Daily Mail, your media etc

Normally it's the following:

- BBC News website
- Bluemoon
- Occasionally that Kos Update website for their detailed Ukraine updates and this is usually via a link on Bluemoon.
- Every once in a while the Sky News YouTube page for their Ukraine updates.
- Very occasionally The Guardian website.
- Listening to oeople regurgitating whatever is coming up on their smartphone, smart watches etc.
- Hearing news snippets on Radio 1 or Radio 6.

But recently I've cut out the BBC website because the constant doom and gloom is putting me on a bit of a downer.
I read the Daily Mail. I don't agree with very much they write, but I've subscribed to their comments section and it's disappointing but refreshing that my socialist principles are well received.

Disappointing because I subscribed and thought I could wind them up, and refreshing because my posts aren't removed and I have thousands more likes than dislikes. I guess Mail readers aren't as unbalanced as I thought.

For hard hitting analysis, A Different Bias, Maximillion Robespierre, and Truth to Power are my go to channels.

The Daily Mail comments section is one of the vilest places on the mainstream internet.

The 'best' thing is it's general lack of moderation and allowance of comments on seemingly any news story. But the negativity and toxic nature of those comments make it not worth reading.

Just look at any article about a woman celebrity. Normally calling them ugly and worthless, nobodys etc. Nasty place.
Normally it's the following:

- BBC News website
- Bluemoon
- Occasionally that Kos Update website for their detailed Ukraine updates and this is usually via a link on Bluemoon.
- Every once in a while the Sky News YouTube page for their Ukraine updates.
- Very occasionally The Guardian website.
- Listening to oeople regurgitating whatever is coming up on their smartphone, smart watches etc.
- Hearing news snippets on Radio 1 or Radio 6.

But recently I've cut out the BBC website because the constant doom and gloom is putting me on a bit of a downer.

Try GeeBeeBee's Talk Radio and Times Radio - everything is rosy in the UK there - a lot of it is fucking bollocks but sit back and soak up the indoctrination and it may lift your spirts lol

Seriously though don't let shit get you down eh?
The Daily Mail comments section is one of the vilest places on the mainstream internet.

The 'best' thing is it's general lack of moderation and allowance of comments on seemingly any news story. But the negativity and toxic nature of those comments make it not worth reading.

Just look at any article about a woman celebrity. Normally calling them ugly and worthless, nobodys etc. Nasty place.
I only comment on stories about politicians and the economy whereby I was sure my leftie nonsense thoughts would be roundly condemmed, but that hasn't been the case. Some of my posts have received literally hundreds of green ticks.

In that respect, not all readers of the Mail agree with the editorial stance of the paper, far from it it my experience.

As for comments about celebrities, I have no idea. I've never entered that world. I see the headlines but 99 times out of a 100 I've never heard of the person the headline refers to.

Makes me laugh how it's okay to write this now. Couldn't do it before the absolute shit show we have now though, eh?

I think common sense lies somewhere between the Corbyn manifesto and the Starmer agenda. Unfortunately Labour infighting has muddied those waters to the extent it has helped to mask the shitshow that is the Tory Party and the Tory Govt. aided and abetted by the r/w media like the Mail and the Express. The fact they would like Johnson on the ballot in this leadership contest is because Johnson surrounded himself with useless sycophants and they are realising the shitshow they are facing themselves. Personally I am happy with short term pain for longer term gain - they are fucking themselves over and the denser ones haven't got it yet but some of them are coming to terms that they have all done for themselves by joining the cult of a ****.
An old pal of mine who veered into Brexit territory (someone who I've mentioned numerous times on here) has now politely tried to shut down any discussions over politics and suggested I come off Twitter etc (I barely use twitter save the odd comedy thread or work related) and that 'Mainstream Television is best avoided'.
TBF, that may be because he can sense my anger and what this lot have done (and he was one who invited these vampires into our homes).

We are "mushrooms in the dark" (and I think this is beginning to sound/veer into conspiracy theory space....they all use the same tropes after all.
Earlier on it was 'wokey dokey', 'snowflakes', 'markists', 'trans issues'....from a lifelong labour supporter too.

Of course, he recently (or at least earlier in the year) thought GB News would be the balanced voice but I've not since asked if he still thinks it's a balanced watch.

From my perspective, the BBC (and Ch.4) despite being television (and therefore set out to 'entertain') is still pretty balanced but perhaps with the spectre of Conservative influence (the "where's Wally/Brexit' mentions).
Does that sound fair?

The amount of links I got from him via the Telegraph suggest were his alligence (nay radicalisation) lies.
It's not been the same between us for the past few months, but perhaps that's naturally how people move on.
I don't even think it's a disagreement over politics either, but something more than that.
To get a balanced view you need to see ALL of the news, not just the news you agree with. Problem today is that a lot of people are just reading news they agree with.
To get a balanced view you need to see ALL of the news, not just the news you agree with. Problem today is that a lot of people are just reading news they agree with.
The second problem is why are people watching or reading news purely to agree or disagree with something? I thought the news was supposed to be an account of stuff that's happened? It's a bit sad really that we have to read or hear about things and then pass judgement on them.

Everything is bloody political nowadays unfortunately and I think it's actually turning people off things like politics. It definitely has for me because it was once interesting to read and participate in debate but now it's just about who thinks they're right the most (and can be arsed arguing to prove it).
The second problem is why are people watching or reading news purely to agree or disagree with something? I thought the news was supposed to be an account of stuff that's happened?

Everything is bloody political nowadays unfortunately and I think it's actually turning people off things like politics. It definitely has for me because it was once interesting to read and participate in debate but now it's just about who thinks they're right the most (and can be arsed arguing to prove it).

Nail on the head mate.

The average Joe thinking they are deep political thinkers because they can swear a lot and recite twitter verbatim from an ideologues feed.

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