Daily Express: Mancini to have contract extended

Don't understand why he needs his contract extended if it runs out in 2013 anyway. Give him another year yes and if it goes well give him a new contract then.
CityCTID said:
BillyShears said:
CityCTID said:
1 down, one more to go

You obviously know nothing about our owners. Players are not, and never have been, imposed upon Mancini. If they suggest one and he doesn't want them, he simply says no and they move on.

I know exactly what I'm talking about.
You clearly don't. Even if Marwood goes, there will be someone to take his place. The owners are trying to separate long-term development of the football side (and that includes player recruitment) from the actual first team coaching.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
SWP's back said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
That's what you would like to think, in terms of some sort of perceived agenda of mine.

As opposed to you, who only wants to believe it because it makes you feel better?

As stated in my original post, the story may well turn out to be correct.

But the paper has simply chanced its arm.

Funny how this briefing only extended itself to one newspaper, rather than City miss the opportunity to get this out across all the platforms.

Even stranger no other media outlet has since followed it up.
No Tolm, it's just you only rubbish (or attempt to), stories that don't back up your desire really.

My own personal feelings are not as you perceive them.

I wouldn't mind Mancini staying but if Jose is available then I would probably want us to get him, whether we finish 1st or 2nd this year. Nothing against Mancini but I believe Jose (whilst he comes with baggage), to be the manager most likely to set the club up for a period of domestic and European dominance.

So no, this story doesn't really make me feel better, nor do I really believe it. I was just making the comment that you would rubbish the article and paper and it doesn't back up what you have been saying.

That's fair enough, mate.

Albeit, I haven't been saying much for good reason in terms of Mancini's actual situation, which is because the club are rightly keeping their own counsel.

There are plenty of people who work for our club who have their own agenda, I'm sure.

There are also plenty of people who confuse my opinion as a blue, with what may be fact.

I am always very careful to choose my words.

For the record, my personal stance has been clear, I have wanted Jose from day one of the takeover.

He was the right man for the job then and has only enhanced his record since.

Under Mancini we will continue to compete, win the odd pot, the least we should expect.

But under Mourinho, we would start to make Sheikh Mansour's resources tip the scales for a coming generation or more.

But we wouldn't have beaten United 6-1 at home. Now that is legendary. A piece of history that every blue will treasure as long as they live and which is probably a defining moment of our club's rise. Mancini has brought about success and improvement without a shadow of doubt. He has an eye for young talent and has openly said he wants to stay here at city for many many years like he did at Sampdoria and help build a legacy here.

He has made a number of mistakes but I think he has shown more than enough that he should be given more years under us and Im extremely confident that we will be very successful under him. He has won trophies at every club he has managed mate, so I think hes record speaks for himself.
PSmyth07 said:
Don't understand why he needs his contract extended if it runs out in 2013 anyway. Give him another year yes and if it goes well give him a new contract then.
Doesn't work like that in football mate. The manager needs to have full authority. If the players know he is going then it can really affect his power in the dressing room. Remember a few years back when Baconface was retiring at the end of the season, the players stopped performing, the same when Tevez, Ade & Bellamy thought RM was only here for 6 months. They practically revolted as they thought a new guy would be in the summer.

No, the owners have to either bring someone else in this summer or extend his contract. Leaving it as it is would be doom next season.
pauljv92 said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
SWP's back said:
No Tolm, it's just you only rubbish (or attempt to), stories that don't back up your desire really.

My own personal feelings are not as you perceive them.

I wouldn't mind Mancini staying but if Jose is available then I would probably want us to get him, whether we finish 1st or 2nd this year. Nothing against Mancini but I believe Jose (whilst he comes with baggage), to be the manager most likely to set the club up for a period of domestic and European dominance.

So no, this story doesn't really make me feel better, nor do I really believe it. I was just making the comment that you would rubbish the article and paper and it doesn't back up what you have been saying.

That's fair enough, mate.

Albeit, I haven't been saying much for good reason in terms of Mancini's actual situation, which is because the club are rightly keeping their own counsel.

There are plenty of people who work for our club who have their own agenda, I'm sure.

There are also plenty of people who confuse my opinion as a blue, with what may be fact.

I am always very careful to choose my words.

For the record, my personal stance has been clear, I have wanted Jose from day one of the takeover.

He was the right man for the job then and has only enhanced his record since.

Under Mancini we will continue to compete, win the odd pot, the least we should expect.

