David Silva - 2016/17 performances

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Great post.

It's a weird one, Yaya's biggest fans only seem to mention the Newcastle game and the cup finals where he was brilliant. They don't mention his performance at Old Trafford when we got battered 4, which was one of the worst individual performances I've ever seen from a professional footballer.

Yaya's highs were incredibly high, but his lows were also incredibly low. Sadly, there has been a lot more lows recently.

Whereas Silva has maintained an incredibly high standard throughout his City career. Even last season when he was injured and off form, he was still our top assist maker in the league. Even more assists than "Player of the season" DeBruyne.

Yaya did show up in a lot of big games and was intrumental in us winning some of them. He will rightly go down as one of our greatest ever players. But for me, David Silva is the best I've ever seen play for the club based on his whole career, not just 3 or 4 big games.

I agree that Silva has maintained a high standard throughout his City career and when on top form he's the best player to watch in the PL.

However, I still think Tevez is the best player to ever play for us.
Bit contradictory that. If he's the catalyst for our team, it makes sense that HIS performances lift his teammates, not the other way round. I think his yoyo form has been a problem in almost every season we've not won a trophy and as others have said, his impact upon big games over the last five years hasn't been what is should be from a player of his natural talent.

Lovely footballer, an artist almost. But he isn't made from the stuff that guys like Iniesta are made of which is why our ceiling over the last five years as a team has been similar to David's personal ceiling.

Well put. There's no question mark over his ability. But he suffers from what too many of our players suffer from and that's a suspect mentality when the chips are down.

You can see that when he's in what appears to be a good shooting position and, nine times out of ten, he'll pass the ball instead of taking some responsibility and shooting. That infuriates me and you wouldn't see players like Tevez or Bellamy do that.

The question is do we want a team of mentally weak fancy-dans, like Arsenal or do we want a team like the one that started the QPR game, with 6 or 7 who would bleed for the shirt?
The question is do we want a team of mentally weak fancy-dans, like Arsenal or do we want a team like the one that started the QPR game, with 6 or 7 who would bleed for the shirt?

Funnily enough, Silva played the full QPR match so I'm not sure how that's really relevant to him. Although I completely agree with regards to his hesitation in front of goal.
I agree that Silva has maintained a high standard throughout his City career and when on top form he's the best player to watch in the PL.

However, I still think Tevez is the best player to ever play for us.
Now hold on a minute
Well put. There's no question mark over his ability. But he suffers from what too many of our players suffer from and that's a suspect mentality when the chips are down.

You can see that when he's in what appears to be a good shooting position and, nine times out of ten, he'll pass the ball instead of taking some responsibility and shooting. That infuriates me and you wouldn't see players like Tevez or Bellamy do that.

The question is do we want a team of mentally weak fancy-dans, like Arsenal or do we want a team like the one that started the QPR game, with 6 or 7 who would bleed for the shirt?
I feel really sad for you if when he is gone and you look back at his time here that is what you see
Well put. There's no question mark over his ability. But he suffers from what too many of our players suffer from and that's a suspect mentality when the chips are down.

You can see that when he's in what appears to be a good shooting position and, nine times out of ten, he'll pass the ball instead of taking some responsibility and shooting. That infuriates me and you wouldn't see players like Tevez or Bellamy do that.

The question is do we want a team of mentally weak fancy-dans, like Arsenal or do we want a team like the one that started the QPR game, with 6 or 7 who would bleed for the shirt?

You're going to catch a few with that Bellamy shout.
Strawman arguments are by definition wide of the mark. My intention wasn't to put words in your mouth, it was more a point about using a handful of games per season as a basis for measuring a player's output as is often the case on here when looking for criticisms of Silva and players like him. But, I agree with your last point as that would be the perfect scenario.

You might find it hard to understand but I guess we just disagree on the first part. Yaya is and always be an individualist on and off the field in my eyes.

Happy to agree to disagree pal. I can see where you're coming from even if i'm not there with you!
Well put. There's no question mark over his ability. But he suffers from what too many of our players suffer from and that's a suspect mentality when the chips are down.

You can see that when he's in what appears to be a good shooting position and, nine times out of ten, he'll pass the ball instead of taking some responsibility and shooting. That infuriates me and you wouldn't see players like Tevez or Bellamy do that.

The question is do we want a team of mentally weak fancy-dans, like Arsenal or do we want a team like the one that started the QPR game, with 6 or 7 who would bleed for the shirt?

I really don't agree. I agree that others go missing. But I don't agree that Silva is one of them. He's been kicked to shreds in England and never shirks the ball.
Big games when we've been excellent he's been pivotal. In big games where the team have bulked for me he's been the one who continues to demand the ball.

He will always offer himself when certain players don't.

I feel he's dropped a little bit since Gundogan came in. It's moved his position again and Gundogan does much of his role. Gundogan is excellent on the ball. But I'm not so sure he's as aggressive or as accurate as Silva. He's a wonderful player, but for me Silva is still our key man.
Since Silva has been shifted to accommodate the change. I don't think its a coincidence that SERGIO has dropped a little too.

