David Silva - 2016/17 performances

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Your point is well taken but Jesus' header is not all that poorly taken. Headed down with pace. Not placed where he'd ideally want it but overall well taken and he made his own luck in a sense for the rebound. Not really a similar mistake as Silva's, imo.

But I think your point is still well made in that Silva did his job yesterday. He's out there to create and he ran the show for a long time and was phenomenal linking up with Sane to create a ton of great chances in addition to setting up the first goal with a great move in the box. We shouldn't lose sight of that because he was shy to pull the trigger when through on goal.

Yeh I think we're on the same page mate. Silva's miss was far worse than Jesus' header, I was just trying to make the point that sometimes players make mistakes and it can prevent you from winning, and sometimes they can make mistakes and it all works out ok. Particularly with forward and creative players, I think it's better to look at the positives they brought to the game than the mistakes where they weren't perfect.

Both of them played great on Sunday and both were instrumental in us winning, so whoever gets MOM isn't that important. I'm just grateful we've got them both!
Thanks for restoring my faith blue medic and Karen. I didn't look closely at the upper body contact. I thought it was odd. I have returned to my original thoughts that Dean should of cautioned the Swansea player.
At the game yesterday I thought Silva had been fouled for the free kick that Yaya took and nearly scored from. But on MOTD it looked very much like there was no contact and Silva had dived. I was more than a little shocked by that. Silva is my favourite all time City player , he is consistently the best creative midfielder in the PL for me and he rearly has an average game let alone a poor one. Yesterday was no different , just thought he was above that sort of thing. Wonder what others thoughts are?
Did he dive sideways? ;)
Karen I watched it twice on MOTD, I honestly didn't see any contact, you could argue that he fell trying to avoid contact. The wife said the same. Have you see another angle other than on MOTD?
I know I'm biased but City players don't dive. David Silva certainly doesn't.
He was man marked in the 2nd half
This. He and Yaya didn't get the same space in the second half - one of the main reasons why Swansea came back into the game. He still played well throughout and for me was mom along with the young un. Two lovely assists.
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