Creepy or unusual things that have happened to you.

Second year juniors. New lad started part way through year after his mum moved back to Stockport after living away for a few years following her divorce. Only empty desk was next to me. Turned out his mum and dad were friends of my mum and dad.
When I was about 12 years old was sat having tea with my brother and parents. The phone rang, the first thought in my head was somebody in the family had died. It was my uncle Eric who was only 44. It was totally unexpected as he had no heart problem or health issues.

Another time me and a friend were going to a new computer class being held at a local college. It was the first lesson so didn't know anyone or the tutor. As we were arriving at the college a thought popped in my head that the tutor was going to be a female wearing glasses with long curly strawberry blonde hair.
Walked Into the classroom tutor was exactly as I had described.

Another time was a dream I had about a guy I knew. In the dream he hung himself. Went to work the next day to find he had hung himself. Very sad he was only 33. Very weird at the same time.
fucking hell talk about a harbinger of doom, do you wear black robes and carry a scythe lol
Second hand experience but was on holiday as a kid with my mum and dad somewhere in Greece and a bloke walks over to my Dad and says he recognised him over the road from a scar on his chin, that I couldn't really see before then and still can't really see now
Coincidence-wise, a few:
Went to Majorca and my sister made friends with someone. Year later different resort saw her walking down the street.

In Goa we saw my aunt's ex at the hotel pool and a few days later a couple of my dad’s mates sat on their balcony above a path we were walking along.

In Cairns Australia bumped into a guy I knew from uni.

In a Melbourne hostel a fellow blue from Reddish like me walked past as I was following a City game online.

In Vietnam bumped into a lad from
Manchester whom I'd met 2 years earlier in Oz.

Creepy thing was I had a dream back in 1998 that a plane crashed into Lake Geneva. I got up and on the news was Swissair flight from JFK to Geneva which crashed into the sea
Doing the whole backpacking thing round Australia in my early 20's, got on this jump on jump off tourist bus thing that was travelling between Melbourne and Adelaide. Sat down on last available seat and got talking to the guy next to me. Did the usual where you from questions and it kept narrowing down and down. Turned out he lived about 200 yards and one street over from me but had gone to a different Primary and Secondary School and we'd never actually met.

Another slightly scary one was only a couple of years ago. Driving along following another car, as we approached a set of lights they changed to amber. The car in front went through and I probably should have followed as I had to break quite hard to stop. As I pulled up and stopped the lights pretty much instantly changed back to green again so I set back off. I rounded the next bend to find the car I'd been following on its roof having been t-boned and flipped by a car flying out of a side road. If I'd not stopped at the lights I'd certainly have been involved in it instead of just first on the scene.
I was going to a game and as we couldn’t get a taxi we walked to the ground. We had about five pints so I eventually had to find somewhere to piss or sit at the game smelling like an old man who had given up caring about the smell of ammonia.
I jumped over a fence on the road as there were trees. Relieved we proceeded to the game. Sat down and realised I had lost my glasses. At that time I was one of those wankers who spent a lot on designer glasses. Embarrasses me still and I often wish I could transport back in time and meet myself on the way to buying my first pair and knock myself the fuck out.

I used to lose glasses a lot, so this was just another balls up by me.

The next season, same deal, bursting for a pish, jumped a fence, standing doing a piss and looked down and found my glasses.
Me and a few friends contacted a spirit through the Ouija Board back in 1983, and it told us the City will have won everything within 40 years. That's how I know it's all complete bullshit fantasy...we never won the Full Members Cup.
Weirdest one I’ve ever had was whilst driving.

Was on my own driving during the day in town and i was approaching a crossroads with traffic lights and they were on green. It was built up so you had no idea what was coming the other way but they were on red. I’ve driven through it hundreds of times but something made me slow down and almost stop even though it was on green. As I slowed a car went flying through the other way straight through the red light. God knows what would have happened if I’d just driven as normal, but I’d never had that feeling before and never really had it since.

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