David Silva [Merged]

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citytill1die84 said:
A. BARBETA VALENCIA Manuel Llorente ultimaba anoche el traspaso de David Silva al Manchester City. VALENCIA Manuel Llorente BARBET last night finalizing the transfer of David Silva to Manchester City. O más concretamente, la forma en la que el equipo londinense deberá pagar los 35 millones en los que se ha establecido la marcha del canario. Or more specifically, the way in which the Londoners must pay 35 million which has been set up the canary. El presidente del Valencia, como ayer anunció Levante-EMV, le exigió ayer a su homólogo del City un primer pago de veinte millones de euros y ahí se frenó la operación ya que los representantes del club que preside el árabe Khaldoon Al Mubarak querían reducir esta primera cantidad y dilatar el pago del resto. The president of Valencia, as announced yesterday Levante-EMV, demanded yesterday to his counterpart at the City an initial payment of twenty million euros and that the operation was stopped because the club representatives who chairs the Arab Khaldoon Al Mubarak wanted to reduce this first amount and delay payment of the remainder. Y para ello, como se ha venido informando, el equipo de Londres ofreció la cesión de Roque Santa Cruz, pero pidió a Llorente que el Valencia asumiera la totalidad de la ficha del delantero paraguayo: 2,2 millones netos. And for that, as has been reporting, the London team offered the sale of Roque Santa Cruz, but asked Llorente Valencia assume the entire Paraguayan striker tab: 2.2 million net. Y el presidente del Valencia se negó ya que se trata de una cantidad desorbitada para la maltrecha economía del club. And the president of Valencia refused because it is an exorbitant amount for the club's ailing economy. Así, Llorente pidió costear la ficha a medias. Thus, Llorente asked to pay half the tab.
No obstante, y aunque se cerrara el traspaso, el Valencia y el Manchester City se han comprometido con el jugador a que no lo harán público hasta después del España-Portugal. However, although the transfer is closed, Valencia and Manchester City have agreed with the player to not make public until after the Spain-Portugal. Y es que Silva, que anda estos días loco con el ingles, un idioma que desconoce, no quiere que nada perturbe su tranquilidad de cara a este trascendental partido -cree que, cuando se oficialice, le lloverán las llamadas telefónicas y SMS-. And is that Silva, who goes crazy these days with the English, a language unknown, does not want anything to disturb your peace of mind in the face of this momentous match, believes that, when formalized, will shower you with phone calls and SMS.

Amistoso contra el Palermo Friendly against Palermo
El Valencia, en otro orden de cosas, anunció ayer que disputará un amistoso de pretemporada frente al Palermo, en el estadio Comunale Renzo Barbera el jueves 12 de agosto a las 21 horas. Valencia, in another vein, announced yesterday that it will play a preseason friendly against Palermo at the Renzo Barbera Stadium Comunale on Thursday August 12 to 21 hours. Éste será el séptimo partido de pretemporada que confirma el club, tras los dos previstos, aún sin rival, en Eslovenia donde realizará la concentración; uno en Alemania ante el Hannover 96, los dos en Inglaterra frente al Aston Villa y el Manchester City, y en Francia frente al Olympique de Marsella. This will be the seventh game of preseason that confirms the club after the two planned, even without rival in Slovenia where he will on the merger, one in Germany to Hannover 96, both in England against Aston Villa and Manchester City, and in France against Olympique Marseille.
El club, por otra parte, estrenó ayer las nuevas oficinas de la calle Roger de Lauria. The club, on the other hand, yesterday opened the new offices of the street Roger de Lauria. Es una sede más económica que la anterior. It is a venue cheaper than before.

Permiso inminente para "colocar" acciones Permit imminent "put" shares

El Valencia está a la espera de obtener, en las próximas horas, la confirmación del Protectorado de Fundaciones para la venta de grandes paquetes de acciones. The Valencia is waiting to get in the next few hours, confirmation of Foundations for the sale of large blocks of shares. El organismo dependiente de la Consellería de Justicia de la Comunitat Valenciana aprobó ayer el traspaso de la mayoría de los títulos a la Fundación producido el pasado verano, un trámite necesario para que el patronato pueda ofrecer conjuntos de 50.000 acciones. The agency of the Ministry of Justice of the Valencian Community yesterday approved the transfer of most of the securities to the Foundation occurred last summer, a necessary step for the Trustees to offer sets of 50,000 shares. Según fuentes del Valencia, hay varias empresas interesadas en adquirir estos paquetes, a cambio de unos beneficios que están por perfilarse. According to sources from Valencia, there are several companies interested in acquiring these packages, in exchange for benefits that are profiled. Después, estas sociedades podrían vender sus títulos a sus empleados o clientes. Then, these companies could sell their securities to their employees or customers.
La Fundación, mientras, no puede ofrecer acciones a los socios a título individual, ya que la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) no ha dado el visto bueno. The Foundation, meanwhile, can not offer shares to the partners individually, as the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) has not given its approval. Este asunto, al parecer, está muy verde y no se resolverá hasta después de los meses estivales. This issue apparently is very green and will not be resolved until after the summer months. La Fundación cuenta con el 74 por ciento de los títulos del Valencia gracias a un préstamo con el que completó la ampliación de capital. The Foundation has 74 percent of the titles of Valencia through a loan to complete the capital. jmb valencia JMB valencia
Fucking London team? Bastards.......
chazmcfc said:
Well i knew he was in germany and spain when you and everyone else thought he went to spain because you read the papers, valencia infact when we cancelled the original meeting.

and where have i said anything about cook today?, i haven't.

and where have i stated my info comes directly from the club? i haven't.

shall i continue throwing more facts at you, or are we finished?

oh and by the way is delph signing? give him a ring please and ask him.