But under Mourinho, we would start to make Sheikh Mansour's resources tip the scales for a coming generation or more.

But we wouldn't have beaten United 6-1 at home. Now that is legendary. A piece of history that every blue will treasure as long as they live and which is probably a defining moment of our club's rise. Mancini has brought about success and improvement without a shadow of doubt. He has an eye for young talent and has openly said he wants to stay here at city for many many years like he did at Sampdoria and help build a legacy here.

He has made a number of mistakes but I think he has shown more than enough that he should be given more years under us and Im extremely confident that we will be very successful under him. He has won trophies at every club he has managed mate, so I think hes record speaks for himself.

And with the specter of FFP looming, we need to think long term in terms of identifying and promoting young talent and I think Mancini would be perfect for that. See, the reason Inter cant replace their older players so easily is because they have got to start balancing the books and they need to get value for these players, which they are not going to get because noones willing to pay. Clubs cant just go on a spending spree to replace old players from now on, it all has to develop from the Academy level with bright talent and I think Mancini would be the perfect guy to carry out that role and help us develop as a club.
SWP's back said:
PSmyth07 said:
Don't understand why he needs his contract extended if it runs out in 2013 anyway. Give him another year yes and if it goes well give him a new contract then.
Doesn't work like that in football mate. The manager needs to have full authority. If the players know he is going then it can really affect his power in the dressing room. Remember a few years back when Baconface was retiring at the end of the season, the players stopped performing, the same when Tevez, Ade & Bellamy thought RM was only here for 6 months. They practically revolted as they thought a new guy would be in the summer.

No, the owners have to either bring someone else in this summer or extend his contract. Leaving it as it is would be doom next season.

Suppose you're right.

However, last season was pretty similar. The players would have known that if he didn't secure any silverware then he'd be a goner and it didn't seem to affect them that much.
pauljv92 said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
SWP's back said:
No Tolm, it's just you only rubbish (or attempt to), stories that don't back up your desire really.

My own personal feelings are not as you perceive them.

I wouldn't mind Mancini staying but if Jose is available then I would probably want us to get him, whether we finish 1st or 2nd this year. Nothing against Mancini but I believe Jose (whilst he comes with baggage), to be the manager most likely to set the club up for a period of domestic and European dominance.

So no, this story doesn't really make me feel better, nor do I really believe it. I was just making the comment that you would rubbish the article and paper and it doesn't back up what you have been saying.

That's fair enough, mate.

Albeit, I haven't been saying much for good reason in terms of Mancini's actual situation, which is because the club are rightly keeping their own counsel.

There are plenty of people who work for our club who have their own agenda, I'm sure.

There are also plenty of people who confuse my opinion as a blue, with what may be fact.

I am always very careful to choose my words.

For the record, my personal stance has been clear, I have wanted Jose from day one of the takeover.

He was the right man for the job then and has only enhanced his record since.

Under Mancini we will continue to compete, win the odd pot, the least we should expect.

But under Mourinho, we would start to make Sheikh Mansour's resources tip the scales for a coming generation or more.

But we wouldn't have beaten United 6-1 at home. Now that is legendary. A piece of history that every blue will treasure as long as they live and which is probably a defining moment of our club's rise. Mancini has brought about success and improvement without a shadow of doubt. He has an eye for young talent and has openly said he wants to stay here at city for many many years like he did at Sampdoria and help build a legacy here.

He has made a number of mistakes but I think he has shown more than enough that he should be given more years under us and Im extremely confident that we will be very successful under him. He has won trophies at every club he has managed mate, so I think hes record speaks for himself.

I'm sorry, but people keep citing the 6-1 win, it was a one-off, will live long in the day, but it wasn't some sort of day of reckoning, as results have since shown.

You also can't say what Mourinho would have achieved that day.

It's a myth. Jose's teams are exciting, play great football, but more importantly, they also find a way to win.

That's what separates opinion.

I do like a Bentley, but I wouldn't buy one if I knew I could buy a Rolls.

Mancini has only brought an improvement based on his superior skill-set to that clown Hughes, making use of the fantastic resources at his disposal.

Mourinho is the upgrade on the same circumstances.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
pauljv92 said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
That's fair enough, mate.

Albeit, I haven't been saying much for good reason in terms of Mancini's actual situation, which is because the club are rightly keeping their own counsel.

There are plenty of people who work for our club who have their own agenda, I'm sure.

