David Icke

buzzer why is what they say true to you and what everyone else says a lie?
You see why should i believe them over everyone else, to this question i have never had a decent enough answer
jamiegrimble said:
I admire his passion and commitment, he demonstrates what free speech is all about,for me,plus at worst his comments tend to at least motivate me to do some research.I'm amazed he hasn’t been cited by certain high profile names he has chosen to castigate over the years,such as Presidents and Royal heads of state.I'm also surprised he hasn’t been poked in the leg with an umbrella,ala Georgi Markov.

I couldn't believe it when I'd seen him appear on a few radio/Tv shows saying George Bush and Ted Heath are Hugh pedophiles, I'm surprised he hasn't been erased !
BoyBlue_1985 said:
buzzer why is what they say true to you and what everyone else says a lie?
You see why should i believe them over everyone else, to this question i have never had a decent enough answer

As i said mate, if ten coppers in a room said something different to the 1 tramp in the room, the populis would be to believe the Coppers.
allan harper said:
jamiegrimble said:
I admire his passion and commitment, he demonstrates what free speech is all about,for me,plus at worst his comments tend to at least motivate me to do some research.I'm amazed he hasn’t been cited by certain high profile names he has chosen to castigate over the years,such as Presidents and Royal heads of state.I'm also surprised he hasn’t been poked in the leg with an umbrella,ala Georgi Markov.

I couldn't believe it when I'd seen him appear on a few radio/Tv shows saying George Bush and Ted Heath are Hugh pedophiles, I'm surprised he hasn't been erased !
I must add though that if it go's on in the catholic church that it's a possibility that high profile statesmen ( refuses to say bush in case my words are monitored and I'm taken out !) are sick fuckers.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
buzzer why is what they say true to you and what everyone else says a lie?
You see why should i believe them over everyone else, to this question i have never had a decent enough answer

As i said mate, if ten coppers in a room said something different to the 1 tramp in the room, the populis would be to believe the Coppers.<br /><br />-- Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:52 pm --<br /><br />
allan harper said:
allan harper said:
jamiegrimble said:
I admire his passion and commitment, he demonstrates what free speech is all about,for me,plus at worst his comments tend to at least motivate me to do some research.I'm amazed he hasn’t been cited by certain high profile names he has chosen to castigate over the years,such as Presidents and Royal heads of state.I'm also surprised he hasn’t been poked in the leg with an umbrella,ala Georgi Markov.

I couldn't believe it when I'd seen him appear on a few radio/Tv shows saying George Bush and Ted Heath are Hugh pedophiles, I'm surprised he hasn't been erased !
I must add though that if it go's on in the catholic church that it's a possibility that high profile statesmen ( refuses to say bush in case my words are monitored and I'm taken out !) are sick fuckers.

Why wouldnt they be mate? look at the fukers in govt and authority, the cop involved in the Holly and Jessica case were friends of the parents ffs, they're all at it and i find it totally believable about Bush and Heath. Ask Cathy O'Brien and the CIA man that rescued her.

Or is he liar as well?

buzzer1 said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
buzzer why is what they say true to you and what everyone else says a lie?
You see why should i believe them over everyone else, to this question i have never had a decent enough answer

As i said mate, if ten coppers in a room said something different to the 1 tramp in the room, the populis would be to believe the Coppers.

Well yeah believe the masses as always, your almost as a human pre programmed to believe something if more than 1 person says the same thing but Icke in particular has all these outrageous claims without a shred of evidence for some of it. Its like me sitting next to you in a pub 1 night and saying that Beyonce is a tranny because i saw a bulge in her dress once but convieniently there is no picture to back up what i said but because i am so adamant and its so outrageous it has to be true
allan harper said:
That's a great post Damocles and you're far too intelligent for me but even you admit ( in your opinion ) that iAl-Qaeda isn't this super intelligent criminal terrorist organisation yet the media have us all living in fear that it is.

Do they still have a daily terror threat warnings flashing up on the tv's in the states ?

I don't think that this is a concerted effort though, I think that everybody is playing to their strengths which just so happen to interlock with each other.

The media reports things in a tone and language that is designed to enrage, or to frighten. We've all seen it in football reporting, how the headline isn't quite what the actual article says, or an article that has been built around quotes which don't exactly reflect their intention.

In sports reporting, this shapes the narrative of channels such as Sky TV.
In 24 hour news, this shapes whole societies.

The media is here to make money. As a secondary goal, they may try to influence viewers towards a certain conclusion, but this is as I say, secondary. Keeping people in a constant state of fear and confusion keeps people looking for the next update or outrage to cement a depressing and somewhat unrealistic world view. The news media paints life as much more exciting and dangerous than most of our humdrum existences are, and this also appeals to people. Appealing to people = money, from advertisers and from sponsors.

Politicians buy into this frenzy. Any politician in power is by definition, a populist. They take the zeitgeist of the public and use this to get themselves re-elected and their policies across. They may well be trying to achieve what they think is best for the people, but to do so, they need the people onside. And people are stupid. People are irrational. People want short and sharp bytes of information which is why the media feed this to them. The easiest way to get the people onside is to point at a bad guy and united against them.

We have Islamic terrorists as the "Big Bad" at the moment. It used to be the Russians. Before it was the Germans. There's always been something or someone that a society rallies behind.

Media creates fear. Fear leads to irrationality. Irrationality leads to gullibility. Gullibility leads to a surrender of liberty.

