David Miliband quitting politics. Is Labour dead?

Skashion said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Probably the only guy I would of voted for in the next general election. Not that its any guide for his expertise at what he does
You don't live in South Shields so you couldn't have voted for him.
I meant if he had become leader of Labour

Should of added that in really
dum spiro spero said:
mackenzie said:
I never really believe that any political animal truly 'steps away' particularly at the age of David Milliband.
I'm sure he will be willing to step up to the plate again if circumstances were such that he was assured of the party backing.

Being high up in an international charity will certainly add another string to his bow. I always believe Blair will be back one day along with Mandleson in some capacity.

Blair and Mandelson? There's more chance of them digging up Morcambe and Wise for a Christmas special.
I'm certainly no fan of the modern Labour party but I can not understand why the resignation of a backbench MP would lead to a question asking if it is the end of the party.

Especially when the party in question is about 1/2 to win the next general election.

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