Creepy or unusual things that have happened to you.

Weirdest one I’ve ever had was whilst driving.

Was on my own driving during the day in town and i was approaching a crossroads with traffic lights and they were on green. It was built up so you had no idea what was coming the other way but they were on red. I’ve driven through it hundreds of times but something made me slow down and almost stop even though it was on green. As I slowed a car went flying through the other way straight through the red light. God knows what would have happened if I’d just driven as normal, but I’d never had that feeling before and never really had it since.
Weirdest one I’ve ever had was whilst driving.

Was on my own driving during the day in town and i was approaching a crossroads with traffic lights and they were on green. It was built up so you had no idea what was coming the other way but they were on red. I’ve driven through it hundreds of times but something made me slow down and almost stop even though it was on green. As I slowed a car went flying through the other way straight through the red light. God knows what would have happened if I’d just driven as normal, but I’d never had that feeling before and never really had it since.
Was it the blue flashing lights and sirens on the car that went through the red light that brought on that feeling?
And..the original poster said two events happened. So there could have been anyone in the Maltese Population x Anyone in the UK Population from Malta outbound x the same going back to Malta, add the plane capacity outbound and inbound to Malta and fuck knows what the odds would be.
Evens at best :)
Another one. When I was about 18, I was with a few mates at a gig and we bump Into a lass my mates know and she's with her new boyfriend that we had never met before and wasn't local. People were saying "nice to meet you" , shaking hands with him and whatnot. I locked eyes with him for a few seconds and got this extremely bad vibe from him, it was a weird feeling. I didn't even say hello to him or anything.

After about 30 seconds we got off to the bar and I mate of mine asked what's up and why I didn't say hello to him like everyone else because its not like me to be unfriendly like that at all. I explained that there was something really off about him that I didn't like that caused me to not shake his hand, say hello etc. My friends said "we only met him for about 30 seconds"

6 months later the lad we met is in the news and jailed for raping multiple young lasses.

Now I'm certainly no psychic or anything but that night I looked into someone's eyes and felt completely suspicious about them without knowing them, to the point I acted out of character and unfriendly towards them.
Weirdest one I’ve ever had was whilst driving.

Was on my own driving during the day in town and i was approaching a crossroads with traffic lights and they were on green. It was built up so you had no idea what was coming the other way but they were on red. I’ve driven through it hundreds of times but something made me slow down and almost stop even though it was on green. As I slowed a car went flying through the other way straight through the red light. God knows what would have happened if I’d just driven as normal, but I’d never had that feeling before and never really had it since.

That sounds very similar to a story my sister told me.

She lives in the canary Islands and was driving the car and had my nephew in the passenger seat, he was only about a year old. She was approaching a crossroads and it was her right of way with the lights, but she said she almost felt a weight pushing down on her that made her slow and stop rather than drive on. As she slowed, a car that wasn't supposed to go through the crossroads went speeding through. Had my sister driven on as she was meant to, the car would've likely gone right into the side of the car where the baby was.

Very strange. She isn't the type to make up that kind of story and it's quite similar to yours.
When I was young we as a family were going on holiday to North Wales for a week, sadly we couldnt take our Beagle dog so we booked her in & dropped her off at a kennels about 20 miles away from home, the lady running the Kennels showed us around and it seemed very well run with high walls and fences & plenty of staff,
The dog had never been in Kennels before & we had never been there before & we went straight to North Wales without returning home,
Half way through the week we were contacted by our neighbour to say they had found our dog sat on our doorstep crying so the neighbour took it in & was kind enough to look after it until we got home,
The Kennels owner said they had never had a dog escape before & was obviously very sorry & could not understand how the dog had managed to get out, to get back home the dog must have crossed at least 3 very busy roads & countless country lanes as well as being in a place it had never been before?
As part of my job I try and resolve noise complaints between neighbours. I had a complaint about shouting in the night coming from an under dwelling. The house number was 666. I went and as I went down the steps to the front door I felt really afraid for some unknown reason. Thankfully no one was in so I left a card. Some really weird bloke called Damian rang me from the house but thankfully the neighbour never complained again so I didn’t have to go back.
When I was young we as a family were going on holiday to North Wales for a week, sadly we couldnt take our Beagle dog so we booked her in & dropped her off at a kennels about 20 miles away from home, the lady running the Kennels showed us around and it seemed very well run with high walls and fences & plenty of staff,
The dog had never been in Kennels before & we had never been there before & we went straight to North Wales without returning home,
Half way through the week we were contacted by our neighbour to say they had found our dog sat on our doorstep crying so the neighbour took it in & was kind enough to look after it until we got home,
The Kennels owner said they had never had a dog escape before & was obviously very sorry & could not understand how the dog had managed to get out, to get back home the dog must have crossed at least 3 very busy roads & countless country lanes as well as being in a place it had never been before?
That sounds like a typical Beagle story, they’re escape artists and very smart with an unbelievable sense of smell.
When we got our latest rescue Beagle he immediately managed to escape, at the time we were living in the middle of the countryside so had no idea where he could have got to,he was missing for hours .After driving round endless country lanes to no avail, I decided as a last resort to let our other Beagle out to see if his barking would attract him.He then escapes I try and follow him but he disappears, now we’ve got two dogs missing.Totally distraught me and the Mrs are driving separately round country lanes for about another hour then decide to return home to find both dogs waiting for us.The older one who we’d had for four years had found his new brother and brought him home !

On another occasion a witnessed a strange occurrence, our house at the time had a pond I’d decided to get some ducks as they lay great eggs.One day I heard a terrible scream, I looked out the bedroom window and saw a stoat had hold of a baby rabbit,as I was about to go down and scare the stoat or let the dogs out , I saw all the ducks about six of them leave the water and waddle towards the stoat quacking, the stoat dropped the baby rabbit and scarpered.
I had a horrific “nightmare” didn’t know where I was no idea why I was here ?

Next day my son walks in and says “ you have a cracking view of the Kop and Anfield from here”

Anfield outside my window staring up at me how can I get better and go home ? at least two more weeks of this have closed the Everton Blue curtains .
Never ever fall ill near Liverpool again. I’d rather overlook the Swamp my City family all come and go home laughing at my misfortune
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