David silva you party animal!

Zonalmarking said:
Pigeonho said:
ethan23 said:
i was at tiger tiger on tuesday, Silva's entourage were being complete dicks wouldnt let us have a picture, luckily after some heavy negotiations me and my mate managed to wing our way in to VIP, silva, hart and aj had there own booth, hart and aj were loving it with all the tiger girls, but silva was just sat there with 2 spanish mates on his phone. Finally we managed to get a photo with silva after a bit of a struggle. Then Hart came to the bar and spoke to me and my mate for a good 5 minutes and posed for a few photos with us. He absolutely flew up in my estimations absolute legend didnt think he was above us, just had some good banter. Aj on the other hand was a complete cock, was being arrogant with all the girls all night, we said adam can we have a quick picture please mate, he just completely ignored us despite hearing us, later on he went to the toilet so he had to walk past us, i said can i just have a quick photo mate and he said when i get back from the toilet. He then returned 10 mins later and just completely blanked us when we politely asked for a quick picture again. I mean how long does it take to pose for a photo, seconds. Hart made my night by simply posing for a photo and spending 5 minutes talking to me. Aj on the other just left me thinking whats the point, its safe to say i wont be joining in the adam johnson chants anymore. Arrogant prick
I remember you, you used to camp outside Mark Owen's house with my ex in the early 90's! ;-)

The way I see it is, in or around the ground on a match day or outside the training ground or something, the players should make an effort for the fans. Personally I don't know why you would want a photo took with another bloke, famous or not, but that's just me, I see things a bit too simple when it's regards to stuff like that. That said though others aren't like me and if you want your photo taken with a player, so be it but it should be on THEIR terms. I would think that the last thing a player wants to do on the rare night out he has, is pose for a photo with some no-mark who he's never met before, and most likely never will again. Not saying you are a no-mark, but to them you will be and not in an arrogant way either. Put another way, if you came up to me, (2 completely random strangers), and asked for a photo, I would think you were a no-mark and a bit odd. On their night off they have no requirement to pose for fans because at that moment in time they are not yours to be a fan of, they are just people going about their night out like you. Hart is obviously different, and good on him if thats what he chooses to do. I remember around 98 me and my work mate used to go down to Platt Lane for a pint on a Friday dinner in the Oasis bar, sometimes would go there to get picked up for a mid-week away game too. One time we were there enjoying a pint and Weaver walked passed us. My mate went 'how's the injury going Nick?'. Weaver glanced down with a frown as if to say, 'what the fuck has it got to do with you?'. Now I thought that was shit because he was 'at work' at that point, and one of his fans was merely asking about his latest injury. Even a 'sore face' expression as if to say, 'its bad mate', would have done but no, it was an arrogant 'what the fucks it got to do with you' face instead.
My mate asking Weaver a question about his injury whilst we were in his place of work is completely different to you asking a random bloke, (which is what he is at that time), for a photo in the pub.

*Still don't understand why a grown man would want his picture taken with another grown man*

I think both stories are abit out of order. Chasing AJ around the VIP lounge of Tiger Tiger is abit sad really. And also asking Nicky Weaver about his injury is abit fucking cheeky as well.

I was in a shop in Sale before the 2006 world cup, and noticed that the lanky guy behind me in a Utd tracksuit was Darren Fletcher. There were two kids over by the entrance and they were both psyching themselves up to come over and speak to him. Eventually they came as a pair and they asked him the following.

"Are you Darren Fletcher."

- Yeah

"Is Rooney gonna be fit for the world cup?"

- Probably

"See ya then"

- Bye

I was pissing myself all the way home.
Haha, that's funny!
The point I was making was Weaver was asked 'at work', whereas AJ appears to have been hounded whilst relaxing out of work.

I'm going to ask next door for a photo in a minute. She's fit as fuck and in my newly found single status it might get me some kudos off my pals. ;-)
bzekosilva said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
I think this is the girl who was with them.


is that a satsuma with lippy on ?

What? Shes fit!
Quiet lad Silva.

can imagine Joe being a bubbly lad, but doesn't act like a kid and still acts responsibly.

As for AJ, met him when he first signed. he was brilliant.

met him 8 months later and he was a different person.

i know a few people close and no longer not close to him, apparently he's changed and turned into a very arrogant person and constantly thinks he's it and every woman's dream.

he's shown his arrogance on the pitch a few times, another player where the money has got to his head.
Freestyler said:
Quiet lad Silva.

can imagine Joe being a bubbly lad, but doesn't act like a kid and still acts responsibly.

As for AJ, met him when he first signed. he was brilliant.

met him 8 months later and he was a different person.

i know a few people close and no longer not close to him, apparently he's changed and turned into a very arrogant person and constantly thinks he's it and every woman's dream.

he's shown his arrogance on the pitch a few times, another player where the money has got to his head.

BOOOM, exactly what i suspected
Freestyler said:
Quiet lad Silva.

can imagine Joe being a bubbly lad, but doesn't act like a kid and still acts responsibly.

As for AJ, met him when he first signed. he was brilliant.

met him 8 months later and he was a different person.

i know a few people close and no longer not close to him, apparently he's changed and turned into a arrogant person and constantly thinks he's it and every woman's dream.

he's shown his arrogance on the pitch a few times, another player where the money has got to his head.
I think that's just bitterness because he looks like an extra from Trainspotting.

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