Cristiano Ronaldo

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Dislike Ronaldo with a passion, but as for the club losing it's soul,no way. Got a 16 year old son who I have been trying to get into football for years, tonight he is buzzing. I think for 2 years he scores goals, raises the profile of the club to another level. Would I ever of thought I would vote yes in a poll the sign Ronaldo no I wouldn't, but I think the pluses out weight any negatives. I apologise for telling you to get over yourself, it's how you feel and that's fine. For me seeing the buzz on here tonight tells you all you need to know.

PS don't think it will happen anyway.
I don't either.
It’s not the fact he’s ex United, it’s deeper than that. He’s everything I’d hope city never become

What, good at football?

By all accounts, he isn't bei f offered huge wages. The club are claimed refusing a fee, and if we pay one, won't be a big one. He is old, but still a top athlete, and tbe contract length would reflect that. us not tbe first old ayer weve been linked with, no different to messi, lewandowski, or even Kane (relative to his price) who seemed appropriate enough. A twat, so what, many others are. I don't see the issue, he can play, if he improves us and ir doesn't compromise long term development, finances etc, what core principle is it that it offends?

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