Danny Baker

Bollocks he’s intelligent enough to know what he was doing and it’s connotations. He knew. Sad really.
Genuinely impressed he can write a contrite apology this morning and people are happy to post as though he's quoted Mein Kampf on Whitehall.

Outstanding effort.
Clearly a big mistake to post his tweet but there's a big big difference between a mistake and someone like Robinson or farage doing it. If people can't see the difference between a mistake and racism then they need to get in the real world.
It's those who can't distinguish that racism is not exclusive to intent that I believe need to get into the real world.

A mistake it may have been but it's still racist.

It's similar to when people hear the word "paedophile" and they immediately think of the absolute worst things imaginable and not what the actual word means.

In the context, that picture was racist. Undisputed.

Is he a racist? Most likely not.
Retrospectively (as I wasn’t aware of it at the time) I would have hoped that he would have kept his job, following a severe rebuke, accompanied by a sincere apology (which we now have).

Sacking people, sending them to prison. Why should they be the easy ways out when people have fucked up? The paths of least resistance? Surely, improving society should be based round carrot, more than stick.

Surprised this is an anathema to you. Thought you were about as liberal as me. I guess not.
FWIW, I've met the lad a couple of times and yapped to him on Twitter and I'm completely of the opinion that it was an accidental fuck up with no malice behind it. That's a character judgement that I'll stand behind happily. I have him down as a very straightforward, no nonsense person who appreciates decency and hates dickheads regardless of race, religion etc. With that said, the only part of all this I find horrific is that his apology hasn't been accepted and that he's lost his job as a consequence, which is a pretty fucking major consequence.
I don't think a society like Britain's today can with a clear conscience apply this punishment to this man, you have dyed in the wool hateful racists being applauded on a day to day basis in your government and media but Danny fucking Baker, irreverent fucker that he is, singled out to be scapegoated so that you can all tell each other that you deal with racism while ignoring blatant incidences of it everyday? Seems completely wrong to me.

That all said, the tweet was out of order and I'm sure he realises that.
I disagree because we will end up saying nothing because everyone can be offended or insulted by something. I'm epileptic someone a while ago posted about shaking like an epileptic because he was nervous about the game. Should I be report him and insist that no one laughs about epilepsy or use the word fit on B because it offends me, obviously not because he meant nothing by it and actually made me laugh because I was that stressed out about the game a seizure would have been a blessing in comparison. I know it's a silly point but I'm trying to show that even an innocent comment can offend so thats why I don't agree with the point about not saying something if you don't want a reaction. I also believe accepting a sincere apology is also polite and civil.

Yes but that is the decision you take on your behalf. We have the right to be offended or not be offended but we don’t have the right to chose what someone else is offended by. I wouldn’t personally use the phrase ‘shaking like an epileptic’ on here because I would consider that impolite. I may use the word ‘fit’ because in my head that doesn’t seem as bad even though this is a totally arbitrary and nonsensical judgement. So yes an innocent or thoughtless comment can offend and sometimes you can be pulled up on it and sometimes not because someone lets it slide.

People getting offended by people who take offence is a weird one to me. If you don’t like getting pulled up on something then either mind your manners and stop being offensive or carry on and quit whining about it if you get pushback. I have offended quite a few on here and usually I get called out which is fair enough as invariably I dont give a shit, but sometimes the pushback is valid and I even toned down the aggressive way I posted sometimes. I’ve had thread bans most of which have been a fair cop but you don’t whine about it or snivel about free speech (as others have done on here) you suck it up. In short you can be as offensive or controversial as you like but don’t be a fucking pussy about it when you get called out on it and own it. Baker to be fair owned it today. He fucked up, got chopped off at the knees and then (eventually) held his hand up.

And yes accepting a sincere apology is also polite, civil and the right thing to do. And it wasn’t a silly point as it made me think.

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