Silva likes a player or two to work in random with. He works well with Nolito and he and Aguero are near telepathic.
He used to have a very good relationship with Zaba, they dovetailed brilliantly for years. Zaba would know exactly where and when to run, sadly that option no longer exists. Zaba would also stick up for Silva and leave one on those looking to kick him out the game.

Not a dig at Guardiola but I don't think our shape change has worked really. We were excellent against Everton but we are very narrow(Silva, Fernandinho, De Bruyne, Gundogan). Sane and Sterling were offering width but they were so deep, width that high up didn't pull them about. Had we opted for Nolito over Silva of Gundogan he'd worked between the lines more aggressively.
In the last 3 games we've put our 3 most creative players very very close to each other. That makes it easy to crowd us out and restrict space.
Sit deep and narrow, protect the byline and crowd the box. That is very hard to pass. Sitting Silva deeper in either Soton or EFC game may have moved them out a little. No way would either team want Silva deep in space. He was easy to crowd out in the final third and was De Bruyne.

Gundogan, Silva and De Bruyne thrive in space. I think you'd get the best if we selected 2 of the 3 or all three and moved Fernandinho to rightback or even centre half. Use 2 of Sterling, Sane and Notilto, Nolito works best with Silva for my money.

He's not been at his best in some big games and he's starred in other big games. Much like all our players. I don't think he goes missing though, certainly not more than some. For me all too often over the last two years he's been just about the only one, well along with Fernandiho that's demanded the ball no matter the game or score.

His shooting may be annoying to some, but I hear him compared to Iniesta and his goal scoring is way behind Silva's.
He could probably shoot more, but in the ground it's hard to tell as far too many are just shouting shoot with no consideration of what's in front of a player.
It's easy to say he might score more if he shoots more, it's also quite easy to assume the team wouldn't. His goals may go up and the teams down.
He already scores what, 5 and 6 a season? For him to add 4 or 5 to that he'd be shooting a lot more.
We may not benefit from that. I know Guardiola used encourage against shooting from distance, the quickest way of losing possession.
I must admit though, there are times when the shot looks the best bet.

He's an exceptional player, but I think like some lesser talented his flexibility has cost him, he's often asked to temper his game to accommodate the team. Deep lying centre mid, traditional number 10. Advanced 8, false 9, left and right wing. He's played all of them so far this season.
De Bruyne hasn't looked as sharp since his return, but again, he's played wing, advanced 8 and striker.

Would you say De Bruyne has had a drop off? Or would you say he's been shunted around?

For me, West Brom away I'd go back to the system we started so well with.

Back 4.
De Bruyne Silva
Sterling. Nolito

If we're looking at a full time change to a

It may be the end for Silva being the player we love, or he may adapt like always and be great.
He does need space though and does work brilliantly in triangles.
That system doesn't really offer him space, nor De Bruyne.

Ramble over.
Never said you were a liar....but I don't understand any player or his club who continues to play in pain, pain which reduces his influence and ability on the pitch considerably. When the player only needed a couple of weeks rest.

Probably because Nasri and De Bruyne were fully injured. YaYa had give up. Navas already played too many games as did Fernando. We say at Spurs a few weeks ago how good last season's squad was.

Silva was playing becuase we really had little option.
Absolutely spot on. Although I'd be tempted to add Tevez to that list. He might not have done it as spectacularly as Yaya but he consistently scrapped like a honey badger regardless of whether or not we were playing well as a team.

I'm not sure where this expectation of Silva "grabbing games by the scruff of the neck" comes from. We were incredibly lucky to have Yaya in his prime but that expectation shouldn't be shifted onto a player who has never played that way and never will. The only equivalent in Premier League history who I can think of is Lampard during his peak at Chelsea. Off the top of my head, that's two players in 20+ years. David is a completely different player with a different skill set which doesn't happen to make headlines as often and yet he's consistently ranked as one of the best players in the league by fans of all clubs as well opposition managers.

No he's not the one to score a derby winner in the cup, shrug off five challenges on a run starting in his own half and ending with the ball in the net and I certainly don't expect him to score more than twenty goals a season... so what? It's not what he was bought for and its not what we play him for. He's a terrific catalyst for our team and as such it only makes sense that his performances are sub par when the team around him are also disappointing. This shit always pops up when we go through a bad patch.

Good post. Comparing Silva and YaYa. Not for me.

'Grab the game by the scuff of the neck' is a very british term.
Silva doesn't really grab the game by the scruff of the neck because he plays and relies on a team.
Guardiola himself believes in a team. Spain believe in the team. David Silva will never be a Steven Gerrard, he will never grab the game by the collars and drag us through.
It's not in his make up.
David needs runners and movement to dominate a game. They'll make him look shit.
If he's got Bony in front of him, an off form Sterling to the left, Navas on the right and Fernando behind him, he's not likely to run the game, give him Sergio, Noliton and Sterling on form and De Bruyne all flying De Bruyne he'll run any game.

That's not to say he can't stand out. Which he has done countless times.
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