Dave Wagstaffe RIP

one of my Dads drinking/ pulling partners in town during DW's playing days!

Dad always said what a great bloke he was

RIP Waggy (and Dad)
laserblue said:
Christ. I just posted about Waggy on the 'Most Gutted When A Player Left' thread and then I saw this. RIP Waggy. A very talented winger and an early City hero for me.

A "hero" of mine too. Couldnt believe it when we sold him to Wolves. Was he really only 11 years older than me...
My abiding memory was of having the football collectors cards as a kid in the early 70's, (with the orange backs and a piece of spoggy with every pack!) and a picture of Dave Wagstaffe, with the Molyneux stadium behind him, in the black and gold of Wolves. I knew he had played for us, and that he was a Manchester lad. Think he played against us in the '74 cup final, and by all accounts, a highly rated winger in his day. RIP feller.............
started watching city in '66 , and never seen waggy in a blue shirt , but i watched him play for wolves plenty of times , good winger , and would give as good as he gets , he could mix it with any full back .I think the 60's and 70's were halycon days for english football so many characters and not just at top 4 clubs , but most first division clubs had stand out players , and waggy certainly left his mark on the game , r-i-p.
Wagstaffe on one wing and Neil Young on the other! Navas needs to look 'em up on YouTube to see what real wingers were like! The match I remember most was City v Spuds. Spuds had just won some Euro trophy midweek, came to Maine Road on the Saturday and we pasted 'em 6-2. Wagstaffe and Young were untouchable! Back together again!!
Dave Ewing's b e post brought it all back to me! I remember that game too! Young and Waggy together, and on song, were just fantastic. RIP and condolences to family and friends.

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