Daniel van buyten question??

Got sent off in March against Leeds the game after the 4-1. From what i remember it was never a penalty or a red card.

Three days later he tore a hamstring and we never saw him pull on a blue shirt again.

He was a class above anything we had at the time in my opinion
Dunny may not have been the world's greatest footballer but anyone who saw his sheer effort and commitment , given the team and circumstances at the time ,would find it hard to be that critical .
He saved us from total humiliation on occasion and should be given total respect.
Whitworth Park said:
Eccles Blue said:
Whitworth Park said:
Fuckin hate hate it when people question your who you are just because they don't agree with you ? who the fuck are are you to put a question mark after my comments,
I never voted for him. Just because his name rhymed with" He's here he's there", he got cult status. If his name a Kriznekosky or the like he would never have had the song.
He couldn't jump and does he still not hold the premiership OG record.
He was one of the Booze Culture problems we had at City, not a very good roll model for younger players.

Actually Dunnie wasa rolemodel because he sorted himself out and then went on to be our player of the season for 4 seasons. That my friend is the sign of a good man, a man who learns from his mistakes and just quietly gets on with his life.

Richard Dunne will always be a City legend as far as I am concerned. ONCE A BLUE, ALWAYS A BLUE.

Perfectly entitled to you opinion, but what's all this ONCE A BLUE ALWAYS A BLUE.
If I disagree with you I am not a Blue or a lesser Blue.
As I said I never voted for him and I don,t know anyone who did but who was he up against ? we were a pile of shit.
But you go to sleep now on your Dunny Pillow.

If you bothered to use your brain you might have realised that my ONCE A BLUE ALWAYS A BLUE comment was referring to Richard Dunne. As for you never voting for him that was your prerogative (that means choice!) but I know many people who voted for him.

I would sooner sleep on a Dunnie pillow than read your rants. You poor thing, I feel sorry for you if the only way you can get your point across is to insult fellow Blues because they don't agree with you. We all have our opinions and are lucky that Ric has given us the opportunity to post them here.

You have a good sleep now, it's a good job you don't have to get up for school on Monday heh? :-)
Eccles Blue said:
Whitworth Park said:
Eccles Blue said:
Actually Dunnie wasa rolemodel because he sorted himself out and then went on to be our player of the season for 4 seasons. That my friend is the sign of a good man, a man who learns from his mistakes and just quietly gets on with his life.

Richard Dunne will always be a City legend as far as I am concerned. ONCE A BLUE, ALWAYS A BLUE.

Perfectly entitled to you opinion, but what's all this ONCE A BLUE ALWAYS A BLUE.
If I disagree with you I am not a Blue or a lesser Blue.
As I said I never voted for him and I don,t know anyone who did but who was he up against ? we were a pile of shit.
But you go to sleep now on your Dunny Pillow.

If you bothered to use your brain you might have realised that my ONCE A BLUE ALWAYS A BLUE comment was referring to Richard Dunne. As for you never voting for him that was your prerogative (that means choice!) but I know many people who voted for him.

I would sooner sleep on a Dunnie pillow than read your rants. You poor thing, I feel sorry for you if the only way you can get your point across is to insult fellow Blues because they don't agree with you. We all have our opinions and are lucky that Ric has given us the opportunity to post them here.

You have a good sleep now, it's a good job you don't have to get up for school on Monday heh? :-)
Well said Eccles Blue.
Cheesy said:
Whitworth Park said:
The guy was class, unfortunately got injured, as I remember it would have cost us 4 Mil to buy him, we had a total lack of direction, no interest, and no money so we passed it up.
Can you imagine, instead of lard arse Dunne.

Fucking hate it when City(?) fans slag off Dunney. He gave everything for the cause & was our player of the year for several seasons. He wasn't awarded those accolades because he was a nice bloke but because he was a bloody good player for us.

Agree. Dunne and Distin were among the best pairings in the PL one season. Solid defender!
Dzeko's Right Boot said:
Whitworth Park said:
Cheesy said:
Fucking hate it when City(?) fans slag off Dunney. He gave everything for the cause & was our player of the year for several seasons. He wasn't awarded those accolades because he was a nice bloke but because he was a bloody good player for us.

Fuckin hate hate it when people question your who you are just because they don't agree with you ? who the fuck are are you to put a question mark after my comments,
I never voted for him. Just because his name rhymed with" He's here he's there", he got cult status. If his name a Kriznekosky or the like he would never have had the song.
He couldn't jump and does he still not hold the premiership OG record.

He was one of the Booze Culture problems we had at City, not a very good roll model for younger players.

Richard Dunne and "He's here, he's there"? You don't need to be Shakespeare to know that doesn't rhyme.

And besides, we loved Richard Dunne because he WAS "every-fucking-where". The man will be remembered very fondly as someone who improved massively while he was at our club, and his loyalty was an oasis in a desert. A desert of shit. You fully well know that he is a club hero, so taking the thread off-track to say something controversial is very childish and reeks of attention-seeking. Keep it to yourself next time, yeah?

I think we are at cross threads on the song, but we don't want to bore people with it so let's drop it.
Perhaps I should not have compared him DVB which in unfair on Dunny are there is no comparison.
I was just thinking what might have been, but then again he stood out like a sore thumb like Law & Kinky and we probably would not have held on to him.
As you have gathered I was not RD biggest fan, granted he did stand out it a bad team but so would anyone whose defence was under constant barrage and as he was a larger
than life figure he was noticed more than anyone.
And what outstanding candidates did he beat for his player of the season awards.
His OG's and penalty's , do you remember the last min against Bolton at home.
I still blame him for the 8-1 at Boro, he had no need to make the tackle that resulted in the penalty and his subsequent sending off which then led to a whitewash.

Buy anyway this is just my opinion, but what pisses me off is people like you who think
that anyone who disagree's with you should not express theirs.
You were probably one of the people who applauded him at Villa Park when he scored
against us.
Anyone who can say they DIDNT feel sad when the. Dunnie monster was.pictured holding up the Villa shirt is a cold hearted Fu**er! 2nd big indicator for me we were moving up in the world, the 1st obviously snatching Robinho from under Chelsea's nose.
SuperYaya said:
Didn't he have a great game against United? I vaguely remember someone coming in and keeping van Horseface in his pocket, have a feeling it was him.

Spot on pal,shame he slipped the net he would have been class, did all right for the Germans though.

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