Crystal Palace (h) pre-match thread

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Going to dress as if I was about to climb Everest tommorrow. Going to be bloody freezing.
Any old win,we need to start grinding out results
I wish mp would stop with the patience approach as we end up only playing in the 2nd half,time we took charge from the off,come on
Time we put our foot down and get out of sight in the first half. We need some momentum and this is the game to get some
I am struggling to go into any match at the moment with huge amounts of confidence almost regardless of opposition if I'm honest. They seem to have slipped a bit recently and I thought there were some promising signs for us last weekend and to some extent in the second half on Wednesday so I'd like to think we can get the three points. Personally I'd like us to start without Yaya and see how we can do without him especially as he played on Wednesday so no doubt he will be blowing out of his arse after ten minutes, but that's not going to happen. I anticipate something similar to Swansea at home and Norwich at home with us nicking a win.

My thoughts exactly. It would be nice to have a comfortable win for a change I'd love to see Delph in for Yaya and Nacho in for Navas or KDB
RB Zabba (if rumors of selling him to milan or other Serie A squads is true, the price would be better if they see him play)
CB Sagna
CB Ota
LB Clichy

RM Navas
AM Silva
DM Delph
LM Sterling

F Kun
F Nacho

Plan to bring:
Yaya/DeBrun - if attacking needs a boost
Fernando - if we take a 2 goal lead and want to play defensive
Kolorov/MDM - final 15-20 if we need to protect a 1 goal lead (replacing a forward and adding a 5th defensive player)

YaYa needs a rest, it seems MP understands this concept, which is why he had Silva on the bench mid-week.
We're quite lucky that Palace are struggling at the minute and are missing Bolasie. Their strikers have scored 1 goal between them apparently. I want to see 4-4-2 Nacho paired with Kun, Delph and Fernando in the middle so that one isn't left doing the donkey work of 2 when Yaya can't be arsed and pacey wide men either side to offer the team balance and some direction and purpose in our play. Right now, Silva and to a lesser extent KDB are not worth having in the team simply because we're not playing to their strengths. Nothing against them personally but If there's zero movement infront of them Silva can't be expected to produce the magic we know he's capable of.





We won't see any of that though. We'll see a similar team to Wednesday but with probably Zab/Kolarov Silva and Delph coming in and we'll still produce the same crap we have done all season.
I want 4-4-2 back
I know we all moaned about him playing 4-2-3-1 but, that was for euro and maybe big away games. now we are playing this all the time. we out scored the teams with 4-4-2. we won the league with 4-4-2. both times. lets play that again at home.
now that I am complaining; we always had our best form with Silva on right, KDB plays best of his games in the center. why change that? and put silva in mid and KDB ion right?

my team for this.

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