Daily Mail, your media etc

I used to read all the MSM in print and the Gulf War changed things for me. I still have hard copies of soldiers off to die and the push for more war, only to see it all fall apart on the basis of a lie, we were told.

I began to see the seeds planted in the media only for Govs to cite the growth of stories in the media as something to act on. Circular shit, that I see now; rinse and repeat.

Now I take in a smattering of MSM to see where the position is and then come from the other position to see where the line is.

There's a lot of truth blurring, these days.
Some people struggle to tell the difference between news and opinion, and some news outlets take advantage of this by dressing up opinion as news - the worst offender by far being the Express. It’s particularly true of the headline writers who rely on people reacting to headlines without necessarily reading the detail four paragraphs in that renders the headline utterly misleading. It works though otherwise Johnson wouldn’t be PM.

The Express is effectively the same newspaper as The Mirror. The same owners, the same stories, identical online apps but diametrically opposed political views. It always tickles me.
That article is genuinely frightening in its distortion of the truth.

There are millions of middle aged and retired working class ladder pullers in their detached estate homes bought from the property boom reading that without having the brains to see through it. It's genuinely Orwellian.
I don't know why people are overly bothered about the media because the depiction of general media is irrelevant as people don't digest news in order to get the truth. Media is pretty much a form of entertainment and people read what they want to read and they'll stop reading when it no longer speaks for them. How many people hate United but hold a season ticket at Old Trafford? Very few I hope!

The Mail makes money from a certain view, others make money from another view. Ultimately there's no money in telling the truth or orienting a neutral viewpoint to all audiences as I guess the BBC has to do. So really of course the truth is going to be distorted and regardless of that of course people are going to read and believe whatever they want true or false.

Either way general media is read by a minority. The biggest cause for concern in the world is how news is digested and broadcast freely on social media. That's the danger because social media is not subject to regulation and virtually anyone can anonymously say anything which can instantly be readily read by tens of millions of people.

People like Nigel Farage and the EU question didn't rise to prominence because of newspapers, it was wholly fuelled by nonsense propagated on social media. That's why the leave campaign famously engaged a data analytics company to use paid social media website data to target millions of people and no-one can argue that it didn't work.
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I don't know why people are overly bothered about the media because the depiction of general media is irrelevant as people don't digest news in order to get the truth. Media is pretty much a form of entertainment and people read what they want to read and they'll stop reading when it no longer speaks for them. How many people hate United but hold a season ticket at Old Trafford? Very few I hope!

The Mail makes money from a certain view, others make money from another view. Ultimately there's no money in telling the truth or orienting a neutral viewpoint to all audiences as I guess the BBC has to do. So really of course the truth is going to be distorted and regardless of that of course people are going to read and believe whatever they want true or false.

Either way general media is read by a minority. The biggest cause for concern in the world is how news is digested and broadcast freely on social media. That's the danger because social media is not subject to regulation and virtually anyone can anonymously say anything which can instantly be readily read by tens of millions of people.

People like Nigel Farage and the EU question didn't rise to prominence because of newspapers, it was wholly fuelled by nonsense propagated on social media. That's why the leave campaign famously engaged a data analytics company to use paid social media website data to target millions of people and no-one can argue that it didn't work.
The written media and its online equivalence still shapes opinion massively mate. The ladder pullers I'm referring to, who swung the balance for Brexit and Johnson, don't get their info from Twitter.
The written media and its online equivalence still shapes opinion massively mate. The ladder pullers I'm referring to, who swung the balance for Brexit and Johnson, don't get their info from Twitter.
I think they shape the media opinion obviously but when it comes to an election I think it's massively overstated and individual opinion comes more into it which is heavily influenced by social media.

Look at the last election, if you read the news and other stuff then you'd easily bet on a hung Parliament but the end result out of nowhere was a massive Tory majority.

At the moment I think Boris is a dead man walking irrespective of what the media says. I'm sure of it because all the people I know who defended him to the death only a year ago are now adamant that they'll put their vote elsewhere. These are Brexit types though which with influence in the right-wing media you'd think would be 100% behind him but they aren't at all.

The most worrying thing for Boris is it's the Brexit folk that are abandoning the Tories. A major reason why they're angry is many didn't agree with COVID rules and now it turns out that MP's were breaking them anyway. They're also angry because the Tories have betrayed them on traditional issues like low tax and climate change rules etc. The Tories aren't stupid either, they know all of this and it's why nearly half of the party now has no confidence in him.
I had to sort out a subscription for my mam for the Daily Telegraph. She's 87, always read it and so when they offered free online subscription, I took it. Fuck me, do not call the Daily Mail, the DT has to be the most racist shite I have ever read. NOT the reporters and the story content, the readers who post on the online comment forums. I now go on to bait the sad fuckers.
That the uk can be so racist in 2022 is disgraceful.
The FT Saturday edition is peerless. Surprised at you including The Economist in your original list though Russ. It's the home of "the market will solve everything" thinking.
Know what the opposition is thinking mate, plus its a good read. I find I do not have to agree with writers to enjoy there work. I used to get it on a very cheap subscription, since that has ended Its what i call a train read. If i am off somewhere I will get a copy at the station.

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