Daniel Agger (continued)

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But it's OK for Gerrard to say something that challenges the owners stance of wanting to sell Agger (for the right price)?

Gerrard clearly made those comments deliberately to put the spotlight on the owners so the fans know what is going on and to put pressure on them not to sell. These owners could well turn out to be like the last cunts who owned the club.
LoveCity said:
Thenumber1blue said:
LoveCity said:
Didn't stop us pursuing Sanchez in one of the most painfully drawn out transfer sagas ever when his mind was set on joining Barca all along.
How do you we did that,besides what you read in the comic papers?

Does a quote from Udinese's director of sport count or won't you believe it unless Sanchez signs up and says so?

"The negotiations with other clubs are moving forward and one factor which must be kept in mind is that Sanchez has expressed a will to join Barcelona."

"And we all know the will of a player in these cases is very important. He wants Barcelona and he has said this clearly."

Or how about Udinese's owner Pozzo?

“The final price was €26m plus another €11m in variables," Pozzo told Ona FM.

"He only wanted to sign for Barcelona and because of that the negotiations were not easy.

"There were offers from England that were higher, a €45m one from Manchester City to be precise."
Since we started buying we've had a million pleb sporting directors saying we've made a bigger offer than the club they actually went too,you know raise the price ,so no its not good enough.Now we've got some dipper telling us everything about Agger too.
He could just reject the contract offered by City....

Yeah he could but he seems like a prideful guy and if the clubs says they have accepted a bid I don't think he will hang around when not wanted. I'll actually be really upset no matter what the fee if the club sell him down the river like that.
Y.N.W.A. said:
citytill1die84 said:
Thenumber1blue said:
How do we possibly know Agger doesnt want the move,because a couple of comic papers and dippers say so.I'm pretty sure we'd move on if he gave us any indication he didnt want the move!

I agree Agger would've said something himself by now.

Come on now? Daniel can't anything. It would be a PR nightmare with his new clubs and fans if he said anything and the owners decide to sell him.

They still have slavery on Merseyside then? I know your city was built on it, but surely by now they allow individuals to make their own minds up about who they work for?

If Agger doesn't want to leave Liverpool, NO ONE can force him while he's under contract.

So stop making stuff up. We have enough of it from our own fans without visitors joining in...
Y.N.W.A. said:
But it's OK for Gerrard to say something that challenges the owners stance of wanting to sell Agger (for the right price)?

Gerrard clearly made those comments deliberately to put the spotlight on the owners so the fans know what is going on and to put pressure on them not to sell. These owners could well turn out to be like the last cunts who owned the club.
So lightening can strike twice,what is it with yank owners...
Since we started buying we've had a million pleb sporting directors saying we've made a bigger offer than the club they actually went too,you know raise the price ,so no its not good enough.Now we've got some dipper telling us everything about Agger too.

I'm just here having a chat giving my views on the situation. You seem like an angry individual. You should go and take a long hot bath it always relaxes me.
Y.N.W.A. said:
Since we started buying we've had a million pleb sporting directors saying we've made a bigger offer than the club they actually went too,you know raise the price ,so no its not good enough.Now we've got some dipper telling us everything about Agger too.

I'm just here having a chat giving my views on the situation. You seem like an angry individual. You should go and take a long hot bath it always relaxes me.
What I just said could only possibly sound angry with a scouse accent.
So lightening can strike twice,what is it with yank owners...

These don't seem as bad as the last lot but certainly they're not here to rain down money on Liverpool. I posted this a few days back.

People see the mad amount of money we splashed on players last season and think they have invested hugely in Liverpool. They have invested something like £20m net since taking over the club. Remember we sold Torres, Meireles, Babel etc to fund these transfers last season. We have also taken countless players off the wage bill who were high earners without replacing any of them - Kuyt, Maxi, Bellamy, Aquilani to name a few of them.

They are obviously here to streamline Liverpool and run it as a business which makes a profit. It seems pretty clear from the Gerrard's and the managers comments Agger getting sold will be a business decision rather than a footballing one. That can be fine if those profits are reinvested in the club but after the last two cunts who owned Liverpool failed to do this, everyone is very nervous about what motivates them as owners.
Y.N.W.A. said:
Since we started buying we've had a million pleb sporting directors saying we've made a bigger offer than the club they actually went too,you know raise the price ,so no its not good enough.Now we've got some dipper telling us everything about Agger too.

I'm just here having a chat giving my views on the situation. You seem like an angry individual. You should go and take a long hot bath it always relaxes me.

Nah, you're not just "giving your views" on the situation.

You're also telling us what sort of person Agger is. And what sort of people the owners are. As if you know them!

According to you, Agger would go if he's not wanted. Aw diddums. How would you know what sort of character Agger is?

Like I said earlier, stop making stuff up. RAWK wouldn't allow you to bullshit is that why you're on here?
Haven't seen any indication that Agger wants to leave. Reminds me of Ibra and Silva, neither of whom wanted to move but did so because Milan needed the money.
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