Dani Alves

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Feels exactly like the Laporte episode

Potential to fuck up our defense for another season OR scupper the Alexis deal if we have to now spend a tonne more for a second RB

It won't scupper the Alexis deal, that's priority number 1 so any funds will go to that first and foremost. Seems like it'll hurt our CB hunt most, unless we can buy someone who plays both CB & RB.
In all honesty to put a cap of the amount you are going to spend on fullbacks when we knew we were clearing the old ones out, and the fact that the new TV deal kicked in which the whole footballing world knew about, is a little disrespectful to the teams we are approaching.

We just need to make a statement and get the defence sorted asap so they get time to gel

If that's the case we will end up spending £150m on fullbacks this summer. That = no Sanchez or any other player else. We will be spent up.
This is the reality.

The lad has signed up to a club in the City where his wife works and his mates play - they were simply a more attractive proposition for him.

It isnt the fault of Pep,Txiki,or any of the 'ITK'S' - its just life unfortunately.

That's not the point though really – sure all good reasons for him going there, but from City's reaction it would seem that he didn't let us know that, and we were still understood him to be coming here! Certainly seems Pep didn't know.
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