Daily Mail, your media etc

The right wing really hate the British public.
I would think that the most dangerous thing for them is the idea of us ignorant poor folks getting an education and realising what they have been doing to us and this country for generations.
I suppose that’s why they want to destroy the state education system.
Superb. The biggest thing they have is to under-educate us, leaving us without any though apart from what they and their media shills provide.

Subversive bastards.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." ― Marcus Aurelius

And that is why democracy only works if people are humble enough to understand their limitations. For example, I would never tell anyone how to build a jet engine or operate on a heart. It is outside my competence.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." ― Marcus Aurelius

And that is why democracy only works if people are humble enough to understand their limitations. For example, I would never tell anyone how to build a jet engine or operate on a heart. It is outside my competence.

I would genuinely and in good faith argue that the people we have in the big house have always presumed to know better than anyone else, what has always scared me is for example the minister of defence almost always has no military training or links to the forces (Grant Shapps is the incumbent).

We have people in every dept who know little or next to nothing about the departments they head, in effect we have people who vote for things they know nothing about and voting people in who know very little about the jobs they take on, it's a clusterfuck.

We vote people into the big house off the back of that the process is democratic, a bit like the SPOTY result the end result doesn't mirror the populations wish for a fair and just outcome.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." ― Marcus Aurelius

And that is why democracy only works if people are humble enough to understand their limitations. For example, I would never tell anyone how to build a jet engine or operate on a heart. It is outside my competence.
My limit is to get the duvet cover back on the duvet without climbing inside :+)
My view is that people elected to Parliament ought to be of reasonable intelligence. OK, that fails right there. We often elect nincompoops who are not fit to run a whelk stall. 30p Lee springs to mind.

What they ought to be doing, as part of their job, is to bone up on any complex matter put before them. They ought not to act on mere ignorant prejudice. OK, that fails right there.

Thirdly, if they become a minister, they should listen carefully to the advice of the professionals put in place to advise them. Just as any competent senior manager does - except, I suppose, those with genuine professional knowledge of their field. Generalists need to know how little they know. And 99 times out of a hundred, a minister is a generalist. And that is being polite. When did we last have a medical practitioner as Secretary of State for Health or a teacher as Secretary of State for education?

This, in a way, is how it should be. The minister is there to represent us, not the profession. But they should be aware of their limitations. For example, I have read an awful lot of military history, but I should be very reluctant indeed to tell a general how to fight a battle. It would be both presumptuous and absurd.

They do not have to accept all the advice they are given; but they should consider the possibility that it is not some labyrinthine lefty plot to obstruct them. This is where the idiot Truss and her sidekick went wrong.

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