And of course, these big bad entities like nothing more than being portrayed as super-powerful entities because it helps them in their own goals. It's far easier to recruit potential terrorists into a worldwide, super secret, underground organisation that strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies than it is to recruit terrorists into a group entirely ran by that weird bloke across the road.

Mutual benefit.

This doesn't mean a concerted plan, it's everybody doing what's best for themselves which in turn happens to be best for everybody.

Damocles you wrote

My main annoyance with many on 9/11 is the mass hypocrisy. You, as a nation, have been bombing the shit out of these people for decades. You have destabilised their nation through infiltrations. You have slaughtered their people, innocents and soldiers. You have armed both sides of a war to the teeth, hoping that they will blow each other apart. You have invaded their lands in both the sense of wars and placement of military bases. You have told them that their way of life is wrong and they should embrace yours. For generations, you treated them as second class citizens, second class nations and second class religious beliefs.

Or in other words a small step towards a national globization ?

Perhaps. I don't particularly have a problem with globalisation because the concept of borders and countries has always troubled me somewhat.

We all share a heritage. Some of us share a cultural heritage, some of us share a biological heritage but we're all pretty much the same. National borders have always troubled me as a concept that provides boundaries to our cultural heritages and separates us into macro clan-like societies. I accept that they are useful in governance but for one moment imagine a world without them. How many territorial and resource disputes would not happen? Economically, we'd have the perfect free trade market. We'd be able to move country to country, without papers or tracking.

I quite like the idea of globalisation. In a strange way, a single currency and global government would provide us with more freedom than we have ever had, at least on a personal level.
Damocles said:
allan harper said:
That's a great post Damocles and you're far too intelligent for me but even you admit ( in your opinion ) that iAl-Qaeda isn't this super intelligent criminal terrorist organisation yet the media have us all living in fear that it is.

Do they still have a daily terror threat warnings flashing up on the tv's in the states ?

I don't think that this is a concerted effort though, I think that everybody is playing to their strengths which just so happen to interlock with each other.

The media reports things in a tone and language that is designed to enrage, or to frighten. We've all seen it in football reporting, how the headline isn't quite what the actual article says, or an article that has been built around quotes which don't exactly reflect their intention.

In sports reporting, this shapes the narrative of channels such as Sky TV.
In 24 hour news, this shapes whole societies.

The media is here to make money. As a secondary goal, they may try to influence viewers towards a certain conclusion, but this is as I say, secondary. Keeping people in a constant state of fear and confusion keeps people looking for the next update or outrage to cement a depressing and somewhat unrealistic world view. The news media paints life as much more exciting and dangerous than most of our humdrum existences are, and this also appeals to people. Appealing to people = money, from advertisers and from sponsors.

Politicians buy into this frenzy. Any politician in power is by definition, a populist. They take the zeitgeist of the public and use this to get themselves re-elected and their policies across. They may well be trying to achieve what they think is best for the people, but to do so, they need the people onside. And people are stupid. People are irrational. People want short and sharp bytes of information which is why the media feed this to them. The easiest way to get the people onside is to point at a bad guy and united against them.

We have Islamic terrorists as the "Big Bad" at the moment. It used to be the Russians. Before it was the Germans. There's always been something or someone that a society rallies behind.

Media creates fear. Fear leads to irrationality. Irrationality leads to gullibility. Gullibility leads to a surrender of liberty.

And of course, these big bad entities like nothing more than being portrayed as super-powerful entities because it helps them in their own goals. It's far easier to recruit potential terrorists into a worldwide, super secret, underground organisation that strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies than it is to recruit terrorists into a group entirely ran by that weird bloke across the road.

Mutual benefit.

This doesn't mean a concerted plan, it's everybody doing what's best for themselves which in turn happens to be best for everybody.

Damocles you wrote

My main annoyance with many on 9/11 is the mass hypocrisy. You, as a nation, have been bombing the shit out of these people for decades. You have destabilised their nation through infiltrations. You have slaughtered their people, innocents and soldiers. You have armed both sides of a war to the teeth, hoping that they will blow each other apart. You have invaded their lands in both the sense of wars and placement of military bases. You have told them that their way of life is wrong and they should embrace yours. For generations, you treated them as second class citizens, second class nations and second class religious beliefs.

Or in other words a small step towards a national globization ?

Perhaps. I don't particularly have a problem with globalisation because the concept of borders and countries has always troubled me somewhat.

We all share a heritage. Some of us share a cultural heritage, some of us share a biological heritage but we're all pretty much the same. National borders have always troubled me as a concept that provides boundaries to our cultural heritages and separates us into macro clan-like societies. I accept that they are useful in governance but for one moment imagine a world without them. How many territorial and resource disputes would not happen? Economically, we'd have the perfect free trade market. We'd be able to move country to country, without papers or tracking.

I quite like the idea of globalisation. In a strange way, a single currency and global government would provide us with more freedom than we have ever had, at least on a personal level.

You've hit me with a another good post Damocles, have you read 1984. George Orwell ? he seeems to have a different view on how globalistion would look ? i haven't read it myself just a few extracts.
Damocles said:

I quite like the idea of globalisation. In a strange way, a single currency and global government would provide us with more freedom than we have ever had, at least on a personal level.[/quote]

Although i agree with no borders as just as i said regs Accents/Languages,Govts etc i think that there is a line and when you get one currency and only one currency then again in what many would perceive as ANOTHER of my outlandish views then we are wide open to a single microchip currency that can be controlled from one database/control room, even down the lines of us getting time when we work, time added onto our life sum from what you start life itself with, what you are allowed from birth, and you can be turned off when you don't adhere to your masters.

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