There are also plenty of people who confuse my opinion as a blue, with what may be fact.

I am always very careful to choose my words.

For the record, my personal stance has been clear, I have wanted Jose from day one of the takeover.

He was the right man for the job then and has only enhanced his record since.

Under Mancini we will continue to compete, win the odd pot, the least we should expect.

But under Mourinho, we would start to make Sheikh Mansour's resources tip the scales for a coming generation or more.

But we wouldn't have beaten United 6-1 at home. Now that is legendary. A piece of history that every blue will treasure as long as they live and which is probably a defining moment of our club's rise. Mancini has brought about success and improvement without a shadow of doubt. He has an eye for young talent and has openly said he wants to stay here at city for many many years like he did at Sampdoria and help build a legacy here.

He has made a number of mistakes but I think he has shown more than enough that he should be given more years under us and Im extremely confident that we will be very successful under him. He has won trophies at every club he has managed mate, so I think hes record speaks for himself.

I'm sorry, but people keep citing the 6-1 win, it was a one-off, will live long in the day, but it wasn't some sort of day of reckoning, as results have since shown.

You also can't say what Mourinho would have achieved that day.

It's a myth. Jose's teams are exciting, play great football, but more importantly, they also find a way to win.

That's what separates opinion.

I do like a Bentley, but I wouldn't buy one if I knew I could buy a Rolls.

Mancini has only brought an improvement based on his superior skill-set to that clown Hughes, making use of the fantastic resources at his disposal.

Mourinho is the upgrade on the same circumstances.

Doesn't really matter if we win every game 1-0 to me, as long as we win. I'm sure Arsenal fans would say the same.

If there is a slight possibility we could get Mourinho we should jump on it imo.
SWP's back said:
Rammy Blue said:
SWP's back said:
I wouldn't mind Mancini staying but if Jose is available then I would probably want us to get him, whether we finish 1st or 2nd this year.

So you'd sack Bob if we win the Prem this season, as long as Jose was available?
As I have previously stated, finishing 1st or 2nd, where you could be within a point of each other or both end on 95 pts should not matter. Someone shouldn't be sacked "just for finishing 2nd" if they get a points total that would win the league 9 times out of ten. I find that rationale to be moronic.

The owners should have the man at the helm that they want and that they think is the long term future of the club. If that man is Mancini then it shouldn't matter whether we finish 1st or 2nd this year (and next year and the following year), if they think he is the man, then stick with him. Conversely, if we win the league this year but Mancini is seen as being 2nd choice to Jose and he's who the owners want as the considet him the best, then I believe they should make the move.

Over the course of a 38 season, the winners may finish 1 or 2 points ahead of their rivals. It would be far too fickle to sack a manager solely on the basis that he finished 2 points behind another club when you consider how easily a match can swing in the final minutes. That's why I believe it wrong to sack a manager based on winning the league or not. It has to be about more than that. The owners either have faith in the guy in charge or they don't.

You'll have splinters in your arse if you keep sitting on the fence.....

Only being facetious mate but you've done a lot of "Bob defending" in threads since the game on Sat yet choose to post today that if Jose was available you'd happily see Bob moved on regardless of whether we finish 1st or 2nd - my point really is that is exactly how a fair number of us feel.

I think a lot of it stems from the fact that if we don't win the title, imo, it will be an unmitigated disaster considering our early season form in getting to 14-1-0.

People can bang on all they like about how well the scum have done however as I've said in the other thread there are lots of faults that can be laid at Bob's door since our downturn in form - unbalanced squad with no pace or width, poor rotation of players resulting in loss of form and confidence, no plan B for teams that park the bus, shocking away form that doesn't look like changing, poor formations and systems that he changes after first half etc etc.

Anyway, I suppose what I'm saying is that even if we lose the title by 1 or 2 points I'll consider it as an abject failure - I'll hold my hands up and say I'm wrong if suddenly we click into gear and play well in the next 7 games but I've seen fuck all over the last few weeks to make me believe that will be the case.
Only thing for me that let's Mancini down is he publicly criticising his players.

How Do you think BaconChops would of handled Balitelli? For me he would of backed him to the hilt have a real go at the media even Hanson he would of had a go at. He'd say he's young adapting to the premier and referees have an agenda and bias towards him! This is how BaconChops backed Ronaldo for his 1st 2 to 3 season when frankly he was behaving just as bad!

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