Dangerous Dogs

37 year old man mauled to death by dangerous dog - it’s about time we got rid of these dangerous dogs from society. They are like wild animals.
37 year old man mauled to death by dangerous dog - it’s about time we got rid of these dangerous dogs from society. They are like wild animals.
Seems like there’s a lot going on with this story.

A woman has just been arrested and 15 dogs seized, also charged with money laundering and items confiscated as proceeds of crime.
Just took mine for a walk, on her lead as always and next minute big dog bounding over and snarling. I’ve got my heavy lead holder in my hand ready to smash it in the face. Anyway my dog is then giving it back barking etc. Owner pops up 30 yards away. “Oh sorry he just ran off” and dog trots back over.

For me, if you don’t have adequate recall then you keep your dog on a lead and dogs that have the potential to seriously hurt someone should always be on a lead and even muzzled. Winds me up no end. The laws need to be tougher.

I keep mine on as she has a tendency to jump up, in a friendly way, but if she did that to a kid they would be scared of dogs for life.
Some 6 stone scrote and his scrotey mrs turned up in the beer garden recently where families were enjoying the sunshine and kids were playing about on the small play park etc.

Well this Dog was so aggressive looking the atmosphere completely changed and
A lot of people moved away to a different part of the pub.
If and when that Dog attacks a person or other dog this thick looking weasel will not be able to do anything !

I also think pub landlords
Should be keeping eye out for clowns like this.

If this was my pub I would have said “not tonight son”.

These attacks will only continue now unfortunately as there are way too many morons who own these dogs and they are not responsible Dog owners.
I have said it before that when you have swathes of unlicensed breeders, making 50k a year and more of untaxed income, and they are selling dogs with no checks on who is buying them, you have lost the battle. The breed is nigh-on irrelevant because any large dog in the hands of a scrote will be problematic: ban one breed, they choose another, and that becomes the next issue.
I have said it before that when you have swathes of unlicensed breeders, making 50k a year and more of untaxed income, and they are selling dogs with no checks on who is buying them, you have lost the battle. The breed is nigh-on irrelevant because any large dog in the hands of a scrote will be problematic: ban one breed, they choose another, and that becomes the next issue.
Yep. Ban the Staff/Bully/Mastiff breeds and crosses all you want, all the way to French boxers and bulldogs, you'll just have people on here giving out about GSDs and Labs in a couple of years demanding they be banned as well.

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