,some of the crap people come out with on these forums,that actually get read by some of the players.Who are actually human by the way.

By the way Adebayor was an absolute bargain and I was one of the few that preferred him to signing Eto!
Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

This is word for word from my own embarrasing archive. It was on a Transfer thread sometime during the January Transfer Window.

" A good day for City today. We still haven't signed RSC, Parker or Bellamy".

Please accept my apologies my " Fiery little Welsh Dragon".

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