Daily Express: Mancini to have contract extended

Eggsy said:
In my opinion Mancini was let down in January. We were 5 points clear and he asked to strengthen the squad for the final push and was refused the funds. Had we of brought in more strength in depth in January when Mancini asked for the funds we would still be top and would have the won before the rags visit in April.

It's a good point. We were looking good and after spending a fortune we didn't go the extra £30-40m. Don't know if it was due FFP but we should have worried a about that in the summer. UEFA were on our side with Tevez so I'm sure something could have been worked out.
Rammy Blue said:
That's a really weird logic, imo.

Whichever Manchester club wins the Prem has had a good season, the one that doesn't has had a shocker.
Each to their own but say we finish level on points (more than possible), with 2 goals g/d between us.

How to you equate that to one being a great season & the shocker. It's bloody ludicrous. Simplistic. Childlike etc.
SWP's back said:
Blue Hefner said:
Can't agree about cups being a 'lottery'. There is an element of luck as far as who a team gets but that is where the look ends. To be beaten/knocked out of the cups by Utd, L'pool and Sporting Lisbon is a bad sign.

To judge progress you surely have to look at if a team is learning from its mistakes and given our away performances in the league and cup displays in my opinion does not show that management and players are learning from mistakes. In fact I would say that we are not even acknowledging them never mind learning from them!
Put it this way:

Liverpool won the CC & are still in the semi's of the FA Cup, their team however, are shite. Anything can happen in one off games.

Utd got knocked out by Palace, Liverpool & Bilbao, no one is saying that they are having a bad season.

As I say, anything can happen in cup games which is why using them as a barometer to our season's success is fruitless, in my opinion of course.

they're going to win the league, their fans won't care about Bilbao/Palace/Basel because they got the big prize at the end, and let's be honest they've done amazingly well to be where they are now.

We on the other hand are still pulling apart Napoli/United/Liverpool and Sporting, because we've ended up with nothing, which is extremely dissappointing and this season we essentially took 2 steps forward in the first half of the season then took 3 back. If we make the necessary improvements and take 5 permanent steps forward by the start of next season all is good, but I find Mancini far too one dimensional because the same problems have plagued us for the last 3 months, in fact they're getting worse.

If he learns from it, purchases accordingly and the owners fully back him, then I'll fully back him again next season.

I can't help feeling that I'd rather a manager who had flexibility and the winning mentality were in charge. If Mourinho came available I'd ship Mancini off to the Inter job tomorrow, but the owners have 7 games now to make all their plans for next season and act on them, and I'll back them either way.

And if you say we can still win the league, yes we technically can, but realistically taking everything into account we aren't going to.

If Mancini turns it around and achieves that, then he's a miracle worker quite frankly.
My view at the start of the season was that finishing within 3 points of the rags (who I predicted would win it) would constitute a good season, as it gives us a great platform to win it next season. If we end up finishing 7 or 8 points behind them (and it could be more) then that isn't quite good enough, as we've really not improved against waht is arguably a poorer rags side than the one we finished 9 points behind last season.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
SWP's back said:
Blue Hefner said:
Can't agree about cups being a 'lottery'. There is an element of luck as far as who a team gets but that is where the look ends. To be beaten/knocked out of the cups by Utd, L'pool and Sporting Lisbon is a bad sign.

To judge progress you surely have to look at if a team is learning from its mistakes and given our away performances in the league and cup displays in my opinion does not show that management and players are learning from mistakes. In fact I would say that we are not even acknowledging them never mind learning from them!
Put it this way:

Liverpool won the CC & are still in the semi's of the FA Cup, their team however, are shite. Anything can happen in one off games.

Utd got knocked out by Palace, Liverpool & Bilbao, no one is saying that they are having a bad season.

As I say, anything can happen in cup games which is why using them as a barometer to our season's success is fruitless, in my opinion of course.

they're going to win the league, their fans won't care about Bilbao/Palace/Basel because they got the big prize at the end, and let's be honest they've done amazingly well to be where they are now.

We on the other hand are still pulling apart Napoli/United/Liverpool and Sporting, because we've ended up with nothing, which is extremely dissappointing and this season we essentially took 2 steps forward in the first half of the season then took 3 back. If we make the necessary improvements and take 5 permanent steps forward by the start of next season all is good, but I find Mancini far too one dimensional because the same problems have plagued us for the last 3 months, in fact they're getting worse.

If he learns from it, purchases accordingly and the owners fully back him, then I'll fully back him again next season.

I can't help feeling that I'd rather a manager who had flexibility and the winning mentality were in charge. If Mourinho came available I'd ship Mancini off to the Inter job tomorrow, but the owners have 7 games now to make all their plans for next season and act on them, and I'll back them either way.

And if you say we can still win the league, yes we technically can, but realistically taking everything into account we aren't going to.

If Mancini turns it around and achieves that, then he's a miracle worker quite frankly.
I wouldn't say he is a miracle worker. I could see us winning 7 of our last 8 games. Utd will drop points (if they don't and finish on 97 pts it'll be a new record).

