David Moyes Hits out at city

sheikmedick said:
anyone think he looks like the barman out of the simpsons

or that frog in hectors house.......
ssg2 said:
I can't believe Moyes is getting so much stick off that statement.

He was HIS player to stay at HIS club and is still under contract, what is wrong with that?
Everton have said on numerous occasions hes not for sale and hughes said he was waiting for final clarification and would move on...it looks like the clarification is there for all to see.

This. I dont know why he is getting so much stick either.

For years and years I have sat there and got pissed off that forign teams have badgered English clubs to sell players that they didnt want to let go.
All along I thought 'I wish a club would have the balls to stand up and say feck off - he's our player, he's under contract and if the players says he will strike he can just rot in the reserves until he changes his mind'

I really admire DM's stance on it - however, its a damd shame its a stance against our club because I would really like Lescott.
Personal attacks on Moyes mean nothing. This should of been a straight forward transfer, how the hell has it got to this. I blame our misguided attempt to get Terry, if we wanted Lescott that badly this deal should of been completed at the start of the transfer window. Its no good us all getting our knickers in a twist because Moyes is not playing ball, after all the season starts tomorrow, why should Everton just cave in.
I think Moyes is talking to his board as much as anything - he is as good as saying if Lescott goes then so do I.
Pure Jealousy from David Moyes, Ive lost a lot of respect for a manager I really liked. If a player wants to please it is never right to stand in their way, he should let Lescott go and move on, that might be the best thing to do to end the 'disruption' to Everton's pre-season.
lescott.... he's the precious.................gollum will do as he's told.
everton can't afford not to
Gollum's assertion that we are playing this one out in the media is a fucking joke.

It was EVERTON who publicly rejected the first bid that was privately made.
It was EVERTON who publicly rejected the second bid that was privately made.
It was EVERTON who publicly rejected Lescott's transfer request that was privately made.
It was EVERTON who publicly criticised the "way we do business" on two occasions now.
And his argument about making bids for players so close to the start of the season is being completely hypocritical. Or are we to believe that Everton are not really interested in Senderos and Taylor, or indeed any other player at this point?

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