David Icke

buzzer1 said:
allan harper said:
The Ox said:
As much as I also find the Reptilian stuff hard to comprehend, Icke certainly provides good information from his own research and some very credible sources. I've read all his books and I find the the conspiracies he presents are fascinating and woven together by someone who is far from a "Nutter" ! No one is forced to believe what he says, but the problem with people who think he is full of shit, is that they jump all over him without even taking the time to read one of his books before passing comment. Then to top things off they wheel out the same 20 year old footage of him being ridiculed by Wogan as some sort of proof that he is mad. Regardless of your viewpoint, it cannot be argued that things he predicted then have come to pass.

I find his talks fasinating to watch and think hes a great talker, i don't believe everything he says but i do believe they're greater forces than just goverments who are playing us and no they're not reptilian, buzzer !
I use to believe in aliens but now my opinon on them has changed and it's more to do with enlightenment. I do believe in ufo's as they are man made and not from some distant planet.

So would this be Spiritual/dimensional? If so then why would'nt there be Reptillian or/and bad forces also?

They are housed by the like of Bush and need bad in the world to vibrationaly survive, i know it's a simple way of putting it but i know you know what i mean. Also how about the Abductions? and the Reptile like beings that are at the core of almost every Abduction account?

I'm not sure about abductions mate i can only give my opinion that we don't full understand how our brain operates ( we might do but i don't ) when we are at certain state of mind or at a level of unconsciouness. We've all been woken by dreams that we thought was real at the time and i think this applys to most people who think they have been taken away by aliens.
didactic said:
allan harper said:
Apart from his mad reptilian theory he talks a lot of sense.

His theories may not be so mad who is to say that what some considered as Gods were not more intelligent beings from elsewhere?.

I used to read his stuff when I was in Uni and I came to conclusion if what he said was true and he knew so much he would not be alive.

Thats what i think if he had any truth in his stories it would be very easy for him to have an "accident"
David Icke a bloke that makes millions of fairytales. has trouble with people with power but tries to get himself into a posistion of power and made himself wealthy in doing so
didactic said:
allan harper said:
Apart from his mad reptilian theory he talks a lot of sense.

His theories may not be so mad who is to say that what some considered as Gods were not more intelligent beings from elsewhere?.

I used to read his stuff when I was in Uni and I came to conclusion if what he said was true and he knew so much he would not be alive.

I have a feeling back in the dark ages when some people thought of beings as gods, they was high on drugs and were getting spiritual experiences.
allan harper said:
didactic said:
allan harper said:
Apart from his mad reptilian theory he talks a lot of sense.

His theories may not be so mad who is to say that what some considered as Gods were not more intelligent beings from elsewhere?.

I used to read his stuff when I was in Uni and I came to conclusion if what he said was true and he knew so much he would not be alive.

I have a feeling back in the dark ages when some people thought of beings as gods, they was high on drugs and were getting spiritual experiences.

That's basically what Icke did in Brazil if I remember correctly.
allan harper said:
didactic said:
allan harper said:
Apart from his mad reptilian theory he talks a lot of sense.

His theories may not be so mad who is to say that what some considered as Gods were not more intelligent beings from elsewhere?.

I used to read his stuff when I was in Uni and I came to conclusion if what he said was true and he knew so much he would not be alive.

I have a feeling back in the dark ages when some people thought of beings as gods, they was high on drugs and were getting spiritual experiences.

So how do you explain the belief that these "Gods" walked among them or the Dogon people and their knowledge and the one noone seems to answer the pyramids and the statues of Easter Island. The Nazca lines?. So many unanswered questions. Maybe Icke is on to something but like I said if all he was said was truth he would not be alive.
The Ox said:
Damocles said:
The Ox said:
As much as I also find the Reptilian stuff hard to comprehend, Icke certainly provides good information from his own research and some very credible sources. I've read all his books and I find the the conspiracies he presents are fascinating and woven together by someone who is far from a "Nutter" ! No one is forced to believe what he says, but the problem with people who think he is full of shit, is that they jump all over him without even taking the time to read one of his books before passing comment. Then to top things off they wheel out the same 20 year old footage of him being ridiculed by Wogan as some sort of proof that he is mad. Regardless of your viewpoint, it cannot be argued that things he predicted then have come to pass.

Yes it can.

The man is the textbook insane conspiracy nut. He draws connections between random events and writes a book on it.
Just out of interest Damocles, which one of his 15 books that you read did think the connections were random ?

I think I've probably skimmed all of them but as I have discussed previously, I took another look at his works due to the enthusiasm about them. I chose Get Off Your Knees to sit and read again properly.

As buzzer will attest to, I'm well in most conspiracy and ufo based authors but I also have abrain and demand evidence before believing things, and coincidence isn't evidence.
gaudinho's stolen car said:
That's basically what Icke did in Brazil if I remember correctly.

Isnt he doing a Crowley and claiming that he has a spirit guide from another dimension or had one at some point?.

GSC any other movies Drive was nice but have company coming and would love to watch something?.
gaudinho's stolen car said:
allan harper said:
didactic said:
His theories may not be so mad who is to say that what some considered as Gods were not more intelligent beings from elsewhere?.

I used to read his stuff when I was in Uni and I came to conclusion if what he said was true and he knew so much he would not be alive.

I have a feeling back in the dark ages when some people thought of beings as gods, they was high on drugs and were getting spiritual experiences.

That's basically what Icke did in Brazil if I remember correctly.

Yeah i think hes good mates with a shamen and gets his info from him and takes one or two dugs with him to get on the same wave lenght. I do think icke and a few others have a point about the one world goverment though and thats what i was on about at the start of this thread.<br /><br />-- Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:59 pm --<br /><br />
didactic said:
allan harper said:
didactic said:
His theories may not be so mad who is to say that what some considered as Gods were not more intelligent beings from elsewhere?.

I used to read his stuff when I was in Uni and I came to conclusion if what he said was true and he knew so much he would not be alive.

I have a feeling back in the dark ages when some people thought of beings as gods, they was high on drugs and were getting spiritual experiences.

So how do you explain the belief that these "Gods" walked among them or the Dogon people and their knowledge and the one noone seems to answer the pyramids and the statues of Easter Island. The Nazca lines?. So many unanswered questions. Maybe Icke is on to something but like I said if all he was said was truth he would not be alive.

Messi is god to some people, Maradonna to the city of Napoli ?
allan harper said:
Yeah i think hes good mates with a shamen and gets his info from him and takes one or two dugs with him to get on the same wave lenght. I do think icke and a few others have a point about the one world goverment though and thats what i was on about at the start of this thread.


Oh I agree but are you sure you are willing to admit that in public?. I have thick skin so I dont care what people think but prepare to be slated.

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