I'm glad I am not in the trenches with you though. Whilst I concede Utd are favourites, it's not nice to see that you have already crowned them.<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:15 pm --<br /><br />
Prestwich_Blue said:
waht is arguably a poorer rags side than the one we finished 9 points behind last season.
I cannot understand your reasoning at all here.
As things stand we have been knocked out of every cup and have thrown a 5 point lead away. You can of course argue that united have had a good run but can you really say we have made good enough progress to off Mancini a new contract?

I don't think so. We won the cup last year, which I will never forget but I don't think it looks like we are improving as the season is going on, in fact we are getting worse
SWP's back said:
Rammy Blue said:
That's a really weird logic, imo.

Whichever Manchester club wins the Prem has had a good season, the one that doesn't has had a shocker.
Each to their own but say we finish level on points (more than possible), with 2 goals g/d between us.

How to you equate that to one being a great season & the shocker. It's bloody ludicrous. Simplistic. Childlike etc.
I agree with that. We had a good Premier League season last season and so far this season, in our first title challenge for 35 years, we've matched our points total from last season. Therefore for me we've already had a good season up to now and anything we gain from here will be an improvement and will equate to a great season no matter where we finish.

Finishing second to a team that look like they'll break their own points total record is no disgrace.

The averages that champions have achieved in winning the Prem Lg since it became 20 teams (1995) look like this:
P38 W25 D4 L4 F78 A33 Pts 85

We may well (looking likely) get close to/match/get even better than some/most/all of these totals.

The best that teams have achieved in the different areas are:
Games won: Chelsea 2004-05 (29)
Games lost: Arsenal 2003-04 (0)
Goals scored: Chelsea 2009-10 (103)
Goals conceded: Chelsea 2004-05 (15)
Points total: Chelsea 2004-05 (95)

So it looks like we'll have a season where we will achieve pretty much in between the average and the best the Prem Lg has seen from champion teams, in a season where we might finish second. You've got to say that that's impressive.

We could win the league next season gaining fewer points than this season (quite conceivable). It would be a backwards step in terms of points (and possibly games won, goals scored etc.) yet will be considered a better achievement.
SWP's back said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
SWP's back said:
Put it this way:

Liverpool won the CC & are still in the semi's of the FA Cup, their team however, are shite. Anything can happen in one off games.

Utd got knocked out by Palace, Liverpool & Bilbao, no one is saying that they are having a bad season.

As I say, anything can happen in cup games which is why using them as a barometer to our season's success is fruitless, in my opinion of course.

they're going to win the league, their fans won't care about Bilbao/Palace/Basel because they got the big prize at the end, and let's be honest they've done amazingly well to be where they are now.

We on the other hand are still pulling apart Napoli/United/Liverpool and Sporting, because we've ended up with nothing, which is extremely dissappointing and this season we essentially took 2 steps forward in the first half of the season then took 3 back. If we make the necessary improvements and take 5 permanent steps forward by the start of next season all is good, but I find Mancini far too one dimensional because the same problems have plagued us for the last 3 months, in fact they're getting worse.

If he learns from it, purchases accordingly and the owners fully back him, then I'll fully back him again next season.

I can't help feeling that I'd rather a manager who had flexibility and the winning mentality were in charge. If Mourinho came available I'd ship Mancini off to the Inter job tomorrow, but the owners have 7 games now to make all their plans for next season and act on them, and I'll back them either way.

And if you say we can still win the league, yes we technically can, but realistically taking everything into account we aren't going to.

If Mancini turns it around and achieves that, then he's a miracle worker quite frankly.
I wouldn't say he is a miracle worker. I could see us winning 7 of our last 8 games. Utd will drop points (if they don't and finish on 97 pts it'll be a new record).

I'm glad I am not in the trenches with you though. Whilst I concede Utd are favourites, it's not nice to see that you have already crowned them.

-- Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:15 pm --

Prestwich_Blue said:
waht is arguably a poorer rags side than the one we finished 9 points behind last season.
I cannot understand your reasoning at all here.

it's called realism Sweep, and it ain't 1914 son.

I don't see us winning at Arsenal/Norwich/Newcastle or at home to West Brom or United, because we're playing shite and we've been found out.

If that's not your trench mentality, then sorry, but you don't win the war in the trench, like you don't win the league from the stand.
Prestwich_Blue said:
My view at the start of the season was that finishing within 3 points of the rags (who I predicted would win it) would constitute a good season, as it gives us a great platform to win it next season. If we end up finishing 7 or 8 points behind them (and it could be more) then that isn't quite good enough, as we've really not improved against waht is arguably a poorer rags side than the one we finished 9 points behind last season.
United are a better squad this season than last. They signed well, brought back like Welbeck (far better player than Bluemooners think - I've seen such comments as "Wellshit" when he's clearly not!) and their younger players have that bit more experience as champions. They are much better than many Blues give them credit for.
Marvin said:
CTID1988 said:
Hope this is true
Me too.

Money making a lot of City fans lose all sense of values and judgement. Success is based on continuity. In many ways City are similar to Chelsea. A rich owner buying the best. Let us learn from their mistakes and get a good manager in who can lay down the foundations for an era

Only this

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