I stopped caring about lying bastards from Westminster when some toff was in charge and lying was often his stock in trade, so much so that the gutter press often named him Bliar. But let's not get into a lather about ANOTHER politician lying, it's what they do! Burglars nick things, thugs batter people, footballers kick a ball, cricketers swing a bat, politicians lie. It'll be real news when it can be proven beyond reasonable doubt that one of 'em has told the truth.
This is such a dangerous and uninformed, clichéd attitude and it is exactly the attitude that this current government have cynically counted on will allow them to get away with being utterly dishonest and corrupt as a matter of course.
To be clear, NO OTHER GOVERNMENT in modern UK history has even come close to being as institutionally dishonest and dismissive of the population as this government. It's not difficult to establish this if you have any knowledge of politics over the last 30 years.
Not May's
Not Cameron's
Not Brown's
Not Blair's
Not Major's
Not Thatcher's
And you can keep going as long as you want.
And the reason that none of them even come close to being as consistently dishonest as this government is that everyone one of those governments contained at least a significant percentage (not all of them) of people who, whether you agreed with their thoughts and politics, were, to a large degree, motivated by public service and were hard working and bright.
And, just as importantly, were always led by a prime minister who had a, sometimes misplaced, strong notion of public service and work ethic themselves.
But this current government is a hollowed out husk of a tory party. The remains following a deliberate purging of many of those mps who had a notion of public service and talent, with any of those that remain banished to the back bench. The cabinet has been selected precisely because they stated their willingness to be compliant to a lazy and devious prime minister, not because they are the most talented members of the party.
And that is totally different to any UK government in living memory.
If you - and loads of people do - continue to parrot this lazy cliche about them all being the same and all lying as much as each other then you are being the patsy that they are counting on. Because people lazily taking that attitude is the key component that they have factored in when deciding that constant, unprecedented dishonesty is something that they can get away with.