Daniel van buyten question??

andthesunshineband said:
Didn't he get sent off after an Alan Smith dive at Elland Road? I don't recall him playing much after that. Thought he was class and would've loved to have signed him.

I remember being pissed as a fart going fucking mental calling smith eveey name under the sun in a bar called the ponda rosa in sheffield when this happened. this sealed his fate i believe.
a man amongst boys

and gutting that we knew that was the sort of quality that we could not hope to sign permanently at the time
Eccles Blue said:
Whitworth Park said:
Eccles Blue said:
Actually Dunnie wasa rolemodel because he sorted himself out and then went on to be our player of the season for 4 seasons. That my friend is the sign of a good man, a man who learns from his mistakes and just quietly gets on with his life.

Richard Dunne will always be a City legend as far as I am concerned. ONCE A BLUE, ALWAYS A BLUE.

Perfectly entitled to you opinion, but what's all this ONCE A BLUE ALWAYS A BLUE.
If I disagree with you I am not a Blue or a lesser Blue.
As I said I never voted for him and I don,t know anyone who did but who was he up against ? we were a pile of shit.
But you go to sleep now on your Dunny Pillow.

If you bothered to use your brain you might have realised that my ONCE A BLUE ALWAYS A BLUE comment was referring to Richard Dunne. As for you never voting for him that was your prerogative (that means choice!) but I know many people who voted for him.

I would sooner sleep on a Dunnie pillow than read your rants. You poor thing, I feel sorry for you if the only way you can get your point across is to insult fellow Blues because they don't agree with you. We all have our opinions and are lucky that Ric has given us the opportunity to post them here.

You have a good sleep now, it's a good job you don't have to get up for school on Monday heh? :-)

Have I not said in my post's that everyone's entitled to their opinion.
I took a different turn on the once a Blue thing, as I don,t consider Dunne in that bracket
but if it was meant that way then I apologise to the poster.
I just didn't rate the guy and just like you know plenty who voted for him I know plenty who were glad to see the back of him.
Wish I did have school on Monday.
Fuck me Chelsea's scored, back to the game, Kolorav's fault.
Bodicoteblue said:
Dunny may not have been the world's greatest footballer but anyone who saw his sheer effort and commitment , given the team and circumstances at the time ,would find it hard to be that critical .
He saved us from total humiliation on occasion and should be given total respect.

This x 10. True City legend.
Whitworth Park said:
Cheesy said:
Whitworth Park said:
The guy was class, unfortunately got injured, as I remember it would have cost us 4 Mil to buy him, we had a total lack of direction, no interest, and no money so we passed it up.
Can you imagine, instead of lard arse Dunne.

Fucking hate it when City(?) fans slag off Dunney. He gave everything for the cause & was our player of the year for several seasons. He wasn't awarded those accolades because he was a nice bloke but because he was a bloody good player for us.

Fuckin hate hate it when people question your who you are just because they don't agree with you ? who the fuck are are you to put a question mark after my comments,
I never voted for him. Just because his name rhymed with" He's here he's there", he got cult status. If his name a Kriznekosky or the like he would never have had the song.
He couldn't jump and does he still not hold the premiership OG record.
He was one of the Booze Culture problems we had at City, not a very good roll model for younger players.

Together with Distin, Richard Dunne was in one of the best CB partnerships in the Premiership for several years. He gave everything for City and was a f***ing good player. He was heavily built; so what?! He got very fit during his best years at City and missed fewer games through injury than almost any other top class CB.
I think the 'lard arse' comment is very unfair and unjustified.
Bit long in the tooth now ofcourse. But van Buyten was quality in his prime. And a cut above in his short time with us. Imagine him with Kompany today !
Whitworth Park said:
Cheesy said:
Whitworth Park said:
The guy was class, unfortunately got injured, as I remember it would have cost us 4 Mil to buy him, we had a total lack of direction, no interest, and no money so we passed it up.
Can you imagine, instead of lard arse Dunne.

Fucking hate it when City(?) fans slag off Dunney. He gave everything for the cause & was our player of the year for several seasons. He wasn't awarded those accolades because he was a nice bloke but because he was a bloody good player for us.

Fuckin hate hate it when people question your who you are just because they don't agree with you ? who the fuck are are you to put a question mark after my comments,
I never voted for him. Just because his name rhymed with" He's here he's there", he got cult status. If his name a Kriznekosky or the like he would never have had the song.
He couldn't jump and does he still not hold the premiership OG record.
He was one of the Booze Culture problems we had at City, not a very good roll model for younger players.

sadly this is spot on.
Bodicoteblue said:
You are probably right M18CTID but I'm pretty sure I remember Sommeil miss- kicking against Leeds and them scoring as a result. Perhaps someone who hasn't destroyed so many brain cells as I have can remember which game it was

Sommeil's howler was in the Monday night home game against them that season. He gave the ball to Viduka at the north stand end who went round Seaman/Ellegaard/James (can't remember) to score. Sibierski equalised for us late on with a towering header.

In the away game Smith took a dive 3 yards OUTSIDE the area and Alan Wiley gave a pen and sent DVB off. We lost 2-1. DVB then I think was injured in training shortly afterwards and never played for us again.

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