FAO Freestyler...

You really are thick as pie meat.
If your information doesn't start from the club then it IS bullshit as nobody who doesn't work for the club would know where the fook Cook is every week you numpty !!!

You also DIDN'T answer my question...
WHY would somebody with genuine links to the club tell YOU OF ALL PEOPLE information only for you to come off and spout it on here.

You arent for real.

P.S. Will you stop telling us you pissing told us so as you have just done AGAIN a few pages back FFS. You have told us precesily NAFF ALL !

Hey Glasshouse, why don't you shut your trap yourself. I am not saying Freestler is or is not ITK, or that he does or does not know something.

But for you, out of all people on here, to have a go at him? You make me laugh.

How many times have you posted lies on here (Michael Johnson comes to mind)?

Do yourself a favour and chillax.
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David Silva's departure was due to Manchester yesterday a step further. La hoja de ruta establecida por Manuel Llorente se va cumpliendo y, si la semana pasada el City logró el 'sí' del internacional español, en ésta espera conseguir el del Valencia y formalizar un fichaje en el que lleva trabajando meses. The road map established by Manuel Llorente is being carried out and if the City last week won the 'yes' the Spanish international, it hopes to accomplish in Valencia and formalize a signing which has been working months. Por eso, ayer se vieron las caras de nuevo el presidente ché y el Director General citizen, Garry Cook, que ya estuvo en Valencia hace unas semanas cuando se inició formalmente la operación. So yesterday saw the faces of new President and the Director General ché citizen, Garry Cook, who already was in Valencia a few weeks ago when the operation started in earnest.

La reunión se celebró fuera de la capital del Turia y, a mitad de tarde, los dirigentes se levantaron de la mesa sin rubricar un acuerdo definitivo pero con la sensación de que lo harán muy pronto. The meeting was held outside the capital del Turia, and mid-afternoon, the leaders rose from the table to sign a final agreement but with the feeling that they will before long. Para ello, hoy seguirán cruzándose documentos, pues el grueso de la operación del traspaso está más que hablado y los flecos están en el calendario de pagos, algo en lo que habrá entendimiento en los próximos días e, incluso, horas. To do this, continue crossing documents today, for the bulk of the operation of the transfer is more than spoken and the fringes are in the payment schedule, something to be understanding in the coming days and even hours. El adiós del canario se establecerá entre 32 y 35 millones de euros, una cantidad elevada que situará esta venta en una de las más altas del verano. The farewell of the canary will be between 32 and 35 million euros, an amount higher than the sale placed in one of the highest in the summer.

Esta semana. El deseo de todas las partes es el de no llegar al próximo fin de semana sin abrochar del todo la operación, para así poder seguir planificando. This week. The desire of all parties is not to arrive at next weekend completely unbuttoned the operation, so we can continue planning. En el caso de los chés, el siguiente paso es el de ir a firmar a Alberto Tino Costa, así como poder centrarse ya en traer un segundo delantero que cubra la marcha de Zigic. In the case of raccoons, the next step is to go to sign Tino Alberto Costa, as well as being able to bring focus and covering a second striker Zigic progress. Pero todo eso se afrontará con el dinero que deje en la caja la salida de un canterano como David Silva, que salvo sorpresa regresará del Mundial como jugador del City. But all that will be addressed with the money left in the box outside a youth squad as David Silva, who saved a surprise return from World Player of the City
It was fun while it lasted. Could have been anyone who rumbled us.

I must say though, it didn't even have anything to do with particularly wanting to rub the Rags noses in it. I've lived in Leeds since i was 10 so i probably don't share the same hatred/obsession for the Rags as some on here. Don't get me wrong, i don't like them, but i don't have to put up with the gloating twats on a day to day basis.

It was just a bit of fun, as it was on the Liverpool forum and it just passed a bit of time on a thread that was fast turning into typical Bluemoon arguments amongst the Itk's and the Itk police. I'm sure the majority will agree it was entertaining while it lasted and it beats 100 pages of barm or muffin.

For those that believe we're tempting fate, all i can say is chin up. We're arriving big time and even if by some minor miracle this deal fell through, it's only a matter of time. The future is blue and no amount of wumming on a rival forum will change that. It will merely humour us until the moment arrives :-)
ono said:
It was fun while it lasted. Could have been anyone who rumbled us.

I must say though, it didn't even have anything to do with particularly wanting to rub the Rags noses in it. I've lived in Leeds since i was 10 so i probably don't share the same hatred/obsession for the Rags as some on here. Don't get me wrong, i don't like them, but i don't have to put up with the gloating twats on a day to day basis.

It was just a bit of fun, as it was on the Liverpool forum and it just passed a bit of time on a thread that was fast turning into typical Bluemoon arguments amongst the Itk's and the Itk police. I'm sure the majority will agree it was entertaining while it lasted and it beats 100 pages of barm or muffin.

For those that believe we're tempting fate, all i can say is chin up. We're arriving big time and even if by some minor miracle this deal fell through, it's only a matter of time. The future is blue and no amount of wumming on a rival forum will change that. It will merely humour us until the moment arrives :-)

It's a barm tbf.
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